Windows phone 7 OpenSource Project


PS Note : it will be update when i found some Amazing Reaource about Windows phone 7 . you want to restore tab if you like .

[1] Windowsphonegeek

[2] Windows  phone 7 Application Data Cache FrameWork AgFx

Wolframalpha Link:

Wolframalpha HomePage

Wolframlpha API

wolfram Alpha API Now Free and Open To ALL

WolframAlpha API download Page

Wolfram Alpha API 2.0 Codeplex Project.

Wolfram Alpha Team Blog

Wolfram Alpha Projects Demo Document.

Introduce WolframAlpha Wiki

midomi Link:

Introduce Midomi Wiki

Midomi HomePage

猎曲奇兵 MIdomi SoundHound [Android -Chinese]

Midomi SoundHound For IPhone

SoundHound Midomi API

Cloud Computing Link:

What's the Cloud Computing?

The Some Issue About Cloud Computing .

Some Question about Cloud Computing.

Xen in Wiki.

Speech Technology Link:

Easily integrate iSpeech's free text to speech (TTS) and speech recognition (ASR) technology to speech-enable your apps. With iSpeech, your users can use voice search, voice user interface (VUI), send SMS, email, and other messages by voice, and listen to incoming messages and other content.

ISpeech SDK For Developer

Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 For Developer 

Text to Speech For Windows phone  [Nokia Wiki Document]

windows phone Text Speech Tool And Translation libray

Microsoft Research Speech Hawaii Services SDKs

Windows phone Sound Record Demo 

Windows phone Siri [Video-TXt Speech]

Speech Recognition on Windows phone

Convertiong Text To Speech in C# WPF Application

Text to Speech Online Demo

Voice Recoqnitio Comment Article [dianDian]

Voice REcoqnitio Topic Article From [Zhihu]

Windows phone Tellme Link:

Windows phone Tellme Catalog 

Three Part Development API:

Nuance API Support Windows phone 

Nuance HomePage

Nuance Developer Document Center

Nuance Developer Mobile Developer SDK 

Windows Azure:

 Windows Azure HomePage

 Windows Azure Start Learn Page

 Windows Azure MSDN Blogs

 Windows Azure ToolKit For Social Games

 DataMarket For Windows Azure 

 Msdn libray For Windows Azure 

Windows phone   OpenSource Project:

Windows phone 7 Contrib 

 A pie Chart Generator For Windows phone 7 

 Silverlight/Windows phone 7 Serializer library

 Isolated Storage as cache useing Reactive Extensions

 PhoneGap For Windows phont Web APP 

Source Code Manager Tool:

Git Tool Development Skill  At&Comment

Windows phone DataCache:

Build data-driven Apps With Windows Azure And Windows phone. 

Metro UI Design Reaources Link: 

 Metro ToolKit Codeplex

 Jeff Wilcox's "Metro" Desgn GuideLine For Developers ,V1.00

 Metro Twitter Client

 Getting Started With Metro UI In DotNetBar for WPF

Metro design language Of Windows phone  

Windows phone Metro UI Designer Blogs

Metro Design Windows phone Blogs 


Principles Of WP7's Metro Design Aesthetic

Metro Desing Loft HomePage 

Metro UI Interaction Design GuideLines 

Metro Design ToolBox 

Metro Desing Site [Great]

Metro UI interaction design guidelines

本文转自chenkaiunion 51CTO博客,原文链接:

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解决windows下eclipse创建project时没有include导致出现“unresolved inclusion: <stdio.h>”错误的方法
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Android开发 iOS开发 Windows
Windows Phone 寿终正寝了,这些经典机型你还记得吗?
不久前,随着最后一家WP手机厂商惠普宣布取消今后Windows Phone的研发计划,以及微软官方声明对WP8.1系统今后所有升级维护的终止,WP手机,作为曾经和安卓手机、苹果手机并驾齐驱的三大智能手机之一,正式寿终正寝。
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Windows Phone 寿终正寝了,这些经典机型你还记得吗?
XML 开发框架 前端开发
Windows Phone快速入门需掌握哪些能力
在此之前,先普及下Windows Phone的概念和开发工具的介绍。 Windows Phone是微软公司开发的手机操作系统,它将微软旗下的Xbox Live游戏、Xbox Music音乐与独特的视频体验集成至手机中。2012年6月21日,微软正式发布Windows Phone 8,采用和Windows 8相同的Windows NT内核,同时也针对市场的Windows Phone 7.5发布Windows Phone 7.8。
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Windows Phone快速入门需掌握哪些能力
移动开发 Android开发 开发者
Windows Phone 8.1 新功能汇总 开发者预览版开放下载
在Build 2014大会上,微软正式发布了传闻已久的Windows Phone 8.1系统,所有的Windows Phone 8手机都可以升级,微软这次可谓是十分厚道。虽然并非迭代升级,但WP 8.1还是拥有很多重大更新,对于微软进一步完善移动平台拥有积极的意义。下面,就一起来了解一下WP 8.1的主要新特性。
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Windows Phone 8.1 新功能汇总 开发者预览版开放下载
编解码 前端开发 JavaScript
Windows Phone 下开发 LBS 应用
基于位置的服务(Location Based Service,LBS),它是通过电信移动运营商的无线电通讯网络(如GSM网、CDMA网)或外部定位方式(如GPS)获取移动终端用户的位置信息(地理坐标,或大地坐标),在GIS(Geographic Information System,地理信息系统)平台的支持下,为用户提供相应服务的一种增值业务。
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