
简介: 最近比较忙,有段时间没写博客了,忙完了再整理整理可以分享的知识。 申请MVP时得益于博客园包建强贴出来的英文范文,我把我自己写的也贴出来,希望能对其他人有参考价值。 My blog on http://m2land.



My blog on http://m2land.cnblogs.com dedicated to technical discussing on open source CMS project DotNetNuke. I am specialize in .NET development and open source software investigation.

MVP is a great honor for .NET developer so I am eager to be a one!

In 2005, I was appointed to develop an office automation system, and decided to base on DNN for the consideration of reducing workload. For a whole year, by reading English documents, consulting all kinds of books and involving in discussions on foreign forums, I gradually familiarized with various aspects of DNN system, including DNN design principle, DNN installation, DNN development, DNN skin making, DNN site construction, DNN troubleshooting, etc. Because DNN is based on ASP.NET technology, I explored many fields of ASP.NET and got a great improvement on .NET development.

After the office automation system development, I continuously studied DNN and practiced DNN, exchanging with foreign fans and reading English documents. As an administrator of www.dnnchina.net , I tried to solve various problems for DNN learners and got acquainted with quite a number of domestic DNN masters. Meanwhile I studied in depth on the DNN skin-making credited for my profound interest in graphic design. My research on the open source project involved all issues concerning the technical aspect of ASP.NET.

After one year study on DNN, I realized that I should share the knowledge with others, and then I post my first blog in April 2006. I constantly record every problem on blog I met when I use DNN, write down installation guide, translate English documents, demonstrate how to make a module, publish skin design example, etc. My blog covered most fields relate to DNN and many ASP.NET topics being involved in the sometime. Gradually my blog become the topest entry for DNN newbie and ASP.NET learner.

In 2007, I began learn .NET knowledge systematically. As the biggest open source project of ASP.NET, many program and design technologies being applied. I read the book of C#, found the design pattern example in DNN, practice SQL serer query through DNN example and write the note on my blog.

All documents of DNN just are provided by in English version, this is a big barrier for Chinese developer. So I decided translate DNN English documents into Chinese in my blog. Finished parts of skin making and module design, other parts are still under working now.

At the beginning of 2008, the number of visitors of my blog is increasing, I got the concept that it’s a chance to propagate DNN and ASP.NET in China. Some of my old friends and me create an organization named “China DNN Union” to promote the propagation work. We create a BBS to discuss DNN topics, and offline meet of organization members scheduled every period of time.

All these above are a brief introduction of my experiences during the last years and the efforts I have made in popularizing DNN and ASP.NET techniques. I help others in the sometime improved myself. Gaining MVP can help me spread .NET techniques more easily, attract more potential readers, and it is also great encouragement to me.


My blog on http://m2land.cnblogs.com is dedicated to technical discussion on open source CMS project - DotNetNuke. I am specialized in .NET development and open source software investigation.

MVP is a great honor for .NET developers so I am eager to be one!

In 2005, I was assigned to develop an office automation system, and decided to achieve that based on DNN so as to reduce workload. For the whole year, I read English documents, consulted all kinds of books and involved in discussions on foreign forums… Gradually, I got familiar with various aspects of DNN system, including DNN design principles, DNN installation, DNN development, DNN skin making, DNN site construction, DNN troubleshooting. Because DNN is based on ASP.NET technology, I explored many fields of ASP.NET and have made great progress on .NET development.

After finishing the task, I continuously studied DNN and practiced DNN, exchanging with foreign fans and reading English documents. As an administrator of www.dnnchina.net, I tried to solve various problems for DNN learners and thus got acquainted with quite a number of domestic DNN masters. Meanwhile, I studied in depth the DNN skin-making credited for my profound interest in graphic design. My research on the open source projects involves all issues concerning the technical aspects of ASP.NET.

After one year’s study on DNN, I realized that I should share the knowledge with others, and therefore I posted my first blog in April 2006. I constantly record every problem on blog I met when I use DNN, write down installation guide, translate English documents, demonstrate how to make a module, publish skin design examples, etc. My blog covers most fields related to DNN and many ASP.NET topics being involved at the same time. Gradually, my blog is among the top entries for DNN newbies and ASP.NET learners.

In 2007, I began to learn .NET knowledge systematically. As the biggest open source project of ASP.NET, many programs and design technologies had to be applied in it. To get a better understanding of .NET, I read the books on C#, searched for design pattern examples in DNN, practiced SQL serer queries through DNN examples and posted notes on my blog.

All documents of DNN at this moment are provided in English, which is a big barrier for Chinese developers, so I decided to translate DNN English documents into Chinese in my blog. The translation of skin making and module design has been finished while other parts are underway.

At the beginning of 2008, the number of visitors to my blog is increasing, and I’ve got the concept that it’s a chance to promote DNN and ASP.NET in China; thus, some of my old friends and I have established an organization named “China DNN Union” so as to achieve that. We create a BBS to discuss DNN topics, and arrange offline meet of organization members scheduled every period of time.

All above is a brief introduction to my experiences during the last years and the efforts I have made in popularizing DNN and ASP.NET techniques. I help others as well as improving myself. Gaining MVP can help me spread .NET techniques more easily, attract more potential readers, and it is also great encouragement to me.



Java 程序员 C#
Web App开发 SQL 搜索推荐
知网“哭穷”:赔不起 1200 亿;微信公众号文章留言显示 IP 属地;程序员延寿指南霸榜 GitHub;联想高层大降薪|架构周报
本周架构视点:知网“哭穷”:赔不起 1200 亿;微信公众号文章留言显示 IP 属地;程序员延寿指南霸榜 GitHub;联想高层大规模降薪;网易云音乐起诉腾讯音乐;GitHub 弃用 io;ARM 安谋中国 430 多名员工联名签署公开信,反对软银夺权;Firefox:我们不会卖给亿万富翁
169 0
知网“哭穷”:赔不起 1200 亿;微信公众号文章留言显示 IP 属地;程序员延寿指南霸榜 GitHub;联想高层大降薪|架构周报
Cloud Native 架构师 关系型数据库
MVP一周精选 20200417:快速成为顶级架构师的内功修炼
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MVP一周精选 20200417:快速成为顶级架构师的内功修炼
人工智能 大数据 数据库
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机器学习/深度学习 人工智能 算法
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人工智能 Kubernetes 架构师
MVP一周精选 20200228: 大咖引路,与你共享成长
二月精选专题新鲜出炉!架构师成长之路,物联网“新”应用及挑战,双倍干货,一次看过瘾! 更有MVP抗击疫情的解决方案,一站式解决您的困扰。
MVP一周精选 20200228: 大咖引路,与你共享成长
《MIT科技评论》发布2019 年 “50 家聪明的公司” (TR50)榜单,**阿里云成为全球首家上榜云服务商**。
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架构师 大数据 UED
幸得与君为伍 - 阿里云 MVP 三期名单发布
第三季度的招募,从9月份到12月份,我们收到了大量的 MVP推荐和申请,更是“偷偷约会”了一些候选人 经过反复讨论和评审,终于终于要把这个好消息告诉大家啦 - 全球共77位 MVP
4338 0
Go vr&ar
带你读《国际市场营销学(英文版·原书第7版)》之三:Internationalization theories