执行nodetool help命令可获得详细帮助信息,如下:
[root@Cassandra8c32GTest005 cassandra]# bin/nodetool help
usage: nodetool [(-pwf <passwordFilePath> | --password-file <passwordFilePath>)]
[(-h <host> | --host <host>)] [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
[(-pw <password> | --password <password>)] [(-p <port> | --port <port>)]
<command> [<args>]
The most commonly used nodetool commands are:
assassinate Forcefully remove a dead node without re-replicating any data. Use as a last resort if you cannot removenode
bootstrap Monitor/manage node's bootstrap process
cleanup Triggers the immediate cleanup of keys no longer belonging to a node. By default, clean all keyspaces
clearsnapshot Remove the snapshot with the given name from the given keyspaces. If no snapshotName is specified we will remove all snapshots
compact Force a (major) compaction on one or more tables or user-defined compaction on given SSTables
compactionhistory Print history of compaction
compactionstats Print statistics on compactions
decommission Decommission the *node I am connecting to*
describecluster Print the name, snitch, partitioner and schema version of a cluster
describering Shows the token ranges info of a given keyspace
disableautocompaction Disable autocompaction for the given keyspace and table
disablebackup Disable incremental backup
disablebinary Disable native transport (binary protocol)
disablegossip Disable gossip (effectively marking the node down)
AI 代码解读
- nodetool status:集群所有node 心跳状态
[root@Cassandra8c32GTest005 cassandra]# bin/nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 1.63 MiB 256 100.0% 0892685d-c79f-4e5b-b9ac-80ae1fb2a5f6 rack1
UN 1.65 MiB 256 100.0% 6520eeee-5802-48b2-8ff2-3f89d7ebd5e3 rack1
AI 代码解读
- nodetool info: 当前节点进程全局信息
[root@Cassandra8c32GTest005 cassandra]# bin/nodetool info
ID : 0892685d-c79f-4e5b-b9ac-80ae1fb2a5f6
Gossip active : true
Thrift active : true
Native Transport active: true
Load : 1.63 MiB
Generation No : 1565767843
Uptime (seconds) : 159165
Heap Memory (MB) : 630.35 / 7922.00
Off Heap Memory (MB) : 0.01
Data Center : datacenter1
Rack : rack1
Exceptions : 0
Key Cache : entries 172, size 19.91 KiB, capacity 100 MiB, 254 hits, 472 requests, 0.538 recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds
Row Cache : entries 0, size 0 bytes, capacity 0 bytes, 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 0 save period in seconds
Counter Cache : entries 0, size 0 bytes, capacity 50 MiB, 0 hits, 0 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 7200 save period in seconds
Chunk Cache : entries 18, size 1.12 MiB, capacity 480 MiB, 1000 misses, 2706 requests, 0.630 recent hit rate, NaN microseconds miss latency
Percent Repaired : 100.0%
Token : (invoke with -T/--tokens to see all 256 tokens)
AI 代码解读
- nodetool cleanup:在老节点上,分别执行,删除非自己管理的数据
- nodetool decommission:当前节点下线,会将当前节点数据拷贝到其他副本
- nodetool removenode: 从其他副本节点拷贝数据到数据重分布后的目标节点,有数据不一致风险,用于当前节点不能重新拉起,提供数据读取服务。
- nodetool assassinate:强制移除节点,无任何数据拷贝
加减盘后,让sst重分布,rebalance磁盘 - relocatesstables: 磁盘加减盘后,relocatesstables可让sst重新分布
- nodetool netstats 监控数据迁移进度
- nodetool enablebackup: 开启增量备份, data目录增加一个sstable文件的话,在backup目录会创建一个硬链接,可以异步备份到s3或者oss上
- nodetool garbagecollect:主动做回收,用于磁盘空间告警场景。
- nodetool snapshot:对全部的keyspace都做snapshot,按当前时间戳取快照名,在table的dataDir/snapshots/${ts}/存放数据文件
- refresh: 上述备份后的sst如何restore呢,手动导入sstable到正确位置后,执行refresh,让进程可见
- repair:修数据用,让多副本数据一致
- verify: 数据巡检,检查sst内数据和crc是不是一致。
- resetlocalschema: 从集群其他节点同步schema, 各个节点上表schema数据必须是一致的。
- nodetool flush: memtable刷至本地磁盘,生成sstable
- nodetool compact:对指定的sstables做一次major compaction
sstabledump工具往往需要上面工具生成的sst作为输入 - rebuild_index: 如果二级索引与base表不一致,可重建
- getendpoints: 如果集群比较大,不可能扫描所有日志,可通过partitionKey找到后端的node,方便定位问题。
[root@Cassandra8c32GTest004 cassandra]# bin/nodetool getendpoints ycsb usertable user7562145027629296129
AI 代码解读
- tablehistograms: 查看表partition数据统计,可检查出某partition是否过大
[root@Cassandra8c32GTest004 cassandra]# bin/nodetool tablehistograms ycsb usertable
ycsb/usertable histograms
Percentile SSTables Write Latency Read Latency Partition Size Cell Count
(micros) (micros) (bytes)
50% 0.00 0.00 0.00 1109 10
75% 0.00 0.00 0.00 1109 10
95% 0.00 0.00 0.00 1109 10
98% 0.00 0.00 0.00 1109 10
99% 0.00 0.00 0.00 1109 10
Min 0.00 0.00 0.00 125 0
Max 0.00 0.00 0.00 1109 10
AI 代码解读
- toppartitions: 当节点负载比较高,输出一个top partitions可以拿到当前访问比较热的partition,前端可以降降压力。
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