根据R17 38.300的描述,UE可以通过PDCCH monitoring adaptation机制实现power saving的目的,这其中就包括PDCCH monitoring skipping和search space set group (SSSG) switching两种机制。PDCCH monitoring skipping是R17才提出的机制,就是UE 可以在PDCCH skipping的时间内不监视 PDCCH的功能;search space set group (SSSG) switching R16提出,R17进行了部分增强。
The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to log in with account 'myappleid'. An unexpected failure occurred while logging in (Underlying error code 1100).解决方法
原文:Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent xxxxxx failed. Column names in each table must be unique