解决MSDTC 53258故障

一直被这个问题困扰,无意之中在GOXIA BLOG看到了解决办法,摘抄一下。
解决MSDTC 53258故障
1、MSDTC 53258
MS DTC 无法正确处理 DC 升级/降级事件。MS DTC 将继续运行并将使用现有的安全设置。错误说明: %1
2、MSDTC 53258
MS DTC 无法正确处理 DC 升级/降级事件。MS DTC 将继续运行并将使用现有的安全设置。错误说明: d:\srvrtm\com\complus\dtc\dtc\adme\uiname.cpp:9280, Pid: 472
No Callstack,
CmdLine: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msdtc.exe
1. Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services.
2. Click the "+" next to Component services to expand it.
3. Right click "My Computer" in the right window pane and select Properties.
4. Click the MS DTC Tab.
5. Click the "Security Configuration" button, a dialog box appears. Click "OK".
6. Click "OK" on the "My Computer Properties" box; this will take you back to the console.
7. Right click "My Computer" and select "Stop MS DTC" (this stops the MSDTC service.
8. Again, right click "My Computer" and select "Start MS DTC".

本文转自 MicroMeng 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/MicroMeng/24941,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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