本文出自Simmy的个人blog:西米在线 http://simmyonline.com/archives/552.html
安装完后,接着输入用户信息,然后连接到Fedex的main frame中update些信息,可就在这过程中,有个下载位置被塞住了,无法run过去。如图:
咨询了Fedex的helpdesk后得知,service information 没打勾的话,软件也是不能用的。
Dear Valued Customer,
Good Day and thank you for contacting FedEx Technical Helpdesk.
Here is the solution to your question. Please follow the instructions below:
First of all, please save "CNTRYDOC.TBL" and "cntrytbl.tbl" in C:\Program Files\FSM Software\Ship\
1. Close down FSMS first, then right-click the FSMS icon, choose “properties”. You will see in “Target”:
"C:\Program Files\FSM Software\Bin\uniface.exe" /ini=FdxWorld.ini /asn=fdxworld.asn fdxworld fdx change the address to "C:\Program Files\FSM Software\Bin\uniface.exe" /ini=FdxWorld.ini /asn=fdxworld.asn fdxworld CTS/CTS
Click on OK.
2. Re-open up FSMS again. go to “Setup->Country\Services Download->Import”
3 Select "CNTRYDOC.TBL" for the first row. Select "cntrytbl.tbl" for the second row.Then OK.
4. Then close down FSMS. change the setting back in Target to
"C:\Program Files\FSM Software\Bin\uniface.exe" /ini=FdxWorld.ini /asn=fdxworld.asn fdxworld fdx
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact with us.
Here is the solution to your question. Please follow the instructions below:
1) Please Login with CTS/CTS.
2)If you encounter below error, please choose "Cancel"
3)Then you will see below screen, in Rating field, please choose "No" then click " OK" Or "Next", and then close the FSMS & retry.
如此测试后,连接main frame总算成功。