
简介: 在逆向工程,计算机视觉,文物数字化等领域中,由于点云的不完整,旋转错位,平移错位等,使得要得到的完整的点云就需要对局部点云进行配准,为了得到被测物体的完整数据模型,需要确定一个合适的坐标系,将从各个视角得到的点集合并到统一的坐标系下形成一个完整的点云,然后就可以方便进行可视化的操作,这就是点云数据的配准。



两两配准的简介:一对点云数据集的配准问题是两两配准(pairwise registration 或 pair-wise registration).通常通过应用一个估计得到的表示平移和选装的4*4缸体变换矩阵来使得一个点云的数据集精确的与另一个点云数据集(目标数据集)进行完美的配准







对应估计(correspondences estimation):假设我们已经得到由来给你此扫描的点云数据获得的两组特征向量,在此基础基础上,我们必须找到,相似特征再确定数据的重叠部分,然后才能进行配准,根据特征的类型PCL使用不同的方法来搜索特征之间的对应关系


(1)穷举配准(brute force matching)




(3)对应关系的去除(correspondence rejection)


(4)变换矩阵的估算(transormation estimation)


  1.  在对应关系的基础上评估一些错误的度量标准





 (5)迭代最近点算法(Iterative CLosest Point简称ICP算法)


  1. 对原始点云数据进行采样





class   pcl::CorrespondenceGrouping< PointModelT, PointSceneT >
  Abstract base class for Correspondence Grouping algorithms
class   pcl::GeometricConsistencyGrouping< PointModelT, PointSceneT >
  Class implementing a 3D correspondence grouping enforcing geometric consistency among feature correspondences.
class   pcl::recognition::HoughSpace3D
  HoughSpace3D is a 3D voting space.
class   pcl::Hough3DGrouping< PointModelT, PointSceneT, PointModelRfT, PointSceneRfT >
  Class implementing a 3D correspondence grouping algorithm that can deal with multiple instances of a model template found into a given scene.
class   pcl::CRHAlignment< PointT, nbins_ >
  CRHAlignment uses two Camera Roll Histograms (CRH) to find the roll rotation that aligns both views.
class   pcl::recognition::ObjRecRANSAC::Output
  This is an output item of the ObjRecRANSAC::recognize() method. More...
class   pcl::recognition::ObjRecRANSAC::OrientedPointPair
class   pcl::recognition::ObjRecRANSAC::HypothesisCreator
class   pcl::recognition::ObjRecRANSAC
  This is a RANSAC-based 3D object recognition method.
class   pcl::recognition::ORROctree::Node::Data
class   pcl::recognition::ORROctree::Node
class   pcl::recognition::ORROctree
  That's a very specialized and simple octree class.
class   pcl::recognition::RotationSpace
  This is a class for a discrete representation of the rotation space based on the axis-angle representation.





#include <iostream>                 //标准输入输出头文件
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>         //I/O操作头文件
#include <pcl/point_types.h>        //点类型定义头文件
#include <pcl/registration/icp.h>   //ICP配准类相关头文件

 main (int argc, char** argv)
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_in (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_out (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

  // 随机填充点云
  cloud_in->width    = 5;               //设置点云宽度
  cloud_in->height   = 1;               //设置点云为无序点
  cloud_in->is_dense = false;
  cloud_in->points.resize (cloud_in->width * cloud_in->height);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_in->points.size (); ++i)
    cloud_in->points[i].x = 1024 * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
    cloud_in->points[i].y = 1024 * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
    cloud_in->points[i].z = 1024 * rand () / (RAND_MAX + 1.0f);
  std::cout << "Saved " << cloud_in->points.size () << " data points to input:"//打印处点云总数
      << std::endl;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_in->points.size (); ++i) std::cout << "    " <<    //打印处实际坐标
      cloud_in->points[i].x << " " << cloud_in->points[i].y << " " <<
      cloud_in->points[i].z << std::endl;
  *cloud_out = *cloud_in;
  std::cout << "size:" << cloud_out->points.size() << std::endl;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_in->points.size (); ++i)
    cloud_out->points[i].x = cloud_in->points[i].x + 0.7f;
  std::cout << "Transformed " << cloud_in->points.size () << " data points:"
      << std::endl;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_out->points.size (); ++i)     //打印构造出来的目标点云
    std::cout << "    " << cloud_out->points[i].x << " " <<
      cloud_out->points[i].y << " " << cloud_out->points[i].z << std::endl;

  pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointXYZ> icp;   //创建IterativeClosestPoint的对象
  icp.setInputCloud(cloud_in);                 //cloud_in设置为点云的源点
  icp.setInputTarget(cloud_out);               //cloud_out设置为与cloud_in对应的匹配目标
  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> Final;         //存储经过配准变换点云后的点云
  icp.align(Final);                             //打印配准相关输入信息
  std::cout << "has converged:" << icp.hasConverged() << " score: " <<
  icp.getFitnessScore() << std::endl;
  std::cout << icp.getFinalTransformation() << std::endl;

 return (0);





