Note of Apache Ant - Using Ant

Using Ant
project has three attributes:
The base directory from which all path calculations are done. This attribute might be overridden by setting the "basedir" property beforehand. When this is done, it must be omitted in the project tag. If neither the attribute nor the property have been set, the parent directory of the buildfile will be used.
Each project defines one or more targets. A target is a set of tasks you want to be executed. When starting Ant, you can select which target(s) you want to have executed. When no target is given, the project's default is used.
A target has the following attributes:
a comma-separated list of names of targets on which this target depends.
the name of the property that must be set in order for this target to execute.
the name of the property that must not be set in order for this target to execute.
a short description of this target's function.
A target can depend on other targets.
< target  name ="A" /> 
< target  name ="B"  depends ="A" /> 
< target  name ="C"  depends ="B" /> 
< target  name ="D"  depends ="C,B,A" />
Suppose we want to execute target D. From its depends attribute, you might think that first target C, then B and then A is executed. Wrong! C depends on B, and B depends on A, so first A is executed, then B, then C, and finally D.
Note: Ant will only check whether the property has been set, the value doesn't matter. A property set to the empty string is still an existing property.
< target  name ="build-module-A"  if ="module-A-present" /> 
< target  name ="build-own-fake-module-A"  unless ="module-A-present" /> 
In the first example, if the module-A-present property is set (to any value, e.g. false), the target will be run. In the second example, if the module-A-present property is set (again, to any value), the target will not be run.
If you want to check multiple conditions, you can use a dependend target for computing the result for the check:
< target  name ="myTarget"  depends ="myTarget.check"  if ="" > 
         < echo >Files foo.txt and bar.txt are present. </ echo > 
</ target > 

< target  name ="myTarget.check" > 
         < condition  property ="" > 
                 < and > 
                         < available  file ="foo.txt" /> 
                         < available  file ="bar.txt" /> 
                 </ and > 
         </ condition > 
</ target > 
A task is a piece of code that can be executed.
Tasks have a common structure:
< name  attribute1 ="value1"  attribute2 ="value2" ...  /> 
A project can have a set of properties.
Properties may be used in the value of task attributes. This is done by placing the property name between "${" and "}" in the attribute value. For example, if there is a "builddir" property with the value "build", then this could be used in an attribute like this: ${builddir}/classes. This is resolved at run-time as build/classes.
In the event you should need to include this construct literally (i.e. without property substitutions), simply "escape" the '$' character by doubling it. To continue the previous example: 
< echo >$${builddir}=${builddir} </ echo >
will echo this message: 
Example Buildfile
< project  name ="MyProject"  default ="dist"  basedir ="." > 
         < description > 
                simple example build file 
         </ description > 
    <!--  set global properties for this build --> 
     < property  name ="src"  location ="src" /> 
     < property  name ="build"  location ="build" /> 
     < property  name ="dist"     location ="dist" /> 

     < target  name ="init" > 
        <!--  Create the time stamp --> 
         < tstamp /> 
        <!--  Create the build directory structure used by compile --> 
         < mkdir  dir ="${build}" /> 
     </ target > 

     < target  name ="compile"  depends ="init" 
                 description ="compile the source "  > 
        <!--  Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} --> 
         < javac  srcdir ="${src}"  destdir ="${build}" /> 
     </ target > 

     < target  name ="dist"  depends ="compile" 
                 description ="generate the distribution"  > 
        <!--  Create the distribution directory --> 
         < mkdir  dir ="${dist}/lib" /> 

        <!--  Put everything in ${build} into the MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar file --> 
         < jar  jarfile ="${dist}/lib/MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar"  basedir ="${build}" /> 
     </ target > 

     < target  name ="clean" 
                 description ="clean up"  > 
        <!--  Delete the ${build} and ${dist} directory trees --> 
         < delete  dir ="${build}" /> 
         < delete  dir ="${dist}" /> 
     </ target > 
</ project > 
one or more Resource Collections can be specified as nested elements (these must consist of file-type resources only). Additionally, it should be noted that although resource collections are processed in the order encountered, certain resource collection types such as fileset, dirset and files are undefined in terms of order.
< classpath > 
             < pathelement  path ="${classpath}" /> 
             < fileset  dir ="lib" > 
                 < include  name ="**/*.jar" /> 
             </ fileset > 
             < pathelement  location ="classes" /> 
             < dirset  dir ="${build.dir}" > 
                 < include  name ="apps/**/classes" /> 
                 < exclude  name ="apps/**/*Test*" /> 
             </ dirset > 
             < filelist  refid ="third-party_jars" /> 
         </ classpath > 
This builds a path that holds the value of ${classpath}, followed by all jar files in the lib directory, the classes directory, all directories named classes under the apps subdirectory of ${build.dir}, except those that have the text Test in their name, and the files specified in the referenced FileList.
A FileSet is a group of files. These files can be found in a directory tree starting in a base directory and are matched by patterns taken from a number of PatternSets and Selectors.
A path-like structure can include a reference to another path-like structure (a path being itself a resource collection) via nested <path> elements:
< path  id ="base.path" > 
             < pathelement  path ="${classpath}" /> 
             < fileset  dir ="lib" > 
                 < include  name ="**/*.jar" /> 
             </ fileset > 
             < pathelement  location ="classes" /> 
         </ path > 

