
简介: !/usr/bin/perl$Header: rdbms/demo/rman_xttconvert/xttdriver.pl /main/10 2015/05/18 06:18:23 asathyam Exp $xttdriver.


$Header: rdbms/demo/rman_xttconvert/xttdriver.pl /main/10 2015/05/18 06:18:23 asathyam Exp $


Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


xttdriver.pl - Cross Platform Transportable Tablespace DRIVER perl



The script that is run to perform the main steps of the XTTS with Cross

Platform Incremental Backups procedure.




In version 2 12C options have been added which supports

"backup for transport" and "restore from platform"

In version 1.4 two new options -P and -G have been added.

In the current flow the datafiles are transported using a staging area

in the source and desination. This has been eliminated by using


Parallelism is supported for rollforward if rollparallel is set

Bug Fixes


Apr 24 2015 [Version 2]


1. Bug 20916691: --backup option broken

2. Bug 21028174: Add message when -L option is used

Nov 19 2014 [Version 2]


Project 47110: New options have been added

1. --backup

2. --restore

3. --bkpincr

4. --bkpexport

5. --resincrdmp

6. Bug 20192155: Fix for ORA-15126

7. Added --version option to give version

8. Added multiple source and destination directory support in getfile.

9. Removed putfile code

Nov 14 2014 [Version 1.4.2]


1. Enhancement: Added getparallel option to transfer datafiles in


March 24 2014 [Version 1.4.1]


1. 18456868 - Made sure sqlplus and rman is present in the PATH

2. 18456834 - Added new option -F/--propfile to pass the location

of properties file if required. This was requested by EM.

3. 18459238 - dfcopydir was not required when we run using -G

option. The checking has been enhanced.

4. Even when convert instance is used, the -G should be run only

from destination instance and not the conversion instance

5. Impdp added ';' at the end which resulted in error. Fixed this

6. Added more debugging messages

7. Do more error checking before proceeding to next steps

8. Bug 17819946 - When number of tablespaces is more, the length

of list exceeds 2499 and fails. This is also fixed

9. If debug option is set to more than 1 the temporary files are

preserved. Otherwise it is deleted.

10. Bug 18797439 - Add new option -I/--propdir. All required files

will be picked from the runtime location of xttdriver.pl

11. Clean up the code such that the temp files are more readable

and can be mapped to backups


asathyam 12/24/14 - Ver2 more changes

asathyam 11/18/14 - Version 2

asathyam 11/11/14 - Get parallel implemenation for getfile

asathyam 05/19/14 - EM wanted only propfile to be picked from

specified location.

asathyam 03/26/14 - Bug fixes. Details mentioned above

asathyam 01/30/14 - Implement doug's comments

asathyam 11/17/13 - Added support for same endian support

asathyam 10/20/13 - Bug 17673485 :- Added new option to support

individual specified tablespaces to be roll

forwarded in parallel

asathyam 10/02/13 - Bug 17673476 :- Fixed ASM related issues

asathyam 05/28/13 - New version 1.4

svrrao 03/15/13 - Enhance to v1.3. Introduce parallelism

fsanchez 03/15/13 - Creation


use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
use strict;
use vars qw/ %opt /;
our %transfer = ();
our $context = %opt;
our @tablespaces = ();
our @properties = ();
our %props;
our $tmp;
our $xttpath;
our $rmantfrdf;
our $rmandstdf;
our $xttprep;
our $rmanpath;
our $connectstring;
our $sqlSettings;
our $errfile;
our $getfile;
our $xtts_incr_backup = "xib";
our @rolltbsArray = ();
my %tbsHash;
my $fixCnvSql;
my $fixRollSql;
our @forkArray = ();
my $xttrollforwardp;
my $rollParallel = 0;
my $getParallel = 0;
my $metaTransfer = 0;
my $scpParms = 0;
our $xttprop;
our $cnvrSql = "xttcnvrtbkupdest.sql";
our $stageondest;
our $backupondest;
our $platformid;
our $connectstringcnvinst;
our $myversion = "2.0";
our %dirHash;
our $dirmaxVal = 100;

Following constants are for the options that are used in the perl script

use constant PREPARE => 1;
use constant BCKPINCR => 2;
use constant NEWPLAN => 3;
use constant GETFILE => 5;
use constant BACKUP => 6;
use constant RESTORE => 7;
use constant RECOVER => 8;
use constant ROLLFORWARD => 9;
use constant RESINCRDMP => 10;

Used for generating xttplugin.txt

use constant LOCALFILE => 1;
use constant LINK => 2;

Used for checking version

use constant VER11 => 1;
use constant VER12 => 2;

Function : parseArg

Purpose : Command line options processing

Inputs : None

Returns : None

sub parseArg
GetOptions ($context,

          ) or usage();

if ($context->{"help"})



if ($context->{"version"})

  PrintMessage ("Version is $myversion");
  exit (1);


if (defined ($context->{"debug"}) && ($context->{"debug"} == 0))

  $context->{"debug"} = 1;


  $context->{"debug"} = $ENV{'XTTDEBUG'};


# User provided a directory, start from there to pick up files
if ($context->{"propdir"})

  use File::Basename;
  chdir (dirname($0));


if ($context->{"propfile"})

  $xttprop = $context->{"propfile"};


  $xttprop = "xtt.properties";


Function : touchErrFile

Purpose : Create the error file if requested

sub touchErrFile
my $message = $_[0];

open ERRFILE, ">>$errfile";
print ERRFILE "$messagen";
close ERRFILE;

Function : Unlink

Purpose : Delete the file if the debug level is less than 2

sub Unlink
my $delFile = $_[0];
my $force = $_[1];

if ($force || ($context->{"debug"} < 2))

  unlink ($delFile);


Function : GetRMANTrace

Purpose : get the trace file name

sub GetRMANTrace
my $fileAppend = $_[0];
my $trace = "";
my $traceFile;

if ($context->{"debug"})

  $traceFile = "$tmp/rmantrc_".GetTimeStamp().
  $trace = "debug trace $traceFile";

return ($trace, $traceFile);

Function : deleteErrFile

Purpose : check if the error file exists and delete

sub deleteErrFile
PrintMessage ("Deleting error file");
if (-e $errfile)

  Unlink ($errfile, 1);


Function : checkErrFile

Purpose : check if the error file exists

sub checkErrFile
if (-e $errfile)


die "


  Some failure occurred. Check $errfile for more details
  If you have fixed the issue, please delete $errfile and run it
  again OR run xttdriver.pl with -L option




Function : debugprint

Purpose : print if debug value is >= passed debug level

sub debugprint
my $message = $_[0];
my $debuglevel = $_[1];

if ($context -> {"debug"} >= $debuglevel)

  print $_[0] . "\n";


Function : debug

Purpose : print with level being 1

sub debug
debugprint ($_[0], 1);

Function : debug3

Purpose : print with level being 3

sub debug3
debugprint ($_[0], 3);

Function : debug4

Purpose : print with level being 4

sub debug4
debugprint ($_[0], 4);

Function : Die

Purpose : Print message and exit

sub Die

my $message = $_[0];


die "



Function : trim

Purpose : To remove whitespace from the start and end of the string

sub trim
my $string = $_[0];
$string =~ s/^s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;

Function : checkError

Purpose : check if any error was there and bail out

sub checkError
my ($errorMessage, $output) = @_;

#No need to check for error when user does not want to
if (defined($context->{"ignoreerrors"}))



chomp ($output);
$output = trim ($output);

if (($output =~ /ORA[-][0-9]/) || ($output =~ /SP2-.*/))

  debug $output;

debug $output;

Function : PrintMessage

Purpose : Print the message that is passed to it

Inputs : Any text

Outputs : None

NOTES : None

sub PrintMessage

my $message = $_[0];

print "



Function : parseProperties

Purpose : Parse the properties file xtt.properties

sub parseProperties
PrintMessage ("Parsing properties");

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

@properties = qw(tablespaces stageondest storageondest dfcopydir

                backupondest backupformat platformid oracle_home_cnvinst
                oracle_sid_cnvinst asm_home asm_sid dstlink
                srcdir dstdir srclink rollparallel getfileparallel
                metatransfer desthost desttmpdir destuser);

open my $in, "$xttprop" or Die "$xttprop not found: $!";


  next if /^#/;
  $props{$1}=$2 while m/(\S+)=(.+)/g;

close $in;

if ($context -> {"debug"})

  foreach my $pkey (keys %props)
     print "Key: $pkey\n";
     print "Values: $props{$pkey}\n";

@tablespaces = split(/,/, $props{'tablespaces'});

PrintMessage ("Done parsing properties");

Function : check

Purpose : check if the properties were defined

sub check
my $arg = $_[0];
my $key = $_[1];

debug "ARGUMENT $key";

if (!defined ($arg))

 Die ("Please define xtt.properties:$key");


Function : checkNoPwdSSHEnabled

Purpose : For putfile option few properties will be not be required, the

same applies for the plan option

sub checkNoPwdSSHEnabled
my $outFile = "";

if ($metaTransfer == 0)



$outFile = "$tmp/transferFile".GetTimeStamp().".log";

unless (system ("ssh $scpParms \"echo host\" 2> $outFile") == 0)

  my @failArray = ();
  open FAIL, "$outFile";
  @failArray = <FAIL>;
  close FAIL;
  Die ("Passwordless SSH not enabled to machine\n@failArray");


Function : transferFiles

Purpose : For putfile option few properties will be not be required, the

same applies for the plan option

sub transferFiles
my @trnsfrFiles = @_;
my $output = 0;
my $files = "";
my $scpParmsL = "";
my $outFile = "$tmp/transferFile".GetTimeStamp().".log";

if ($metaTransfer == 0)


foreach my $x (@trnsfrFiles)

  $files = $files."$x ";

$scpParmsL =

     "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ".
     "NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 ";

unless (system ("scp $scpParmsL $files ".$context -> {"remoteConnect"}.