刚开始,如果直接通过通过kinect 得到数据运行会出现如下的错误,是因为该ICP 算法不能处理含有NaNs的点云数据,所以需要通过移除这些点,才能作为ICP算法的输入






#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>              //boost指针相关头文件
#include <pcl/point_types.h>                  //点类型定义头文件
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h>                  //点云类定义头文件
#include <pcl/point_representation.h>         //点表示相关的头文件
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>                    //PCD文件打开存储类头文件
#include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h>           //用于体素网格化的滤波类头文件 
#include <pcl/filters/filter.h>             //滤波相关头文件
#include <pcl/features/normal_3d.h>         //法线特征头文件
#include <pcl/registration/icp.h>           //ICP类相关头文件
#include <pcl/registration/icp_nl.h>        //非线性ICP 相关头文件
#include <pcl/registration/transforms.h>      //变换矩阵类头文件
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>  //可视化类头文件

using pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField;
using pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerCustom;

typedef pcl::PointXYZ PointT;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloud;   //申明pcl::PointXYZ数据
typedef pcl::PointNormal PointNormalT;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointNormalT> PointCloudWithNormals;

// 申明一个全局可视化对象变量,定义左右视点分别显示配准前和配准后的结果点云
    pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer *p;     //创建可视化对象 
    int vp_1, vp_2;                           //定义存储 左 右视点的ID

struct PCD
  PointCloud::Ptr cloud;  //点云共享指针
  std::string f_name;   //文件名称

  PCD() : cloud (new PointCloud) {};

struct PCDComparator  //文件比较处理
  bool operator () (const PCD& p1, const PCD& p2)
    return (p1.f_name < p2.f_name);

// 以< x, y, z, curvature >形式定义一个新的点表示
class MyPointRepresentation : public pcl::PointRepresentation <PointNormalT>
  using pcl::PointRepresentation<PointNormalT>::nr_dimensions_;
  MyPointRepresentation ()
    nr_dimensions_ = 4;    //定义点的维度

  // 重载copyToFloatArray方法将点转化为四维数组 
  virtual void copyToFloatArray (const PointNormalT &p, float * out) const
    // < x, y, z, curvature >
    out[0] = p.x;
    out[1] = p.y;
    out[2] = p.z;
    out[3] = p.curvature;

/** \左视图用来显示未匹配的源和目标点云*/
void showCloudsLeft(const PointCloud::Ptr cloud_target, const PointCloud::Ptr cloud_source)
  p->removePointCloud ("vp1_target");
  p->removePointCloud ("vp1_source");

  PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> tgt_h (cloud_target, 0, 255, 0);
  PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> src_h (cloud_source, 255, 0, 0);
  p->addPointCloud (cloud_target, tgt_h, "vp1_target", vp_1);
  p->addPointCloud (cloud_source, src_h, "vp1_source", vp_1);

  PCL_INFO ("Press q to begin the registration.\n");
  p-> spin();

/** \右边显示配准后的源和目标点云*/
void showCloudsRight(const PointCloudWithNormals::Ptr cloud_target, const PointCloudWithNormals::Ptr cloud_source)
  p->removePointCloud ("source");
  p->removePointCloud ("target");

  PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField<PointNormalT> tgt_color_handler (cloud_target, "curvature");
  if (!tgt_color_handler.isCapable ())
      PCL_WARN ("Cannot create curvature color handler!");

  PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField<PointNormalT> src_color_handler (cloud_source, "curvature");
  if (!src_color_handler.isCapable ())
      PCL_WARN ("Cannot create curvature color handler!");

  p->addPointCloud (cloud_target, tgt_color_handler, "target", vp_2);
  p->addPointCloud (cloud_source, src_color_handler, "source", vp_2);


