New password: Retype new password: passwd:all authentication tokens updated successfully.passwd oracle 例如: %23 passwd oracle Changing password for user oracle.
Passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully密码修改成功
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.注:修改root密码成功;
Password: all authentication tokens updated successfully成功改变密码
Server traffic settings updated successfully!服务器流量设置成功更新!
Personal data updated successfully!成功更新个人数据!
Domain properties updated successfully!域名属性成功更新!
Authentication tokens are not required to be valid except at the Operator Site or implementation from which they originated.认证令牌并不要求一定是有效的,除非是在原始产生这些令牌的操作入口站点或兼容实现中。
Each of the calls in the publishers API that change information at a given Operator Site requires the use of an opaque authentication token.在发布API中,每个需要对某个给定的操作入口站点(Operator Site)进行信息修改的调用都被要求使用一个不可省略的认证令牌。
E_authTokenExpired: (10110) Signifies that the authentication token information has timed out.E_authTokenExpired: (10110) 表示认证令牌信息已经超时。
Custom menu data updated successful!自定义菜单数据成功更新!
E_authTokenRequired: (10120) Signifies that an invalid authentication token was passed to an API call that requires authentication.E_authTokenRequired: (10120) 表示一个需要认证的API函数调用获得了一个无效的认证令牌。
If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests that use that suffix are routed to the specified forest.如果已为某个名称后缀启用路由,所有使用这个后缀的身份验证请求都会被路由到指定的林。
If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests using that suffix are routed to the specified forest.如果为某个名称后缀启用了路由,所有用这个后缀的身份验证请求都会被路由到指定的林。
For implementations that desire this kind of security,the get_authToken API is provided as an optional means for generating a temporary authentication token.对于希望使用此类安全机制的具体站点实现,get_authToken API提供了一种可选择的生成临时认证令牌的方法。
If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests in the local forest that use that suffix are routed to the specified forest.如果已为某个名称后缀启用路由,所有本地林中使用这个后缀的身份验证请求都会被路由到指定的林。
If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests in the specified forest that use that suffix are routed to the local forest.如果为某个名称后缀启用了路由,指定林中所有使用那个后缀的验证请求都会被路由到本地林。
If a user selects the Remember me next time check box when he or she logs in, the authentication token will be stored in a persistent cookie in the browser.如果用户在登录时选中“下次记住我”复选框,身份验证令牌将被存储在浏览器的持久性Cookie中。
For implementations that desire this kind of security, the get_authToken API is provided as an optional means for generating a temporary authentication token.对于希望使用此类安全机制的具体站点实现,get_authToken api提供了一种可选择的生成临时认证令牌的方法。