                 ":".$context->{'desttmp'}." 2> $outFile") == 0)


  print "scp $scpParmsL $files ".$context -> {"remoteConnect"}.
                 ":".$context->{'desttmp'}." 2> $outFile";
  my @failArray = ();
  open FAIL, "$outFile";
  @failArray = <FAIL>;
  close FAIL;
  Die ("Unable to transfer files to destination machine\n@failArray");

Unlink ($outFile);

Function : getParallelProp

Purpose : Find how many files can be fetchde in parallel

sub getParallelProp
my $propValue = $_[0];

# We need to find how how many cores are there in the machine and then use
# that number to see if what the user has provided is less than that
# For now we assume that max is 8
# use Sys::Info;
# use Sys::Info::Constants qw( :device_cpu );
# my $info = Sys::Info->new;
# my $cpu = $info->device( CPU => %options );
# printf "CPU: %sn", scalar($cpu->identify) || 'N/A';
# printf "CPU speed is %s MHzn", $cpu->speed || 'N/A';
# printf "There are %d CPUsn" , $cpu->count || 1;
# printf "CPU load: %sn" , $cpu->load || 0;
if ($propValue > 8)

  $propValue = 8;
  PrintMessage ("Maximum $propValue files will be fetched in parallel");


return $propValue;

Function : checkProps

Purpose : For putfile option few properties will be not be required, the

same applies for the plan option

sub checkProps
PrintMessage ("Checking properties");

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

# The following are required irrespective of what option is used
check $props{'tablespaces'}, $properties[0];
check $props{'platformid'}, $properties[6];
check $props{'backupformat'}, $properties[5];
check $props{'stageondest'}, $properties[1];

if (!defined($props{'parallel'}) ||

   $props{'parallel'} <= 0)


  $props{'parallel'} = 8;


if (defined($props{'metatransfer'}))

  if (!defined($props{'desthost'}))
     Die ("Files transfered requested, but remote host not defined");
  if (!defined($props{'desttmpdir'}))
     Die ("Files transfered requested, but remote dir not defined");
  if (defined($props{'destuser'}))
     $context -> {"remoteConnect"} =
     $context -> {"remoteConnect"} = $props{'desthost'};
  $context -> {"desttmp"} = $props{'desttmpdir'};
  $metaTransfer = 1;
  $scpParms =
     "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ".
     "NumberOfPasswordPrompts=0 ".$props{'desthost'};


if (!defined($props{'getfileparallel'}) ||

   $props{'getfileparallel'} <= 0)


  $getParallel = 1;


  $getParallel = getParallelProp($props{'getfileparallel'});


# Depending on option the checks are done
if (defined($context->{"setupgetfile"}) ||



  check $props{'srcdir'},   $properties[12];
  check $props{'dstdir'},   $properties[13];
  check $props{'srclink'},  $properties[14];


if (defined($context->{"prepare"}))

  check $props{'dfcopydir'}, $properties[3];


if (defined($context->{"rollforward"}))

  check $props{'backupondest'}, $properties[4];


if (defined($context->{"srcdir"}) &&



  my @srcDir = split(/,/, $props{'srcdir'});
  my @dstDir = split(/,/, $props{'dstdir'});
  my $dstCount = scalar (@dstDir);
  my $srcCount = scalar (@srcDir);
  if (($dstCount > 1) && ($srcCount != $dstCount))
     Die ("checkProps: Number of source objects does not match ".
          "destination objects");
  if ($dstCount >= $dirmaxVal)
     Die ("checkProps: Number of dir objects cannot exceed $dirmaxVal");


PrintMessage ("Done checking properties");

Function : warnMesg

Purpose : Print message and exit

sub warnMesg

my $message = $_[0];

print "




Function : checkDbLink

Purpose : To check if the given DB link works

sub checkDbLink
my $sqlOutput ;
my $dblink = $_[0];
my $sqlQuery =

  "select 'Count=' || count(*) from dual@"."$dblink;";

$sqlOutput = `sqlplus -L -s $connectstring <


chomp ($sqlOutput);
$sqlOutput = trim ($sqlOutput);

if ($sqlOutput =~ m/^Count=(.*)/)

  if ($1 <= 0)
     Die ("Database link $props{'dstlink'} is not working");


  Die ($sqlOutput);


Function : checkDBState

Purpose : To check state of database

sub checkDBState
my $sqlOutput ;
my $dblink = $_[0];
my $sqlQuery =

  'select \'STATUS=\' || status FROM v\$instance;';

$sqlOutput = `sqlplus -L -s $connectstring <




chomp ($sqlOutput);
$sqlOutput = trim ($sqlOutput);

if ($sqlOutput =~ m/^STATUS=(.*)/)

  my $startStatus = trim ($1);
  if ($startStatus ne "STARTED")
     Die ("Open database in nomount mode and try rollforward again");


  Die ($sqlOutput);


Function : checkCompat

Purpose : To check state of database

sub checkCompat
my $sqlOutput ;
my $sqlQuery =

  'select to_number(replace(RPAD(value, 10, \'.0\'), \'.\')) from '.
  'v\$parameter WHERE name = \'compatible\';';

$sqlOutput = `sqlplus -s -L $connectstring <



chomp ($sqlOutput);
$sqlOutput = trim ($sqlOutput);

debug "$sqlOutputn";

if ($sqlOutput =~ m/.ORA-./)

  Die ("Unable to check database compatibility");


if ($sqlOutput >= 121000)

  return VER12;


  return VER11;


Function : getPlatName

Purpose : To get name of source platform

sub getPlatName
my $sqlOutput ;
my $platid = $props{'platformid'};
my $sqlQuery =

  'select platform_name from v\$transportable_platform '.
  'where platform_id = '.$platid.';';

$sqlOutput = `sqlplus -s -L $connectstring <



chomp ($sqlOutput);
$sqlOutput = trim ($sqlOutput);

if ($sqlOutput =~ m/.ORA-./)

  Die ("Unable to fetch platform name");


return $sqlOutput;

Function : fetchDirEntry

Purpose : In order to transfer the files we need to define directory

objects, this function will check if they are defined.

sub fetchDirEntry
my $dirtoCheck = $_[0];
my $remoteLink = $_[1];
my @sqlOutput ;
my $sqlQuery ;

debug3 "fetchDirEntry: parms $remoteLink, $dirtoCheckn";

if ($remoteLink eq "")

  debug "fetchDirEntry: remotelink not present\n";
  $sqlQuery =
                      'DIRECTORY_PATH=' || DIRECTORY_PATH FROM ".
              "ALL_DIRECTORIES WHERE DIRECTORY_NAME in ($dirtoCheck);";


  $sqlQuery =
                      'DIRECTORY_PATH=' || DIRECTORY_PATH FROM ".
              "$remoteLink WHERE DIRECTORY_NAME in ($dirtoCheck);";


@sqlOutput = `sqlplus -L -s $connectstring <


chomp (@sqlOutput);

return @sqlOutput;

Function : fetchCheckDirObjectsDST

Purpose : In order to transfer the files we need to define directory

objects, this function will check if they are defined.

sub fetchCheckDirObjectsDST
my $dirtoCheck = $_[0];
my $remoteLink = $_[1];
my $dirObjects = $_[2];
my $dirtoCheckLink;
my $dirObjPath;
my @sqlOutput ;
my $sqlQuery ;
my $found ;
my %dstHash = ();

debug "fetchCheckDirObjectsDST: Check dir path $remoteLinkn";

my @srcDir = split(/,/, $props{'srcdir'});
my @dstDir = split(/,/, $props{'dstdir'});
my $tempDir = '';
my $idx = 0;
my $dstCount = scalar (@dstDir);
my $srcCount = scalar (@srcDir);

if (($dstCount > 1) && ($srcCount != $dstCount))

  Die ("fetchCheckDirObjectsDST: Number of source objects does not match ".
       "destination objects");


foreach my $var (@dstDir)

  $var = trim($var);
  $tempDir = $tempDir."\'$var\',";
  $dstHash{"$var"} = trim($dstDir[$idx]);
  debug3 "fetchCheckDirObjectsDST: DestDir: ".$dstHash{"$var"}."\n";
  if ($dstCount > 1)
     $idx = $idx + 1;


if ($tempDir =~ m/(.*),/)

  $tempDir = $1;


@sqlOutput = fetchDirEntry ($tempDir, $remoteLink);

foreach my $x (@sqlOutput)

  $x = trim ($x);
  if ($x =~ m/^DIRECTORY_NAME=(.*)DIRECTORY_PATH=(.*)/)
     my $nameTemp = $1;
     $dirObjPath = $2;
     $nameTemp = trim($nameTemp);

     if ($dirObjPath =~ m/(.*)\/$/) # Removes trailing spaces
        $dirObjPath = $1;

