
简介: 数据库都通用这是orcl的–员工表信息 select *from emp; –部门表的所有信息 select *from dept; –查询员工表的所有编号,名字,工资 sele...


select *from emp;
select *from dept;
select empno,ename,sal from emp;
select empno,ename,sal,sal*12 from emp;
select empno as 员工编号,ename as 员工姓名,sal as 员工工资 from emp;
select empno “en”from emp;
select ename ||’的月薪是’||sal from emp;
select distinct ename,sal from emp;
–order by 进行排序asc 升序desc降序
select *from emp order by sal asc;
select *from emp order by sal desc;
select *from emp order by sal asc,empno desc;
select ename as 姓名,empno as 编号 ,sal as 工资 from emp sal order by 编号 desc, 工资 asc;
select *from emp where ename =’SCOTT’;
select *from emp where sal=1250;
select *from emp where hiredate=’22-2月-81’;
select *from emp where hiredate >’1-1月-81’;
select *from emp where hiredate <’1-1月-81’;
select *from emp where sal>=1250;
select *from emp where sal!=800;
select *from emp where sal<>800;
select *from emp where sal between 800 and 1000;
select *from emp where sal between 800 and 1000;
select *from emp where sal in(800,1000,900,1250);
select *from emp where comm is null;
select *from emp where comm=”;
select *from emp where comm is not null;
select *from emp where comm !=”;
select *from emp where ename like ‘S%’;
select *from emp where ename like ‘D__%’;
select *from emp where ename like ‘%\%’escape’\’;
–and or not 运算符
select *from emp where sal>900 and ename like ‘S%’;
select *from emp where sal>900 or ename like ‘S%’;
select initcap(ename)from emp;
select lower(ename)from emp;
select upper(ename)from emp;
select ltrim(‘scdn’,’sc’)from dual;
select rtrim(‘csdn’,’dn’)from dual;
select ltrim(rtrim(’ bfdhugf ‘))from dual;
select translate(‘dfsff’,’df’,’lj’)from dual;
select replace(‘dfsfd’,’df’,’dss’)from dual;
select instr(‘fdsafs’,’s’)from dual;
select substr(‘sgfyusg’,3,2)from dual;
select concat(‘dfdsfd’,’fdsfd’)from dual;
select ‘dfdf’||’dfdfa’from dual;
select abs(-15)from dual;
select power(2,3)from dual;
select ceil(12.5)from dual;
select floor(12.5)from dual;
select trunc(12.456,2)from dual;
select round(122.456,2)from dual;
select sqrt(4)from dual;
select mod(10,3)from dual;
select sign(-25)from dual;
select sign(12)from dual;
select months_between(sysdate,’8-12月-1998’)from dual;
select add_months(sysdate,1)from dual;
select add_months(sysdate,-1)from dual;
select next_day(‘16-8月-17’,’星期日’)from dual;
select round (sysdate,’year’)from dual;
select round (sysdate,’month’)from dual;
select round (sysdate ,’day’)from dual;
select to_char(sysdate,’yyyy-mm-dd’)from dual;
select to_date(‘2017年8月16日’,’yyyy”年”mm”月”dd”日”’)from dual;
select to_number(‘123,549,654,12.789  ,   999,999,999,99.999’)from dual;
select to_number(‘¥123,456,46.4567’,’L999,999,99.9999’)from dual;
select to_char(12345678.123,’L999,999,99.999’)from dual;
select *from emp where hiredate>’1-1月-81’;
select *from emp where hiredate>to_date(‘1981-1-1’,’yyyy-mm-dd’);
select *from emp where to_char(hiredate,’yyyy-mm-dd’)>’1998-1-1’;
select ename,nvl(comm,0)from emp;
select ename,nvl2(comm,comm,0)from emp;
select decode(sal,1250,’有钱’,5000,’真有钱’,’穷鬼’)from emp;
–case when else end (if else)
select (case
when sal >=5000 then ‘有钱’
when sal>=4000 then ‘1有钱’
when sal>=3000 then ‘2有钱’
else ‘穷’
end)from emp;
select (case sex when 0 then’男’when 1 ‘女’ end)from dual;
–sum求和 max最大值min最小值avg平均值count统计
select max(sal)from emp;
select min(sal)from emp;
select avg(sal)from emp;
select sum(sal)from emp;
select count(sal)from emp;
select count(*)from emp;
select max(sal),min(sal),sum(sal),avg(sal),count(*)from emp;
select count(*)from emp;
select count (distinct sal)from emp;
select *from emp;
select *from emp where deptno like ‘10%’;
select ename,empno,sal*12 from emp where sal*12>30000;
select ename as 姓名,sal as 工资 from emp where comm is null;
select ename as 姓名, sal as 工资 from emp where sal>1500 and comm is not null;
select ename as 姓名, sal as 工资 from emp where sal>1500 or comm is null;
select ename as 姓名, sal as 工资 from emp where ename like ‘S%’;
–查询以j开头第二个字符是o 的
select ename as 姓名, sal as 工资 from emp where ename like ‘jo%_’;
select*from emp where ename like ‘% ’;

SQL 数据库
LangChain-09 Query SQL DB With RUN GPT 查询数据库 并 执行SQL 返回结果
LangChain-09 Query SQL DB With RUN GPT 查询数据库 并 执行SQL 返回结果
43 2
存储 缓存 网络协议
29 6
SQL 安全 Java
MyBatis-Plus 提供了一套强大的条件构造器(Wrapper),用于构建复杂的数据库查询条件。Wrapper 类允许开发者以链式调用的方式构造查询条件,无需编写繁琐的 SQL 语句,从而提高开发效率并减少 SQL 注入的风险。
41 1
SQL JavaScript 程序员
本文分析了因数据库中的不可见空白字符导致的数据查询问题,探讨了问题的成因与特性,并提出了使用 SQL 语句修复问题的有效方案。同时,总结了避免类似问题的经验和注意事项。
32 0
存储 缓存 固态存储
41 2
存储 缓存 关系型数据库
JSON JavaScript 关系型数据库
node.js连接GBase 8a 数据库 并进行查询代码示例
node.js连接GBase 8a 数据库 并进行查询代码示例
监控 关系型数据库 MySQL
350 1
存储 关系型数据库 MySQL
873 2
SQL 关系型数据库 数据库
【10月更文挑战第25天】本文介绍了几种有效提升 PostgreSQL 数据库查询效率的方法,包括索引优化、查询优化、配置优化和硬件优化。通过合理设计索引、编写高效 SQL 查询、调整配置参数和选择合适硬件,可以显著提高数据库性能。
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