/** \brief Load a set of PCD files that we want to register together
  * \param argc the number of arguments (pass from main ())
  * \param argv the actual command line arguments (pass from main ())
  * \param models the resultant vector of point cloud datasets
void loadData (int argc, char **argv, std::vector<PCD, Eigen::aligned_allocator<PCD> > &models)
  std::string extension (".pcd");
  // 第一个参数是命令本身,所以要从第二个参数开始解析
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    std::string fname = std::string (argv[i]);
    // PCD文件名至少为5个字符大小字符串(因为后缀名.pcd就已经占了四个字符位置)
    if (fname.size () <= extension.size ())

    std::transform (fname.begin (), fname.end (), fname.begin (), (int(*)(int))tolower);
    if (fname.compare (fname.size () - extension.size (), extension.size (), extension) == 0)
      PCD m;
      m.f_name = argv[i];
      pcl::io::loadPCDFile (argv[i], *m.cloud);
      std::vector<int> indices;
      pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*m.cloud,*m.cloud, indices);

      models.push_back (m);

/** \brief Align a pair of PointCloud datasets and return the result
  * \param cloud_src the source PointCloud
  * \param cloud_tgt the target PointCloud
  * \param output the resultant aligned source PointCloud
  * \param final_transform the resultant transform between source and target
void pairAlign (const PointCloud::Ptr cloud_src, const PointCloud::Ptr cloud_tgt, PointCloud::Ptr output, Eigen::Matrix4f &final_transform, bool downsample = false) { // // Downsample for consistency and speed // \note enable this for large datasets PointCloud::Ptr src (new PointCloud);   //存储滤波后的源点云 PointCloud::Ptr tgt (new PointCloud);   //存储滤波后的目标点云 pcl::VoxelGrid<PointT> grid;         /////滤波处理对象 if (downsample) { grid.setLeafSize (0.05, 0.05, 0.05);    //设置滤波时采用的体素大小 grid.setInputCloud (cloud_src); grid.filter (*src); grid.setInputCloud (cloud_tgt); grid.filter (*tgt); } else { src = cloud_src; tgt = cloud_tgt; } // 计算表面的法向量和曲率 PointCloudWithNormals::Ptr points_with_normals_src (new PointCloudWithNormals); PointCloudWithNormals::Ptr points_with_normals_tgt (new PointCloudWithNormals); pcl::NormalEstimation<PointT, PointNormalT> norm_est; //点云法线估计对象 pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ> ()); norm_est.setSearchMethod (tree); norm_est.setKSearch (30); norm_est.setInputCloud (src); norm_est.compute (*points_with_normals_src); pcl::copyPointCloud (*src, *points_with_normals_src); norm_est.setInputCloud (tgt); norm_est.compute (*points_with_normals_tgt); pcl::copyPointCloud (*tgt, *points_with_normals_tgt); // // Instantiate our custom point representation (defined above) ... MyPointRepresentation point_representation; // ... and weight the 'curvature' dimension so that it is balanced against x, y, and z float alpha[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; point_representation.setRescaleValues (alpha); // // 配准 pcl::IterativeClosestPointNonLinear<PointNormalT, PointNormalT> reg;   // 配准对象 reg.setTransformationEpsilon (1e-6);   ///设置收敛判断条件,越小精度越大,收敛也越慢 // Set the maximum distance between two correspondences (src<->tgt) to 10cm大于此值的点对不考虑 // Note: adjust this based on the size of your datasets reg.setMaxCorrespondenceDistance (0.1); // 设置点表示 reg.setPointRepresentation (boost::make_shared<const MyPointRepresentation> (point_representation)); reg.setInputSource (points_with_normals_src);   // 设置源点云 reg.setInputTarget (points_with_normals_tgt);    // 设置目标点云 // // Run the same optimization in a loop and visualize the results Eigen::Matrix4f Ti = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity (), prev, targetToSource; PointCloudWithNormals::Ptr reg_result = points_with_normals_src; reg.setMaximumIterations (2);////设置最大的迭代次数,即每迭代两次就认为收敛,停止内部迭代 for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)   ////手动迭代,每手动迭代一次,在配准结果视口对迭代的最新结果进行刷新显示 { PCL_INFO ("Iteration Nr. %d.\n", i); // 存储点云以便可视化 points_with_normals_src = reg_result; // Estimate reg.setInputSource (points_with_normals_src); reg.align (*reg_result); //accumulate transformation between each Iteration Ti = reg.getFinalTransformation () * Ti; //if the difference between this transformation and the previous one //is smaller than the threshold, refine the process by reducing //the maximal correspondence distance if (fabs ((reg.getLastIncrementalTransformation () - prev).sum ()) < reg.getTransformationEpsilon ()) reg.setMaxCorrespondenceDistance (reg.getMaxCorrespondenceDistance () - 0.001); prev = reg.getLastIncrementalTransformation (); // visualize current state showCloudsRight(points_with_normals_tgt, points_with_normals_src); } // // Get the transformation from target to source targetToSource = Ti.inverse();//deidao // // Transform target back in source frame pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud_tgt, *output, targetToSource); p->removePointCloud ("source"); p->removePointCloud ("target"); PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> cloud_tgt_h (output, 0, 255, 0); PointCloudColorHandlerCustom<PointT> cloud_src_h (cloud_src, 255, 0, 0); p->addPointCloud (output, cloud_tgt_h, "target", vp_2); p->addPointCloud (cloud_src, cloud_src_h, "source", vp_2); PCL_INFO ("Press q to continue the registration.\n"); p->spin (); p->removePointCloud ("source"); p->removePointCloud ("target"); //add the source to the transformed target *output += *cloud_src; final_transform = targetToSource; } int main (int argc, char** argv) { // 存储管理所有打开的点云 std::vector<PCD, Eigen::aligned_allocator<PCD> > data; loadData (argc, argv, data); // 加载所有点云到data // 检查输入 if (data.empty ()) { PCL_ERROR ("Syntax is: %s <source.pcd> <target.pcd> [*]", argv[0]); PCL_ERROR ("[*] - multiple files can be added. The registration results of (i, i+1) will be registered against (i+2), etc"); return (-1); } PCL_INFO ("Loaded %d datasets.", (int)data.size ()); // 创建PCL可视化对象 p = new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer (argc, argv, "Pairwise Incremental Registration example"); p->createViewPort (0.0, 0, 0.5, 1.0, vp_1); //用左半窗口创建视口vp_1 p->createViewPort (0.5, 0, 1.0, 1.0, vp_2);  //用右半窗口创建视口vp_2 PointCloud::Ptr result (new PointCloud), source, target; Eigen::Matrix4f GlobalTransform = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity (), pairTransform; for (size_t i = 1; i < data.size (); ++i) //循环处理所有点云 { source = data[i-1].cloud; //连续配准 target = data[i].cloud; // 相邻两组点云 showCloudsLeft(source, target); //可视化为配准的源和目标点云 //调用子函数完成一组点云的配准,temp返回配准后两组点云在第一组点云坐标下的点云 PointCloud::Ptr temp (new PointCloud); PCL_INFO ("Aligning %s (%d) with %s (%d).\n", data[i-1].f_name.c_str (), source->points.size (), data[i].f_name.c_str (), target->points.size ());     // pairTransform返回从目标点云target到source的变换矩阵 pairAlign (source, target, temp, pairTransform, true); //把当前两两配准后的点云temp转化到全局坐标系下返回result pcl::transformPointCloud (*temp, *result, GlobalTransform); //用当前的两组点云之间的变换更新全局变换 GlobalTransform = GlobalTransform * pairTransform; //保存转换到第一个点云坐标下的当前配准后的两组点云result到文件i.pcd std::stringstream ss; ss << i << ".pcd"; pcl::io::savePCDFile (ss.str (), *result, true); } } /* ]--- */