     $dirObjects->{$nameTemp} = $dirObjPath;


if ((keys%$dirObjects) == 0)

  print "fetchCheckDirObjectsDST: Directory ".
        "object \"$dirtoCheck\" does not exist\n";
  Die (@sqlOutput);


return $dirObjPath;

Function : fetchCheckDirObjectsSRC

Purpose : In order to transfer the files we need to define directory

objects, this function will check if they are defined.

sub fetchCheckDirObjectsSRC
my $dirtoCheck = $_[0];
my $remoteLink = $_[1];
my $dirObjects = $_[2];
my $dirObjPath;
my @sqlOutput ;
my $sqlQuery ;
my $found ;
my %srcHash = ();

debug "fetchCheckDirObjectsSRC: Check dir path $remoteLinkn";

my @srcDir = split(/,/, $props{'srcdir'});
my @dstDir = split(/,/, $props{'dstdir'});
my $tempDir = '';
my $idx = 0;
my $dstCount = scalar (@dstDir);
my $srcCount = scalar (@srcDir);

if (($dstCount > 1) && ($srcCount != $dstCount))

  Die ("fetchCheckDirObjectsSRC: Number of source objects does not match ".
       "destination objects");


foreach my $var (@srcDir)

  $var = trim($var);
  $tempDir = $tempDir."\'$var\',";
  $srcHash{"$var"} = trim($dstDir[$idx]);
  debug3 "fetchCheckDirObjectsSRC: SRCDIR: ".$srcHash{"$var"}."\n";
  if ($dstCount > 1)
     $idx = $idx + 1;


if ($tempDir =~ m/(.*),/)

  $tempDir = $1;


@sqlOutput = fetchDirEntry ($tempDir, $remoteLink);

foreach my $x (@sqlOutput)

  $x = trim ($x);
  if ($x =~ m/^DIRECTORY_NAME=(.*)DIRECTORY_PATH=(.*)/)
     my $nameTemp = $1;
     $dirObjPath = $2;
     $nameTemp = trim($nameTemp);

     if ($dirObjPath =~ m/(.*)\/$/)
        $dirObjPath = $1;

     # Create a hash with SRC directory and the DST directory object names.
     $dirObjects->{$dirObjPath}->{"SRC"} = $nameTemp;
     $dirObjects->{$dirObjPath}->{"DST"} = $srcHash{"$nameTemp"};


if ((keys%$dirObjects) == 0)

  print "fetchCheckDirObjectsSRC: Directory ".
        "object \"$dirtoCheck\" does not exist\n";
  Die (@sqlOutput);



Function : fixXTTNewDatafiles

Purpose : Fix the destination file by replacing the tag DESTDIR with the

actual location

sub fixXTTNewDatafiles
my $dirObjects = $_[0];
my $replaceFile = 0;
my @destArray = ();

debug "fixXTTNewDatafiles: Entered";

open(RMANDSTDF, "$rmandstdf") ||

  Die "Cant find $rmandstdf";

@destArray = ;

foreach my $line (@destArray)

   if ($line =~ /.*DESTDIR:.*/)
      $replaceFile = 1;


if ($replaceFile)

  open(RMANDSTDF1, ">$rmandstdf"."temp") ||
     Die "Cant find $rmandstdf";
  foreach my $line (@destArray)
     if ($line =~ m/(.*),DESTDIR:(.*)\,(.*)/)
        debug3 "fixXTTNewDatafiles: $1\n";
        my $dest = $dirObjects->{$2}->{"DST"};
        print RMANDSTDF1 "$1,$dest".":$3\n";
        print RMANDSTDF1 "$line";
  close RMANDSTDF1;
  Unlink ("$rmandstdf", 1);
  system("\\cp $rmandstdf"."temp $rmandstdf");


Function : verifySrcdirDatafiles

Purpose : Verify if the datafiles are present in the same directory

as defined in the source directory object

sub verifySrcdirDatafiles
my $dfPath = "$tmp/xttprepare.cmd";
my @dfList = ();
my @unidfList = ();
my %seen;
my $name;

debug ("verifySrcdirDatafiles: Entered");

open DFLIST, $dfPath ;
@dfList = ;
close DFLIST;

foreach my $df (@dfList)

  chomp ($df);
  debug3 "verifySrcdirDatafiles: $df";
  if ($df =~ /^#DNAME:(.*)/)
     $name = $1;
     if (! (grep { $_ eq $name } @unidfList))
        push (@unidfList, $1);


foreach my $key (keys %dirHash)

  debug4 "verifySrcdirDatafiles: Hash key".$key."\n";
  debug4 "verifySrcdirDatafiles: Hash value".$dirHash{"$key"}."\n";


foreach my $df (@unidfList)

  debug3 "verifySrcdirDatafiles: $df\n";
  if (!defined($dirHash{$df}))
     Die ("Datafile path $df and source directory object ".
          "path ".$dirHash{$df}." doest not match");


This routine is called from

Prepare Src

Backup Incr (backincr)

New Plan (newplan)


Helper routine to batch the tablespaces sent into control file

queries, this way too many controlfile reads is avoided.

It takes one parameter, to tell who called it

1 => Prepare, 2 => backincr, 3 => newplan, 5 => getfile

sub generate_batch_tsoutput()
my $option = $_[0];
my $stageondest = $props{'stageondest'};
my $platform = "'$props{'platform'}'";
my $storageondest = $props{'storageondest'};
my $dfcopydir = $props{'dfcopydir'};
my $backupformat = $props{'backupformat'};
my $script_type = "PREPARE";
my $output;
my $tsbkupmap = "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt";
my $incrbkups = "$tmp/incrbackups.txt";

my $number_of_tablespaces_per_batch =

  int(($#tablespaces + 1)/$props{'parallel'});

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

$number_of_tablespaces_per_batch = ($number_of_tablespaces_per_batch == 0)

                                  ? 1
                                  : $number_of_tablespaces_per_batch;

my $total_sets = $number_of_tablespaces_per_batch * $props{'parallel'};

debug3 $connectstring;
debug3 "size of tablespace " . scalar(@tablespaces);
debug3 "No. of tablespaces per batch " . $number_of_tablespaces_per_batch;

my $countno = 0;
my $tablespace_str = "";
my $old_tablespace_str = "";

if ($option == BACKUP)

  checkMove ($tsbkupmap);
  checkMove ($incrbkups);


## Generate the rmanconvert.cmd and xttplan.txt from the output
## for Prepare
if (($option == PREPARE) || ($option == BACKUP) || ($option == GETFILE))

  open(XTTPLAN, ">$xttpath") ||
      die 'Cant find xttplan.txt, TMPDIR undefined';

  if ($option == PREPARE)
     open(RMANCONVERT, ">$rmanpath") ||
         die 'Cant find rmanconvert.cmd, TMPDIR undefined';
  # Generate new datafiles for 12c backup
  elsif ($option == BACKUP)
     $script_type = "BACKUP";

     open(RMANDSTDF, ">$rmandstdf") ||
         die 'Cant find $rmandstdf, TMPDIR undefined';
     $script_type = "TRANSFER";

     open(RMANDSTDF, ">$rmandstdf") ||
         die 'Cant find $rmandstdf, TMPDIR undefined';

elsif ($option == BCKPINCR)

 open XTTNEWPLAN, ">$tmp/xttplan.txt.new" or die $!;

 $script_type = 'DETNEW';

elsif ($option == NEWPLAN)

 $script_type = 'PREPNEXT';


## Based on parallelism, do so many tablespaces at a time.
my $ind = 0;
while ($ind < $total_sets ||

      $ind < scalar(@tablespaces))


  ## Remove leading and trailing spaces.
  $tablespaces[$ind] =~ s/^\s+//;
  $tablespaces[$ind] =~ s/\s+$//;

  ## grab the rest
  while ($ind < scalar(@tablespaces) &&
         $ind >= $total_sets)
     $tablespace_str .= "'" . $tablespaces[$ind] . "'";
     if ($ind !=  $#tablespaces)
        $tablespace_str .= ",";

  if ($ind < $total_sets)
     $tablespace_str .= "'" . $tablespaces[$ind] . "'";

     if (($ind % $number_of_tablespaces_per_batch) !=

        $tablespace_str .= ",";


  if ($countno == $number_of_tablespaces_per_batch ||
      $ind == scalar(@tablespaces))
    debug "TABLESPACE STRING :" . $tablespace_str;

    $countno = 0;

    ## Subst. for tablespace names
    open my $in, "xttprep.tmpl" or die $!;

    if (($option == PREPARE) || ($option == BACKUP) ||
        ($option == GETFILE))
       print "Prepare source for Tablespaces:
              $tablespace_str  $stageondest\n";
       ## Open the pareparesrc.sql file and substitute all the parameters
       open my $prepout, ">xttpreparesrc.sql" or die $!;

          if ($_ =~ /%%TABLESPACES%%/)
             my @tbs = split(/,/, $tablespace_str);
             foreach (@tbs)
                print $prepout "$_,\n";
             print $prepout "NULL\n";
             print $prepout "$_";

       close $in;
       close $prepout;

       ## timestamp here -- start
       print "xttpreparesrc.sql for $tablespace_str started at ".
             (localtime) . "\n";

