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转发路由器TR,750小时连接 100GB跨地域
简介: MERCury 2D Game Engine下载地址https://github.com/weslgames/MERCury维护增强和可靠的编码引擎的wessles    www.wessles.comLibgdx, and slick2d. Those are both GREAT libraries, way more than this will ever be.都,和slick2d。

MERCury 2D Game Engine


维护增强可靠的编码引擎wessles     www.wessles.com

Libgdx, and slick2d. Those are both GREAT libraries, way more than this will ever be.




That is why I made this. Sure, they are great, but they are LARGE. They have tons of utilities that few people use, like Slick2d's TileMap class. MERCury is compact, and gets the job done still at a high framerate.


You can stick to libGDX, Slick2d, but if you want a small lib/engine, you have to look around (as you could guess, smaller engines/libs are less popular).

你能坚持slick2d但如果你想要一个小/引擎你必须看看(你能猜出更小的发动机/ LIBS不受欢迎的

But I am not pitching this to you, I am sharing my progress on this project. This is for my learning benifit. If it comes in handy for you, then I feel like I have accomplished that much more!


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