 ./pairwise_incremental_registration frame_00000.pcd capture0001.pcd capture0002.pcd capture0004.pcd capture0005.pcd





C++ PCL 将一个点云投影到一个由法向量和点确定的平面
C++ PCL 将一个点云投影到一个由法向量和点确定的平面
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C++ Python
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点云配准NDT (P2D)算法详解
点云配准NDT (P2D)算法详解
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传感器 编解码 索引
存储 算法
数据可视化 算法
编解码 数据可视化 数据挖掘
关于输入一个具体的物体的点云,从场景中找出与该物体点云相匹配的,这种方法可以用来抓取指定的物体等等,具体的代码的解释如下,需要用到的一些基础的知识,在之前的博客中都有提及,其中用到的一些方法可以翻阅前面的博客,当然有问题可以关注公众号,与众多爱好者一起交流 具体的代码实现 #include #include //点云类型头文件 #include //对应表示两个实体之间的匹配(例如,点,描述符等)。
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数据可视化 算法
(1)正态分布变换进行配准(normal Distributions Transform) 介绍关于如何使用正态分布算法来确定两个大型点云之间的刚体变换,正态分布变换算法是一个配准算法,它应用于三维点的统计模型,使用标准最优化技术来确定两个点云间的最优匹配,因为其在配准的过程中不利用对应点的特征计算和匹配,所以时间比其他方法比较快, 对于代码的解析 /* 使用正态分布变换进行配准的实验 。
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存储 数据挖掘 索引
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关于点云的分割算是我想做的机械臂抓取中十分重要的俄一部分,所以首先学习如果使用点云库处理我用kinect获取的点云的数据,本例程也是我自己慢慢修改程序并结合官方API 的解说实现的,其中有很多细节如果直接更改源程序,可能会因为数据类型,或者头文件等各种原因编译不过,会导致我们比较难得找出其中的错误,...
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