       ## Reset tablespace string
       $old_tablespace_str = $tablespace_str;
       $tablespace_str  = "";

       ## Substitution ends here and xttpreparesrc.sql generated
       my $output = `sqlplus -L -s $connectstring \@xttpreparesrc.sql`;
       ## timestamp here -- end
       print "xttpreparesrc.sql for $tablespace_str ended at ".
             (localtime) . "\n";
       checkError ("Error in executing xttpreparesrc.sql", $output);

       my @line = split /\n/, $output;

        if (($option == BACKUP) || ($option == GETFILE))
           foreach my $line (@line)
              if ($line =~ /^#PLAN:/)
                 $line =~ s/^#PLAN://;
                 print XTTPLAN "$line\n";
                 if ($line =~ /(\S+)::::(\S+)/)
                    print RMANDSTDF "::$1\n";
              elsif ($line =~ /^#TRANSFER:/)
                 $line =~ s/^#TRANSFER://;
                 if ($line =~ /.*source_file_name=(.*?),(.*?),(.*)/)
                    my $tsname = $1;
                    my $fullPath = trim($2);
                    my $fname = trim($3);

                    # Remove the trailing "/"
                    if ($fullPath =~ m/(.*)\/$/)
                       $fullPath = $1;

                    my $fullPath = $fullPath."/".$fname;
                    push(@{$transfer{$tsname}}, $fullPath);
              elsif ($line =~ /^#NEWDESTDF:/)
                 $line =~ s/^#NEWDESTDF://;
                 print RMANDSTDF "$line\n";
           # Verify that the files are in proper directory.
        if (($option == BACKUP) || ($option == PREPARE))
           foreach my $line (@line)
              if ($line =~ /^#PLAN:/)
                 $line =~ s/^#PLAN://;
                 print XTTPLAN "$line\n";
              elsif ($line =~ /^#CONVERT:/)
                 $line =~ s/^#CONVERT://;
                 print RMANCONVERT "$line \n";
           ## Invoke the backup as copy routine once generated as the last
           ## step
           my $rmancopycmd = "$tmp/xttprepare.cmd";

           my ($rmanTrace, $traceFile) = GetRMANTrace("prepare");
           $output = `rman target \/ $rmanTrace cmdfile $rmancopycmd`;

           if ($output =~ /ERROR MESSAGE/)
              Die("$output $!");
           Unlink ($traceFile);

           if ($option == BACKUP)
              # We need to generate tsbkpupmap.txt for
              &gentablespace_backupmap( $output ) ;
    elsif ($option == BCKPINCR)
       ## Subst. for tablespace names

       print "Prepare newscn for Tablespaces: $tablespace_str \n";

       ## Open the pareparesrc.sql file and substitute all the parameters
       open my $prepout, ">xttdetnewfromscnsrc.sql" or die $!;

          if ($_ =~ /%%TABLESPACES%%/)
             my @tbs = split(/,/, $tablespace_str);
             foreach (@tbs)
                print $prepout "$_,\n";
             print $prepout "NULL\n";
             print $prepout "$_";

       close $in;
       close $prepout;

       ## Reset tablespace string
       $tablespace_str  = "";

       ## Substitution ends here and xttdetnewfromscnsrc.sql generated

       $output = `sqlplus -L -s $connectstring \@xttdetnewfromscnsrc.sql`;
       checkError ("Error in executing xttdetnewfromscnsrc.sql", $output);

       my @line = split /\n/, $output;

       foreach my $line (@line)
         print XTTNEWPLAN $line . "\n";
    elsif ($option == NEWPLAN)
       ## Subst. for tablespace names

       print "Prepare newscn for Tablespaces: $tablespace_str \n";

       ## Open the pareparesrc.sql file and substitute all the parameters
       open my $prepout, ">xttpreparenextiter.sql" or die $!;

          if ($_ =~ /%%TABLESPACES%%/)
             my @tbs = split(/,/, $tablespace_str);
             foreach (@tbs)
                print $prepout "$_,\n";
             print $prepout "NULL\n";
             print $prepout "$_";

       close $in;
       close $prepout;

       ## Reset tablespace string
       $tablespace_str  = "";

       ## Substitution ends here and xttpreparenextiter.sql generated

       $output = `sqlplus -L -s $connectstring \@xttpreparenextiter.sql`;
       checkError ("Error in executing xttpreparenextiter.sql", $output);

if (($option == PREPARE) || ($option == BACKUP) || ($option == GETFILE))

  close (XTTPLAN);
  if ($option == PREPARE)
     close (RMANCONVERT);
  elsif ($option == GETFILE)
     close (RMANDSTDF);

     # Replace the paths with the directory destination objects.
     fixXTTNewDatafiles (\%dirHash);

     # Ver: 1.4.1 We will generate the SQL file in the destination.
     my $transferCount = 0;

     open GETFILE1, ">$getfile";
     foreach my $user (sort keys %transfer)
        debug "$user: @{$transfer{$user}}\n";
        foreach my $file (@{$transfer{$user}})
           # Bug 17673476: If the destination file is for ASM, it does not
           # work with automated filenames. So we convert the names here.
           # The automated filenames will be of format "x.y.z". This will
           # converted to "x_y_z"
           my $srcFile;
           my $destFile;
           my $srcPath;
           my $dstPath;

           if ($file =~ m/(.*)\/(.*)/)
              $srcFile = $2;
              $srcPath = $dirHash{"$1"}->{"SRC"};
              $dstPath = $dirHash{"$1"}->{"DST"};
           if ($srcFile =~ m/(.*)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/)
              $destFile = "$1_$2_$3";
              $destFile = $srcFile;

           print GETFILE1
        $transferCount = $transferCount + 1;
     close GETFILE1;
  elsif ($option == BACKUP)
     close (RMANDSTDF);

elsif ($option == BCKPINCR)

  close (XTTNEWPLAN);


if ($metaTransfer)

  my @trnsfrFiles = ();
  if ($option == GETFILE)
     push (@trnsfrFiles, "$tmp/xttnewdatafiles.txt");
     push (@trnsfrFiles, "$tmp/getfile.sql");
     transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);
  if ($option == BCKPINCR)
     push (@trnsfrFiles, "$tmp/xttplan.txt");
     transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);
  if ($option == PREPARE)
     push (@trnsfrFiles, "$tmp/rmanconvert.cmd");
     transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);
     @trnsfrFiles = ();
     $context->{"desttmp"} = $props{'stageondest'};
     push (@trnsfrFiles, $props{'dfcopydir'}."/*");
     transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);
     $context -> {"desttmp"} = $props{'desttmpdir'};
  if ($option == BACKUP)
     @trnsfrFiles = ();
     push (@trnsfrFiles, "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt");
     push (@trnsfrFiles, "$tmp/xttnewdatafiles.txt");
     transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);

     open FILE, "$tmp/incrbackups.txt";
     @trnsfrFiles = <FILE>;
     close FILE;

     $context->{"desttmp"} = $props{'stageondest'};
     transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);
     $context -> {"desttmp"} = $props{'desttmpdir'};


End generate_batch_tsoutput

Function : assignGlobVars

Purpose : Assign global variables

sub assignGlobVars
if (! defined($context->{"xttdir"}))

  if (defined($ENV{'TMPDIR'}))
     $tmp = $ENV{'TMPDIR'};
     Die ("TMPDIR not defined");


  $tmp = $context->{"xttdir"};


$xttpath = "$tmp/xttplan.txt";
$rmantfrdf = "$tmp/rmantfrdf.sql";
$rmandstdf = "$tmp/xttnewdatafiles.txt";
$xttprep = "$tmp/xttprepare.cmd";
$rmanpath = "$tmp/rmanconvert.cmd";
$errfile = "$tmp/FAILED";
$getfile = "$tmp/getfile.sql";
$connectstring = "/ as sysdba";
$sqlSettings =

Function : checkMove

Purpose : Check if entry is present and move it

sub checkMove
my $srcPath = $_[0];
my $dstPath = $_[1];

if (!$dstPath)

  my $timenow =  time;
  $dstPath = $srcPath.$timenow;


if (-e $srcPath)

  system("\\mv $srcPath $dstPath");


Function : fixXTTDestFile

Purpose : Fix the destination file by replacing the tag DESTDIR with the

actual location

sub fixXTTDestFile
my $replaceFile = 0;
my @destArray = ();
my %dirHash;

open(RMANDSTDF, "$rmandstdf") ||

  Die "Cant find $rmandstdf";

@destArray = ;

foreach my $line (@destArray)

  if (($line !~ m/::.*/) && ($line =~ m/.*\:.*/))
     $replaceFile = 1;


if ($replaceFile)

  &fetchCheckDirObjectsDST($props{'dstdir'}, "", \%dirHash);
  open(RMANDSTDF1, ">$rmandstdf"."temp") ||
     Die "Cant find $rmandstdf";
  foreach my $line (@destArray)
     if (($line !~ m/::.*/) && ($line =~ /.*,(.*):.*/))
        my $tempDir = $1;
        $line =~ s/$tempDir:/$dirHash{"$tempDir"}/;
     if ($line =~ m/(.*)\/(.*)\.([0-9]+)\.(.*)/)
        $line = "$1/$2_$3_$4\n";
     print RMANDSTDF1 "$line";
  close RMANDSTDF1;


if ($replaceFile)

  Unlink ("$rmandstdf", 1);
  system("\\cp $rmandstdf"."temp $rmandstdf");


Function : getFilesSource

Purpose : Get files from the source database.

sub getFilesSource
PrintMessage ("Getting datafiles from source");

my $output;
my $connectstringcnvinst;
my $pid;
my @getArray = ();
my $getFileTemp;



