浅谈AD RID池系列(三):Server 2008 R2补丁for RID


在Windows Server 2008 R2 DC中存在一个问题,在极少数情况下,Windows Server 2008 R2 DC 每隔 30 秒向全局RID池申请RID,可以想象,每隔30秒就做一次申请,最后可能导致整个域的RID耗尽。 


Under certain rare circumstances, Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controllers unexpectedly consume a large amount of RID resources. This behavior exhausts the global RID pool. When this issue occurs, you experience one or more of the following issues:

  • RIDs in the global RID pool are continually being consumed over time.
  • The number of RIDs that are consumed in the global RID pool is is greater than expected, considering the number of security principals that are intentionally created during the lifetime of the domain.
  • The DCDIAG RID Manager test indicates that a search for the RidSetReferences attribute fails. Additionally, you receive the following error message:

    Starting test: RidManager 
    Warning: attribute rIdSetReferences missing from 
    CN=name,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=name,DC=name,DC=name,DC=name 
    Could not get Rid set Reference :failed with 8481: 
    The search failed to retrieve attributes from the database. 
    ......................... name failed test RidManagerThis hotfix enables the ability to detect and prevent this behavior on Windows Server 2008 R2-based domain controllers.

那么,为防止这种异常情况发生,以下是适用于Server 2008 R2 DC的补丁,可以从Microsoft 官方网站下载。 

Microsoft KB 参考 





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