PS Note : it will be update when i found some Amazing Reaource about Windows phone 7 . you want to restore tab if you like .
[1] Windowsphonegeek
[2] Windows phone 7 Application Data Cache FrameWork AgFx
Wolframalpha Link:
wolfram Alpha API Now Free and Open To ALL
WolframAlpha API download Page
Wolfram Alpha API 2.0 Codeplex Project.
Wolfram Alpha Projects Demo Document.
midomi Link:
猎曲奇兵 MIdomi SoundHound [Android -Chinese]
Cloud Computing Link:
The Some Issue About Cloud Computing .
Some Question about Cloud Computing.
Speech Technology Link:
Easily integrate iSpeech's free text to speech (TTS) and speech recognition (ASR) technology to speech-enable your apps. With iSpeech, your users can use voice search, voice user interface (VUI), send SMS, email, and other messages by voice, and listen to incoming messages and other content.
Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 For Developer
Text to Speech For Windows phone [Nokia Wiki Document]
windows phone Text Speech Tool And Translation libray
Microsoft Research Speech Hawaii Services SDKs
Windows phone Sound Record Demo
Windows phone Siri [Video-TXt Speech]
Speech Recognition on Windows phone
Convertiong Text To Speech in C# WPF Application
Voice Recoqnitio Comment Article [dianDian]
Voice REcoqnitio Topic Article From [Zhihu]
Windows phone Tellme Link:
Three Part Development API:
Nuance API Support Windows phone
Nuance Developer Document Center
Nuance Developer Mobile Developer SDK
Windows Azure:
Windows Azure Start Learn Page
Windows Azure ToolKit For Social Games
Windows phone OpenSource Project:
A pie Chart Generator For Windows phone 7
Silverlight/Windows phone 7 Serializer library
Isolated Storage as cache useing Reactive Extensions
PhoneGap For Windows phont Web APP
Source Code Manager Tool:
Git Tool Development Skill At&Comment
Windows phone DataCache:
Build data-driven Apps With Windows Azure And Windows phone.
Metro UI Design Reaources Link:
Jeff Wilcox's "Metro" Desgn GuideLine For Developers ,V1.00
Getting Started With Metro UI In DotNetBar for WPF
Metro design language Of Windows phone
Windows phone Metro UI Designer Blogs
Metro Design Windows phone Blogs
Principles Of WP7's Metro Design Aesthetic
Metro UI Interaction Design GuideLines
Metro Desing Site [Great]
Metro UI interaction design guidelines
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