$connectstringcnvinst = "/ as sysdba";

open FILE, "$getfile" or Die ("Cannot open $getfile");;
@getArray = ;
close FILE;

foreach my $x (@getArray)

  chomp ($x);
  if ($x =~ m/(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*)/)
     my $sqlQuery =
              source_directory_object      => '".$2."',
              source_file_name             => '".$3."',
              source_database              => '".$props{'srclink'}."',
              destination_directory_object => '".$4."',
              destination_file_name        => '".$5."');

     $getFileTemp = "getfile"."_$2"."_$3"."_$1".".sql";
     $getFileTemp = lc ($getFileTemp);
     open FILE, ">$getFileTemp";
     print FILE "$sqlQuery\nquit\n";
     close FILE;

     $pid = fork();

     if ($pid == 0)
        PrintMessage ("Executing getfile for $getFileTemp");
        $output =  `sqlplus -L -s \"$connectstringcnvinst\" \@$getFileTemp`;
        checkError ("Error in executing $getFileTemp", $output);
        Unlink ($getFileTemp);
        exit (0);
        UpdateForkArray ($pid, $getParallel);


while((my $pid = wait()) > 0)

  #sleep (1);


PrintMessage ("Completed getting datafiles from source");

Function : prepare

Purpose : Initial preparation for script to run.

sub prepare
### Prepare starts here

PrintMessage ("Starting prepare phase");

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my $timenow = time;

## Perform cleanup of files by renaming the xttplan.txt, rmanconvert.cmd
## and xttprep.cmd (datafile copy)
checkMove($xttpath, $xttpath.$timenow);
checkMove($rmanpath, $rmanpath.$timenow);
checkMove($xttprep, $xttprep.$timenow);

## For each tablespace, lets generate the scripts
my $stageondest = $props{'stageondest'};
my $platform = "'$props{'platform'}'";
my $storageondest = $props{'storageondest'};
my $dfcopydir = $props{'dfcopydir'};

debug "Parallel:" . $props{'parallel'};

## Remove trailing '/'s
$dfcopydir = $1 if($dfcopydir=~/(.*)\/$/);
## Check if previous ".tf" files present.
my @present = glob("$dfcopydir/*.tf");

if (@present)

  ## Try deleting any existing copied datafiles
  system("\\rm -f $dfcopydir/*.tf");
  sleep 5;


if ($context->{"setupgetfile"})

  &fetchCheckDirObjectsSRC($props{'srcdir'}, "", \%dirHash);

  foreach my $keys (keys %dirHash)
     debug4 "prepare: Key is $keys\n";
     debug4 "prepare: Value is ".$dirHash{"$keys"}."\n";

elsif ($context->{"backup"})





PrintMessage ("Done with prepare phase");

Function : checkExec

Purpose : Check if the rman and sqlplus executables are present in path

sub checkExec
if (defined ($context->{"orahome"}))

  $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = $context->{"orahome"};


  if (defined ($ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'}))
     $context->{"orahome"} = $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'};
     Die ("Niether ORACLE_HOME defined or orahome passed to script") ;


if (defined ($context->{"orasid"}))

  $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} = $context->{"orasid"};


  if (defined ($ENV{'ORACLE_SID'}))
     $context->{"orasid"} = $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'};
     Die ("Niether ORACLE_SID defined or orasid passed to script") ;


debug "ORACLE_SID : $context->{"orasid"}";
debug "ORACLE_HOME : $context->{"orahome"}";

$ENV{'PATH'} = "$context->{"orahome"}/bin".":".$ENV{'PATH'};
$context->{'sqlexec'} = "$context->{"orahome"}/bin/sqlplus";
$context->{'rmanexec'} = "$context->{"orahome"}/bin/rman";

if (! -x $context->{"rmanexec"})

  Die ("RMAN executable not found in path");


if (! -x $context->{"sqlexec"})

  Die ("SQLPLUS executable not found in path");


Function : checkArg

Purpose : check if given arguments are fine

sub checkArg
if ($context->{"backup"} || $context->{"bkpincr"} ||

   $context->{"bkpexport"} || $context->{"restore"} ||
   $context->{"recover"} || $context->{"resincrdmp"})


  my $ver = checkCompat();
  if ($ver < VER12)
     Die ("Unable to use given option with this version of DB. Min ver".
          " required is");


Function : Main

Purpose : Main entry point for the program

sub Main

# User wanted to clear file, do it so here
if ($context->{"clearerrorfile"})

  Unlink ($errfile, 1);



$context->{"platname"} = getPlatName();

#If we want specify tablespaces to be rolled forward, then store them in
#a hash
if ($context->{"rolltbs"})

  @rolltbsArray = split (',', $context->{"rolltbs"});
  foreach my $x (@rolltbsArray)
     $tbsHash{"$x"}= 1;


if (($context->{"incremental"}) ||

   ($context->{"bkpincr"}) ||



elsif ($context->{"rollforward"})


elsif ($context->{"restore"})


elsif (($context->{"recover"}) ||



  if ($context->{"resincrdmp"})

elsif ($context->{"determinescn"})


elsif ($context->{"convert"})

  #If the transfer is across the same endian then platformid will be
  #set as 0.
  if ($props{'platformid'} == 0)

elsif ($context->{"generate"})


elsif (($context->{"prepare"}) || ($context->{"backup"}) ||



  checkNoPwdSSHEnabled ();

elsif ($context->{"getfile"})





Incremental Starts here

Generates /tsbkupmap.txt

that maps tablespace to backup

sub gentablespace_backupmap
my @line = split /n/, $_[0];

my $tsbkupmap = "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt";
my $incrbkups = "$tmp/incrbackups.txt";

my $backupformat = $props{'backupformat'};
my $i = 0;
my @fnums = ();
my @fnumorder = ();
my $chan;
my %bpfn;
my %bpts;
my %chfn;
my $tsname;
my $fno;
my $order = 0;
my $dmpFile = 0;

open(TSBKMAP, ">>$tsbkupmap") ||

  Die("Cant open tablespace backup map file $!");

open(INCRBKUPS, ">>$incrbkups") || Die("Cant open incr backups file $!");

while ($i <= $#line)

  my $str = $line[$i];

  if ($str =~ /^ts::(.*)$/)
     $tsname = $1;
     $order = 0;
  elsif ($str =~ /channel (.*): specifying datafile/)
    $chan = $1;
  elsif ($str =~ /.*input Data Pump dump file.*/)
  {         ## piece name is on the next line
     $str = $line[$i];
     $chan = $1;
     $dmpFile = 1;
  ## In HP, an issue was reported where in the RMAN output was
  ## shown as 'input datafile fno' instead of 'input datafile file number'.
  ## So parse for both here.
  elsif (($str =~ /input datafile file number=(\d+) name/) ||
         ($str =~ /input datafile fno=(\d+) name/))
     $fno = $1 + 0;
     push(@fnums, $fno);
  elsif (defined($chan) && $#fnums >= 0 )
     my @new = @fnums;
     $chfn{$chan} -> {"fnumarray"} = \@new;
     @fnums = ();
  elsif ($str =~ /channel (.*): finished piece/)
     ## piece name is on the next line
     $str = $line[$i];

     $chan = $1;

     if ($str =~ /piece handle=(.+)[\/](\S+) tag/)
        if ($dmpFile)
           my $piece = $2;
           debug "backup piece:" . $piece . "\n" ;
           debug "TSNAME:" . $tsname;
           print TSBKMAP "DMPEXP::$piece\n";
           print INCRBKUPS $backupformat."/$piece \n";
           $bpfn{$2} -> {"fnumarray"} = $chfn{$chan} -> {"fnumarray"};
           $order = $order + 1;
           $bpfn{$2} -> {"fnumorder"} = $order;
           debug "TSNAME:" . $tsname;
           $bpts{$2} = $tsname;
  elsif ($str =~ /including current control file in backup set/)
       $str = $line[$i];
    while ($str !~ /Finished backup/);



foreach my $pkey (keys %bpfn)

  print INCRBKUPS $backupformat . "/$pkey\n";
  my @fns = @{$bpfn{$pkey} -> {"fnumarray"}};
  my $sizefns = @fns;

  print TSBKMAP $bpts{$pkey} . "::";

  my $orderx = $bpfn{$pkey} -> {"fnumorder"};
  foreach my $v (@fns)
     print TSBKMAP $v;
     print TSBKMAP "," if ($sizefns > 0);

  print TSBKMAP ":::".  $orderx;
  print TSBKMAP "=" .  $pkey;
  print TSBKMAP "\n";


sub backincr()
PrintMessage ("Backup incremental");
## Move out any existing xttplan.txt.new
my $xttpathnew = "$tmp/xttplan.txt.new";
my @trnsfrFiles = ();
my $tsbkupmap = "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt";
my $incrbkups = "$tmp/incrbackups.txt";

if ( -e $xttpathnew )

  my $timenow = time;

  system("\\mv $xttpathnew $xttpath"  . $timenow);


## Generate the next round xttplan.txt

## At this point, we must have a new xttplan.txt.new
## populated with required from_scn's for next incremental backup.

debug "Start backup incremental" ;

