Flyway Validate failed: Migration checksum mismatch for migration version 错误

简介: 在运行系统的时候出现错误:org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'flywayInitializer' defined in class path resour...


org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'flywayInitializer' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/flyway/FlywayAutoConfiguration$FlywayConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Validate failed: Migration checksum mismatch for migration version
-> Applied to database : 1062144176
-> Resolved locally : 1432425380



> mvn flyway:migrate


消息中间件 数据库
RabbitMQ启动报错:Error during startup: {error, {schema_integrity_check_failed,
通过上述步骤,可以逐步排查和解决RabbitMQ启动时出现的 `Error during startup: {error, {schema_integrity_check_failed, ...}}`错误。这些步骤包括检查磁盘空间、修复文件权限、清理Mnesia数据库、检查日志文件以及升级或重装RabbitMQ。希望这些方法能帮助您解决问题,使RabbitMQ顺利启动并正常运行。
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