Web 设计师的 50 个超便利工具(下)

简介: 作为一个 Web 设计师并不容易,不仅考虑设计与架构,还要时刻注意各种小细节,设计师的工作被各种各样的问题包围,你需要一套超级便利的工具帮你解决各种消耗时间和精力 的问题。本文介绍了50个非常强大的工具,你会发现,其中的一些工具会让你感到惊艳在,这是第二部分。

作为一个 Web 设计师并不容易,不仅考虑设计与架构,还要时刻注意各种小细节,设计师的工作被各种各样的问题包围,你需要一套超级便利的工具帮你解决各种消耗时间和精力 的问题。本文介绍了50个非常强大的工具,你会发现,其中的一些工具会让你感到惊艳在,这是第二部分。


This tool allows you to create meaningful visuals for code and can be used to plan, organize and navigate code in a more intuitive way.


This application is a powerful online image editor. Its tools are organized in handy, draggable boxes that can be positioned very much as you would see in traditional image-editing applications.

Unicode code converter

Type or paste text in any of the green or grey shaded boxes and click on the button Convert button above it. Alternative representations will appear in all the other boxes. You can then cut & paste the results into your document.

Grid System Generator

This tool generates grid systems in valid css / xhtml for rapid prototyping, development and production environments. The grid system generators offer the ability to customize the width, no. of columns and margin(s) to allow more flexibility for various designs.

ud.com namecheck

The tool checks availability of social usernames, domain names and trademarks.

Typograph — Scale & Rhythm

A useful tool for testing typographic scale and rhythm. It lets you set factors such as the typographic scale (traditional, 3:5 Fibonacci, Le Corbusier, etc.), the font size in percentage, line height, the layout, padding and the line height for h1, h2 and h3 headings.

ColorBrewer Intro – Selecting Good Color Schemes for Maps

ColorBrewer is an online tool designed to help people select good color schemes for maps and other graphics.

CSS Inliner Tool

If you’ve ever sent an email campaign, you know that if your CSS is not coded inline, it is likely to get stripped out by email clients, which can make your email design pretty funky looking. Writing CSS inline can be time consuming, and repetitive. MailChimp has a CSS inline conversion tool built right in that will automatically transform all of your local styles into inline styles. Designers have found it so useful, we thought we’d share it with everyone else – even if you don’t have a MailChimp account.

HTML Purifier – Filter your HTML the standards-compliant way!

HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP. HTML Purifier removes malicious code (better known as XSS) and make sure your documents are standards compliant.


Rendera helps you learn HTML5 and CSS. Type in your HTML code and see it rendered in real-time. Then style it with CSS. You can use any of the HTML 5 or CSS3 tags your browser supports. The tool supports HAML and SASS, too.


An intuitive tool for learning, writing, and testing Regular Expressions.

try ruby! (in your browser)

This tool allows you to try out Ruby code in the prompt command line online. It supports Ruby’s built-in methods, and contains a step-by-step tutorial for Ruby newbies.

Google Command Line

GoogleCL is a command-line utility that provides access to various Google services. It streamlines tasks such as posting to a Blogger blog, adding events to Calendar, or editing documents on Google Docs.

Tiny Fluid Grid

Simple tool that generates code for fluid grid-based layouts.


This online tool lets you skip the phone menus for hundreds of companies and makes it less frustrating to call large companies. For business owners, Fonolo allows your customers to actually see your phone menu options, before they call you.

Producteev: Creating To-Do Lists with Emails

Forward your important emails to task@producteev.com and the tool will create to-do lists on the fly and send you alerts when needed. It can be integrated in E-mails, IM, Web, iPhone, Gmail, Google Calendar etc.

AddUse – User research made easy

AddUse is a web based tool that helps you create, manage and present your user research in a simple, easy to use and cost efficient way. It’s a tool to use at any given moment in your development process. It presents the results from your user tests, surveys and questionnaires in a graphical way, efficiently helping engineering, marketing and management groups make the right decisions.


Online registration for events, workshops, classes and courses. The free version allows for 150 events with 300 bookings per month.

本文国际来源:Smashing Magazine 50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers (原文作者:Vitaly Friedman

中文翻译来源:锐商企业CMS 网站内容管理系统 官方网站

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Selenium 是一款强大的 Web 自动化测试工具,包括 Selenium IDE、WebDriver 和 Grid 三大组件,支持多种编程语言和跨平台操作。它能有效提高测试效率,解决跨浏览器兼容性问题,进行性能测试和数据驱动测试,尽管存在学习曲线较陡、不稳定等缺点,但其优势明显,是自动化测试领域的首选工具。
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在刷短视频时,常看到情侣在景区拍照被路人“抢镜”,男朋友用手机将路人“P”掉,既贴心又有趣。最近我发现了一个纯前端实现的开源项目——inpaint-web,可在浏览器端删除照片中的部分内容,非常酷。该项目基于 WebGPU 和 WASM 技术,支持图像修复与放大,已在 GitHub 上获得 5.1k Star。项目地址:[GitHub](https://github.com/lxfater/inpaint-web)。
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前端开发 JavaScript 开发者
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