版权声明:本文为博主chszs的原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/chszs/article/details/8490595
Android 4.2官方文档chm格式下载
某位爱好者把Android 4.1官方文档做成了CHM,就像jdk的chm一样,查阅API极其方便。目前发布了Android 4.2的CHM版。
The thing is, I’ve always preferred to work with documentations in Windows CHM format. Why? Because:
1. CHM documents come with a built-in menu.
2. CHM documents come with an index.
3. CHM documents come with a search feature.
The other thing is that I also always wanted to create my own project on code.google.com… so after hours and hours of HTML scraping, here it is, the full Android documentation in CHM format.
补充:Android 4.4 API文档的下载见:百度网盘