         < path  id ="tests.path" > 
             < path  refid ="base.path" /> 
             < pathelement  location ="testclasses" /> 
         </ path > 
The shortcuts previously mentioned for <classpath> are also valid for <path>.For example:
< path  id ="base.path" > 
             < pathelement  path ="${classpath}" /> 
         </ path >
can be written as:
< path  id ="base.path"  path ="${classpath}" /> 
Typic Builder.xml of JSF
< project  name ="JSFDemo"  basedir ="../"  default ="deploy" > 

        <!--  Project settings --> 
         < property  name ="project.distname"  value ="JSFDemo" /> 

        <!--  Local system paths --> 
         < property  file ="${basedir}/ant/" /> 
         < property  name ="webroot.dir"  value ="${basedir}/WebContent" /> 
         < property  name ="webinf.dir"  value ="${webroot.dir}/WEB-INF" /> 
         < property  name ="build.dir"  value ="build" /> 

        <!--  classpath for JSF 1.1.01 --> 
         < path  id ="compile.classpath" > 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/commons-beanutils.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/commons-collections.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/commons-digester.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/commons-logging.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/jsf-api.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/jsf-impl.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/jstl.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/lib/standard.jar" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${webinf.dir}/classes" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${classpath.external}" /> 
                 < pathelement path  ="${classpath}" /> 
         </ path > 

        <!--  define your folder for deployment --> 
         < property  name ="deploy.dir"  value ="deploy" /> 

        <!--  Check timestamp on files --> 
         < target  name ="prepare" > 
                 < tstamp /> 
         </ target > 

        <!--  Copy any resource or configuration files --> 
         < target  name ="resources" > 
                 < copy  todir ="${webinf.dir}/classes"  includeEmptyDirs ="no" > 
                         < fileset  dir ="JavaSource" > 
                         < patternset > 
                                 < include  name ="**/*.conf" /> 
                                 < include  name ="**/*.properties" /> 
                                 < include  name ="**/*.xml" /> 
                         </ patternset > 
                         </ fileset > 
                 </ copy > 
         </ target > 

        <!--  Normal build of application --> 
         < target  name ="compile"  depends ="prepare,resources" > 
                 < javac  srcdir ="JavaSource"  destdir ="${webinf.dir}/classes" > 
                         < classpath  refid ="compile.classpath" /> 
                 </ javac > 
         </ target > 

        <!--  Remove classes directory for clean build --> 
         < target  name ="clean" 
             description ="Prepare for clean build" > 
             < delete  dir ="${webinf.dir}/classes" /> 
             < mkdir     dir ="${webinf.dir}/classes" /> 
         </ target > 

        <!--  Build entire project --> 
         < target  name ="build"  depends ="prepare,compile" /> 
         < target  name ="rebuild"  depends ="clean,prepare,compile" /> 

        <!--  Create binary distribution --> 
         < target  name ="war"  depends ="build" > 
             < mkdir  dir ="${build.dir}" /> 
             < war 
                 basedir ="${webroot.dir}" 
                 warfile ="${build.dir}/${project.distname}.war" 
                 webxml ="${webinf.dir}/web.xml" > 
                 < exclude  name ="WEB-INF/${build.dir}/**" /> 
                 < exclude  name ="WEB-INF/src/**" /> 
                 < exclude  name ="WEB-INF/web.xml" /> 
              </ war > 

         </ target > 

         < target  name ="deploy"  depends ="war" > 
              < delete  file ="${deploy.dir}/${project.distname}.war" /> 
              < delete  dir ="${deploy.dir}/${project.distname}" /> 
              < copy  file ="${build.dir}/${project.distname}.war"  todir ="${deploy.dir}" /> 
         </ target > 

</ project > 

    本文转自danni505 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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转载请注明出处: 本文源自【大学之旅_谙忆的博客】 维基百科上对Ant的介绍: Apache Ant,是一个将软件编译、测试、部署等步骤联系在一起加以自动化的一个工具,大多用于Java环境中的软件开发。
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