KB Related to IOPS setting
Adjusting Round Robin IOPS limit from default 1000 to 1 (2069356)
To adjust the IOPS parameter from the default 1000 to 1, run this command:
In ESXi 5.x/6.x:
for i in `esxcfg-scsidevs -c |awk '{print $1}' | grep naa.xxxx`; do esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set --type=iops --iops=1 --device=$i; done
Where, .xxxx matches the first few characters of your naa IDs.
To verify if the changes are applied, run this command:
esxcli storage nmp device list
You see output similar to:
Path Selection Policy: VMW_PSP_RR
Path Selection Policy Device Config: {policy=iops,iops=1,bytes=10485760,useANO=0;lastPathIndex=1: NumIOsPending=0,numBytesPending=0}
Path Selection Policy Device Custom Config:
Working Paths: vmhba33:C1:T4:L0, vmhba33:C0:T4:L0
Query the paths of the VM LUNs:
esxcli storage nmp path list --device naa.******************
Set the path policy to Round Robin:
esxcli storage nmp device set --device naa.***************** --psp VMW_PSP_RR
Set the Round Robin IOPS for switch path to 1:
esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set --type=iops --iops=1 --device=naa.**********************