# Clean up any rmanincr.cmd from TMPDIR area.
my $rmanincrpath = "$tmp/rmanincr.cmd";
my $timenow = time;
if ( -e $rmanincrpath )

  system("\\mv $rmanincrpath $rmanincrpath" . $timenow);

debug "Crossed mv " ;

my $backupformat = $props{'backupformat'};
debug "Crossed mv $backupformat" ;
## Remove trailing '/'s
$backupformat = $1 if($backupformat=~/(.*)\/$/);

if ($context->{"bkpexport"})

  open(XTTPLAN, $xttpath) || die 'Cant find xttplan.txt, TMPDIR undefined';

  my $rman_str1 = "set nocfau;";
  my $rman_str;
  my @scnArray = ();
  my @scnSortedArray = ();
  my $scn;
  my $rmCmd;

  while (<XTTPLAN>)
     if (/(\S+)::::(\S+)/)
        push (@scnArray, $2);
  close XTTPLAN;

  if (!@scnArray)
     ErrorMessage ("BACKUPINCR: Could not find lowest SCN");

  @scnSortedArray = sort (@scnArray);

  $scn = $scnSortedArray[0];

           " $props{'tablespaces'}".
           " FORMAT '$backupformat/%U'".
           " DATAPUMP FORMAT '$backupformat/%U';";
  open(RMANINCR, ">$tmp/rmanincr.cmd") || Die("Cant open rmanincr.cmd $!");
  print RMANINCR "$rmCmd";
  close RMANINCR;


  ## Generate $tmp/rmanincr.cmd
  debug "Generate $tmp/rmanincr.cmd";

  open(RMANINCR, ">$tmp/rmanincr.cmd") || Die("Cant open rmanincr.cmd $!");

  ## Parse out xttplan.txt and build the rman command
  open(XTTPLAN, $xttpath) || die 'Cant find xttplan.txt, TMPDIR undefined';

  my $rman_str1 = "set nocfau;";
  my $rman_str;

  while (<XTTPLAN>)
     if (/(\S+)::::(\S+)/)
        my $tablespace = $1;
        my $scn        = $2;
        my $rman_str;

        print RMANINCR $rman_str1 . "\n";

        $rman_str = "host 'echo ts::$tablespace';";
        print RMANINCR $rman_str . "\n";

        if ($context->{"bkpincr"})
           $rman_str = "backup for transport allow INCONSISTENT ".
                       "incremental from scn $scn ";
           $rman_str = "backup incremental from scn $scn ";
        print RMANINCR $rman_str . "\n";

        if ($context->{"incremental"})
           $rman_str = "  tag tts_incr_update tablespace '$tablespace' ".
                       " format";
           print RMANINCR $rman_str . "\n";
           $rman_str = "  tablespace '$tablespace' format";
           print RMANINCR $rman_str . "\n";

        $rman_str = " '$backupformat/%U';";
        print RMANINCR $rman_str . "\n";


## Execute the rman command here

my ($rmanTrace, $traceFile) = GetRMANTrace("incrbackup");
my $output_str = "rman target \/ $rmanTrace cmdfile $rmanincrpath";
print $output_str . "n";

my $output = rman target \/ $rmanTrace cmdfile $rmanincrpath;
print $output . "n";

checkMove ($tsbkupmap);
checkMove ($incrbkups);

&gentablespace_backupmap( $output ) ;

if ($metaTransfer)

  @trnsfrFiles = ();
  push (@trnsfrFiles, "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt");
  transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);

  open FILE, "$tmp/incrbackups.txt";
  @trnsfrFiles = <FILE>;
  close FILE;

  $context->{"desttmp"} = $props{'stageondest'};
  transferFiles (@trnsfrFiles);
  $context -> {"desttmp"} = $props{'desttmpdir'};


Unlink ($traceFile);

PrintMessage ("Done backing up incrementals");

Incremental Ends here

Check if element exists in array.

sub checkInArray
my $element = $_[0];

if (@rolltbsArray)

  if ($tbsHash{"$element"})
     return 1;
     return 0;


  return 1;


Rollforward Starts here - on destination

New changes in v1.1

xttrollforwarddest.sql is now a generated file.

All file processing is handled by perl itself.

xttrollforwarddest.sql will be called for each tablespace

The destination database will be started up in nomount

until all the tablespaces are rollforwarded.

sub rmconvertedincr
# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my $backupondest = $props{'backupondest'};
my $asmhome = $props{'asm_home'};
my $asmsid = $props{'asm_sid'};
my $rmcmd = "";

if (defined $props{'asm_home'})

  ## Lets first delete the incremental backup if any
  ## this will happen through asmcmd
  my $oh_saved = $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'};
  my $ohsid_saved = $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'};
  my $asmcmd = 0 ;
  my $asmcmd_str;

  $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = $asmhome;
  $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} = $asmsid;

  # Remove trailing spaces
  $backupondest =~ s/\s+$//;
  $asmsid =~ s/\s+$//;

  $asmcmd_str = "asmcmd rm $backupondest/$xtts_incr_backup";
  debug $asmcmd_str . "  $asmhome .. $asmsid \n" ;

  $asmcmd = `asmcmd rm $backupondest/$xtts_incr_backup`;
  debug "ASMCMD:  $asmcmd\n";

  $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = $oh_saved;
  $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} = $ohsid_saved;
  if ($asmcmd == 0)
     Unlink ("$backupondest/$xtts_incr_backup", 1);


  Unlink ("$backupondest/$xtts_incr_backup", 1);



Function : ChecktoProceed

Purpose : When running the roll forward in parallel, we will check if we can

fork any more jobs

sub ChecktoProceed
my $parallel = $_[0];
# Check if any failure occured and stop exection
my $running = 0;

if ($#forkArray <= 0)



  $running = 0;
  foreach my $index (0 .. $#forkArray)
     my $x = $forkArray[$index];
     if ($x <= 0)
     my $kid = waitpid($x, WNOHANG);
     if ($kid >= 0)
        $running = $running + 1;
        $forkArray[$index] = 0;

} while ($running >= $parallel);


sub UpdateForkArray
my ($pid, $parallel) = @_;

if ($#forkArray < $parallel)

  push (@forkArray, $pid);


  foreach my $index (0 .. $#forkArray)
     my $x = $forkArray[$index];
     if ($x == 0)
        $forkArray[$index] = $pid;


Function : FixCnvScripts

Purpose : Fix the scripts that has details about incremental backup

sub FixCnvScripts
my $toFixSql = $_[0];
my $inpSql = $_[1];
my $fixedStr = $_[2];
my $platformid = $props{'platformid'};
my $fixedStrL = "";
my $len = 0;

open XTTS_INCR_BACKUP, "<$inpSql";
open XTTS_INCR_BACKUP1, ">$toFixSql";
my @arrayXttincr = ;

# Bug 20192155: Use xib instead of "xtts_incr_backup" to prevent
# ORA error ORA-15126 with ASM
$fixedStrL = substr($fixedStr, 0, 42);
$xtts_incr_backup = "xib"."_".$fixedStrL;
$len = length ($xtts_incr_backup);
if ($len > 50)

  ErrorMessage ("Length of backupiece exceeds 50 chars $xtts_incr_backup");


foreach my $x (@arrayXttincr)

  if ($x =~ m/(.*)xtts_incr_backup(.*)\,/)
     print XTTS_INCR_BACKUP1 "$1$xtts_incr_backup$2,\n";
  elsif ($x =~ m/(.*)xtts_incr_backup(.*)/)
     print XTTS_INCR_BACKUP1 "$1$xtts_incr_backup$2\n";
  elsif (!(($platformid == 0) && ($x =~ m/(.*)pltfrmfr(.*)/)))
     print XTTS_INCR_BACKUP1 "$x\n";
     print XTTS_INCR_BACKUP1 "$x\n";


Function : sortArrayOrder

Purpose : Sort the Array based on piece

sub sortArrayOrder
return sort {

           (($a =~ /::(.*):::.*/)[0] <=> ($b =~ /::(.*):::.*/)[0] ||
            ($a =~ /:::(.*?)=/)[0] <=> ($b =~ /:::(.*?)=/)[0]
           } @_;


UTIL functions

Following functions are useful for conversion, rollforward etc

sub ConvertBackup
my $backup = $_[0];
my $dfno = $_[1];
my $fixCnvSql;
my $outputCnvrt;

$fixCnvSql = "$tmp/xxttconv_$backup"."_$dfno.sql";

FixCnvScripts ($fixCnvSql, $cnvrSql, $backup."_".$dfno);
Unlink ("$backupondest/$xtts_incr_backup", 1);

my $outputCnvrt =

  `sqlplus -L -s \"$connectstringcnvinst\" \@$fixCnvSql $stageondest/$backup $backupondest $platformid`;

checkError ("$fixCnvSql execution failed", $outputCnvrt);
Unlink ($fixCnvSql);

sub RollPiece
my $sqlfile = $_[0];
my $outputCnvrt;

## now call generated rollforward
$outputCnvrt =

  `sqlplus -L -s \"/ as sysdba\" \@$sqlfile`;

checkError ("$sqlfile execution failed", $outputCnvrt);

sub ConvertRoll
my ($fixedStr, $oldre, $rb, $rend, $bkupList, $rmList) = @_;
my $rollFile;

$rollFile = "$tmp/xxttroll_$fixedStr.sql";

open (XTTROLL, ">$rollFile") or Die $!;
print XTTROLL $rb;

foreach my $y (@{$rmList})

  print XTTROLL $y;


foreach my $backup (@{$bkupList})

  my $re = $oldre;
  ConvertBackup ($backup, $fixedStr);
  $re =~ s/##xtts_incr_backup/$xtts_incr_backup/;
  print XTTROLL $re;

print XTTROLL $rend;
close XTTROLL;

RollPiece ($rollFile);


sub RestoreRecover
my ($fixedStr, $finalRes) = @_;
my $cmdfile = "$tmp/xttresrec_$fixedStr.cmd";

open RMANRE, ">$cmdfile";
print RMANRE "$finalResn";
close RMANRE;

my ($rmanTrace, $traceFile) = GetRMANTrace("resrec");
my $output = rman target \/ $rmanTrace cmdfile $cmdfile;
debug ($output);

if ($output =~ /ERROR MESSAGE/)

  Die("$output $!");


Unlink ($traceFile);

End of UTIL functions

Following functions are useful for conversion, rollforward etc

Function : clearUpRollfwd

Purpose : Clear the scripts and converted incrementals after rollfwd

sub clearUpRollfwd
Unlink ($fixCnvSql);
Unlink ($xttrollforwardp);
Unlink ($fixRollSql);

sub rollforward()
PrintMessage ("Start rollforward");

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my $connectstringdest = "/ as sysdba";
my $ohcnv = $props{'cnvinst_home'};
my $ohcnvsid = $props{'cnvinst_sid'};
my $tsbkupmappath = "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt";
my $tsn;
my $fixedSql;
my $pid = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $parent = 0;
my $count = 0;
my $newrm;
my $oldre;

my $rb = q(

set serveroutput on;

outhandle varchar2(512) ;

outtag varchar2(30) ;
done boolean ;
failover boolean ;
devtype VARCHAR2(512);


DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Entering RollForward');

-- Now the rolling forward.
devtype := sys.dbms_backup_restore.deviceAllocate;

check_logical => FALSE, cleanup => FALSE) ;

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('After applySetDataFile');


my $rm = q(


 dfnumber => ##fno,
 toname => ##fname,
 fuzziness_hint => 0, max_corrupt => 0, islevel0 => 0,
 recid => 0, stamp => 0);


my $rmend = q(
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Done: applyDataFileTo');

my $re = q(
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Done: applyDataFileTo');

-- Restore Set Piece

handle => '##backupondest/##xtts_incr_backup',
tag => null, fromdisk => true, recid => 0, stamp => 0) ;

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Done: RestoreSetPiece');

-- Restore Backup Piece

done => done, params => null, outhandle => outhandle,
outtag => outtag, failover => failover);

DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Done: RestoreBackupPiece');


my $rend = q(



$stageondest = $props{'stageondest'};
$backupondest = $props{'backupondest'};
$platformid = $props{'platformid'};

$re =~ s/##backupondest/$backupondest/;
$oldre = $re;

if (!defined($ohcnv))

  $connectstringcnvinst = "/ as sysdba";


  debug "convert instance: $ohcnv \n";
  debug "convert instance: $ohcnvsid \n";

  $connectstringcnvinst =
    "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=$ohcnvsid))) as sysdba";


my %tsbkupmap;
my @tsArray = ();

open my $in, $tsbkupmappath or Die ("$tsbkupmappath $!");
@tsArray = <$in>;
close $in;

foreach my $x (sortArrayOrder @tsArray)

  $_ = $x;
  next if /^#/;
  if (m/(\S+):::.*?=(\S+)/g)
     push (@{$tsbkupmap{$1}}, $2);


## Putting database on target in nomount
## as it could cause the following error.
## ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2130], [33], [32], [4]
## The reason for this is :
## The code is trying to access KCCDEDBF (datafile) record# 33 when there
## is only record# 32. It looks when you try to apply the incremental
## backup on linux box, you are expecting the datafile# 33 to exists in the
## target database. However, that can't be always true.
## This is worked around by starting the target database iin nomount.
## The convert call/script should work in nomount state of database too.
if (defined($context->{"rolltbs"}))



debug3 ("ROLLFORWARD: Starting DB in nomount mode");

my $outputstart = sqlplus -L -s \"/ as sysdba\" \@xttstartupnomount.sql;
checkError ("Error in executing xttstartupnomount.sql", $outputstart);

## Generate xttrollforwarddest.sql that is the script
## that will rollforward all the converted datafiles.
my $tsbkcount = scalar keys %tsbkupmap;

if ($tsbkcount == 0)

  Die ("No tablepsace entries found");


my @sortedkeys = sort keys %tsbkupmap;

foreach $tsn (@sortedkeys)

  my ($ts, $rdfno, $order) = split(/::/, $tsn);
  my $fixedStr;

  if ($context->{"rolltbs"})
     my $checkArray = checkInArray($ts);
     if ($checkArray == 0)

  debug "rdfno " . $rdfno . "\n";
  my @rdfnos = split /,/,  $rdfno;

  open (ROLLPLAN, "$tmp/xttnewdatafiles.txt") or Die $!;

  my $scrape = 0;

  # Check if any failure occured and stop exection

  debug "BEFORE ROLLPLAN\n";

  my @rmList = ();

  while (<ROLLPLAN>)
     if ($scrape == 1 && $_ !~ /::/)
        my $oldrm = $rm;

        my  $dfstr = $_;
        my ($dfno, $dfname) = split /,/, $dfstr;
        my $ind;

        ## include the dfno only if present in the tsbkupmap.txt list
        ## of dfnos.
        my $found = 0;

        for ($ind = 0; $ind <= $#rdfnos ; $ind++)
           if ($dfno == $rdfnos[$ind])
              $found = 1;

        if ($found == 1)
           debug "datafile number : $dfno  \n";
           debug "datafile name   : $dfname\n";

           $newrm = $rm;
           $newrm =~ s/##fno/$dfno/;
           $newrm =~ s/##fname/'$dfname'/;
           push (@rmList, $newrm);

     if (/^::$ts$/)
        $scrape = 1;
     elsif (/^::/)
        $scrape = 0;
  push (@rmList, $rmend);
  debug "AFTER ROLLPLAN\n";

  $rollParallel = $props{'rollparallel'};

  $fixedStr = $rdfno;
  $fixedStr =~ tr/,/_/;

  # Bug 20192155: Use xib instead of "xtts_incr_backup" to prevent
  # ORA error ORA-15126 with ASM
  my $fixedStrL = substr($fixedStr, 0, 25);

  if ($rollParallel)

     $pid = fork();

     if ($pid == 0)
        ConvertRoll ($fixedStrL, $oldre, $rb ,$rend, \@{$tsbkupmap{$tsn}},
        exit (0);
        UpdateForkArray ($pid, $rollParallel);
     ConvertRoll ($fixedStrL, $oldre, $rb ,$rend, \@{$tsbkupmap{$tsn}},


while((my $pid = wait()) > 0)

  #sleep (1);


# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my $outputstart = sqlplus -L -s \"/ as sysdba\" \@xttdbopen.sql;

PrintMessage ("End of rollforward phase");


Function : resrecBkp

Purpose : Restore recover backup piece

sub resrecBkp
my $option = $_[0];

PrintMessage ("Start restore/recover");

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my $tsbkupmappath = "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt";
my $tsn;
my $fixedSql;
my $pid = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $parent = 0;
my $count = 0;
my $newrm;
my $oldre;
my $platName = $context->{"platname"};

$stageondest = $props{'stageondest'};
$platformid = $props{'platformid'};

my %tsbkupmap;
my @tsArray = ();

open my $in, $tsbkupmappath or Die ("$tsbkupmappath $!");
@tsArray = <$in>;
close $in;

foreach my $x (sortArrayOrder @tsArray)

  $_ = $x;
  next if /^#/;
  if (m/(\S+):::.*?=(\S+)/g)
     push (@{$tsbkupmap{$1}}, $2);


my $tsbkcount = scalar keys %tsbkupmap;

if ($tsbkcount == 0)

  Die ("No tablepsace entries found");


my @sortedkeys = sort keys %tsbkupmap;
my $res = '';
my $finalRes = '';

foreach $tsn (@sortedkeys)

  my ($ts, $rdfno, $order) = split(/::/, $tsn);
  my $fixedStr;

  debug "rdfno " . $rdfno . "\n";
  my @rdfnos = split /,/,  $rdfno;

  open (ROLLPLAN, "$tmp/xttnewdatafiles.txt") or Die $!;

  my $scrape = 0;

  # Check if any failure occured and stop exection

  debug "BEFORE ROLLPLAN\n";

  my @rmList = ();
  my $dfnofinal = 0;

  $res = '';
  while (<ROLLPLAN>)
     if ($_ !~ /::/)

        my  $dfstr = $_;
        my ($dfno, $dfname) = split /,/, $dfstr;
        my $ind;

        ## include the dfno only if present in the tsbkupmap.txt list
        ## of dfnos.
        my $found = 0;

        for ($ind = 0; $ind <= $#rdfnos ; $ind++)
           if ($dfno == $rdfnos[$ind])
              $found = 1;
              if (($option == RESTORE) || ($option == RECOVER))
                 if ($res ne '')
                    $res = $res.",";
                 if ($option == RECOVER)
                    $res = $res."'$dfname'";
                    $res = $res."$dfno format '$dfname'";

  if ($option == RESTORE)
     $finalRes =
        "restore from platform '$platName' FOREIGN DATAFILE ".
        " from backupset '$stageondest/@{$tsbkupmap{$tsn}}';\n";
  elsif ($option == RECOVER)
     $finalRes =
        " recover from platform '$platName' FOREIGN DATAFILECOPY ".
        " from backupset '$stageondest/@{$tsbkupmap{$tsn}}';\n";

  debug "AFTER ROLLPLAN\n";

  $rollParallel = $props{'rollparallel'};

  $fixedStr = $rdfno;
  $fixedStr =~ tr/,/_/;

  if ($rollParallel)

     $pid = fork();

     if ($pid == 0)
        RestoreRecover ($fixedStr, $finalRes);
        exit (0);
        UpdateForkArray ($pid, $rollParallel);
     RestoreRecover ($fixedStr, $finalRes);


while((my $pid = wait()) > 0)

  #sleep (1);


# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

PrintMessage ("End of restore/recover phase");

sub createDumpFile
my $option = $_[0];
my $finalRes = '';
my $bkPiece = '';
my $platName = $context->{"platname"};

PrintMessage ("Start creating dumpfile");

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my $tsbkupmappath = "$tmp/tsbkupmap.txt";
my %tsbkupmap;
my @tsArray = ();

open my $in, $tsbkupmappath or Die ("$tsbkupmappath $!");
@tsArray = <$in>;
close $in;

foreach my $x (sortArrayOrder @tsArray)

  $_ = $x;
  next if /^#/;
  if (m/.*DMPEXP::(.*)/)
     $bkPiece = $1;


my $dmpFile = "impdp".GetTimeStamp().".dmp";
my $dumpDir;

$context->{"dmpfile"} = $dmpFile;

if (defined($props{'dumpdir'}))

  $dumpDir = $props{'dumpdir'};
  if (!-e $dumpDir)
     $dumpDir = $tmp;


  $dumpDir = $tmp;


$finalRes =

  " restore from platform '$platName' ".
  " dump file '$dmpFile' ".
  " datapump destination '$dumpDir' ".
  " from backupset '$stageondest/$bkPiece';\n";

debug "$finalResn";

open RMANRE, ">rman_createdmp.cmd";
print RMANRE "$finalResn";
close RMANRE;
my ($rmanTrace, $traceFile) = GetRMANTrace("convert");
my $output = rman target \/ $rmanTrace cmdfile rman_createdmp.cmd;
debug ($output);

if ($output =~ /ERROR MESSAGE/)

  Die("$output $!");


Unlink ($traceFile);

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

PrintMessage ("End of creating dumpfile");

Rollforward Ends here - on destination

xttplan.txt with new fromscn -- STARTS

sub newplan()
# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

## Move the current xttplan.txt.new as xttplan.txt
## The xttplan.txt.new gets generated during backincr()
my $xttplanpath = "$tmp/xttplan.txt";
my $xttplanpathnew = "$tmp/xttplan.txt.new";

if ( -e $xttplanpath )

  my $timenow = time;

  system("\\mv $xttplanpath $xttplanpath" . $timenow);
  system("\\mv $xttplanpathnew $xttplanpath");


## Checks that no tablespace went read only
## or datafiles offline

print "New $tmp/xttplan.txt with FROM SCN's generatedn";

xttplan.txt with new fromscn -- ENDS

Convert Starts here - on destination

sub convert()
PrintMessage ("Performing convert");
# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my ($rmanTrace, $traceFile) = GetRMANTrace("convert");
my $output = rman target \/ $rmanTrace cmdfile $rmanpath;

if ($output =~ /ERROR MESSAGE/)

  Die("$output $!");

Unlink ($traceFile);

my @lines = split /n/, $output;

my $xttnewdata = "$tmp/xttnewdatafiles.txt";

if ( -e $xttnewdata )

  my $timenow = time;
  system("\\mv $xttnewdata $xttnewdata" . $timenow);


open(XTTNEW, ">$xttnewdata") || Die("Cant open xttnewdatafiles.txt");

foreach my $line (@lines)

  my $tsname;
  my $filno;

  $_ = $line;

  if (/converted datafile=(.+)\/(\w+)[_](\d+)\.xtf/)
     print XTTNEW "$3,";
     $line =~ s/.*converted datafile=//;
     print XTTNEW "$line\n";
     print XTTNEW $1 . "\n";
     $tsname = $1;



PrintMessage ("Converted datafiles listed in: $xttnewdata");


Function : genConvertDFNames

Purpose : When script is used to transport tablespaces between same endian

this function will be called. Here we create xttnewdatafiles.txt

sub genConvertDFNames
my @convertArray = ();

# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

open(RMANCONVERT, "$rmanpath") ||

   die 'Cant find rmanconvert.cmd, TMPDIR undefined';

@convertArray = ;

open(RMANDSTDF, ">$rmandstdf") ||

  Die "Cant find $rmandstdf";

foreach my $x (@convertArray)

  $x = trim($x);
  if ($x =~ /'(.*)\.tf'/)
     $x = $1.".tf";
     if ($x =~ /.*(.+)\/(\w+)[_](\d+)\.tf/)
        print RMANDSTDF "::$2\n";
        print RMANDSTDF "$3,$x\n";




Convert Ends here - on destination

Generate plugin/impdp command template as xttplugin.txt

- Starts here, on destination

sub plugin()
my $option = $_[0];

PrintMessage ("Generating plugin");
# Check if any failure occured and stop exection

my $xttplugin = "$tmp/xttplugin.txt";
my $tts = "transport_tablespaces=";
my $tdf = "transport_datafiles=";
my $comma = 0;
my $xttnewdata = "$tmp/xttnewdatafiles.txt";
my $command_str;
my $dmpFile = $context->{"dmpfile"};

if ( -e $xttplugin )

  my $timenow = time;
  system("\\mv $xttplugin $xttplugin" . $timenow);


open(XTTPLUG, ">$xttplugin") || Die("Unable to open file $xttplugin");

if ($option == LINK)

  $command_str =
    "impdp directory=<DATA_PUMP_DIR> logfile=<tts_imp.log> \\" . "\n" .
    "network_link=<ttslink> transport_full_check=no \\" . "\n" ;


  $command_str =
    "impdp directory=<DATA_PUMP_DIR> logfile=<tts_imp.log> \\" . "\n" .
    "dumpfile=$dmpFile \\" . "\n" ;


print XTTPLUG $command_str;

if ($option == LINK)

  print XTTPLUG $tts;

  open(XTTPLAN, $xttpath) || Die("Cant find xttplan.txt\n $!");

  while (<XTTPLAN>)
     if ($comma == 1 && /::::/)
        print XTTPLUG ",";
        $comma = 0;
     if (/(\S+)::::(\S+)/)
        print XTTPLUG $1;
        $comma = 1;

  print XTTPLUG " \\\n";

print XTTPLUG $tdf;
$comma = 0;

open(XTTNEWDATA, $xttnewdata) || Die("Cant find xttnewdatafiles.txt\n $!");

while ()

  if ($comma == 1)
     print XTTPLUG ",";
     $comma = 0;
  if (! /^::\S+/)

     my ($dfno, $dfname) = split /,/, $_;

     print XTTPLUG  "'" . $dfname . "'";
     $comma = 1;


print XTTPLUG "n";


PrintMessage ("Done generating plugin file $xttplugin");

Generate plugin/impdp command - Ends here, on destination

Function : usage

Purpose : Message about this program and how to use it

sub usage
print STDERR << "EOF";

This program prepares, backsup and rollsforward tablespaces
for cross-platform transportable tablespaces.

usage: $0
              {[--backup|-b] || [--bkpincr|-B] || [--bkpexport/E]
               [--convert/-c] || [--generate|-e] || [--incremental|-i] ||
               [[--prepare|-p] || [--getfile|-G]] ||
               [--restore|R] || [--recover|X]
               [--rollforward|-r [--rolltbs|-T <TBS1[,TBS2]>] ||
               [--determinescn|-s] ||
               [--orasid/O] || [--orahome|-o]]

   Additional options
           [--debug|d] [--clearerrorfile|-C] [--xttdir|Dir <tmpdir>]
           [-F/--propfile] [-I/--propdir]

 -b  : For 12c and above, generate transportable backups
 -B  : For 12c and above, generate level 1 transportable backups
 -c  : conversion of datafiles
 -M  : create the dump file from the generated backup
 -e  : generate impdp script: export over new link
 -i  : incremental backup
 -p  : prepare
 -G  : get datafiles from source database using get_file, should not
       be used together with -p
 -r  : roll forward datafiles
 -s  : new from_scn values into xttplan.txt
 -R  : For 12c restore the datafiles from the backups
 -X  : For 12c recover the datafiles from the backups
 -T  : roll forward specific tablespace(s)
 -h  : this (help) message (Default)
 -d  : provides more debug information, also rman is called with debug
       option so that tracing is better.
 -L  : delete the ERROR FILE and proceed with the execution
 -D  : Instead of defining environement variable, user can pass tmpdir
       through xttdir
 -O  : Use this option to pass ORACLE_SID to override the environment
 -o  : Use this option to pass ORACLE_HOME to override the environment
 -I  : Use this option to mention the location from where the script
       will pick the properties file etc
 -F  : Use this option to mention the location from where the script
       will pick the properties file.

example: $0 -p
         $0 -i
         $0 -r
         $0 -s


Function : GetTimeStamp

Purpose : Get the time stamp

Inputs : None

Outputs : Timestamp

NOTES : None

sub GetTimeStamp

my $timeStamp = $$."_".int(rand(1000));
return ($timeStamp);


Call main function


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