在C++里面,我用个函数把特定的数据组合成 json
1 void toJson(int count){ 2 char json[100]; 3 char result[200] = "{"; 4 char* temp = "\"count\""; 5 char* temp_1 = "\""; 6 char* temp_2 = "}"; 7 //cout<<count; 8 _itoa(count,json,10); 9 strcat(result,temp); 10 strcat(result,":"); 11 strcat(result,temp_1); 12 strcat(result,json); 13 strcat(result,temp_1); 14 strcat(result,temp_2); 15 //cout<<"toJson="<<result<<endl; 16 sendMessage(result);//自定义函数,传送数据 17 }
注意我里面的传送函数,选择在里面执行,原因是,由 toJson 返回 char* result 会造成内存溢出,后来这样做,变为可以。
下面是sendMassage() 函数
1 void sendMessage(char *Information){ 2 // Powered by LGH - 2014 3 //char url_for_lgh_connect_database[200000]="http://linguanh.nat123.net/updata.php?id=";//url 4 char url_for_lgh_connect_database[200000]="http://localhost:8080/C++_face.php?DB=";//链接 5 const char *x="From_AF"; 6 7 //Information=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(102400)); 8 strcat(url_for_lgh_connect_database,Information); 9 WCHAR exchange_text_from_url[256],exchange_text_from_x[256];//宽字符char,如果爆红,修改项目的编码为多字节就可以了 10 LPCWSTR py = exchange_text_from_url; 11 LPCWSTR pz = exchange_text_from_x; 12 13 MultiByteToWideChar( 0, 0,x, -1,exchange_text_from_x, 64 );//WCHAR to LPCWSTR,转化 14 15 MultiByteToWideChar( 0, 0,url_for_lgh_connect_database, -1, exchange_text_from_url, 256 ); 16 17 if(InternetAttemptConnect(0) != ERROR_SUCCESS){ 18 cout<<"你的电脑无法连接互联网,请开启联网功能。"<<endl; 19 cout<<"(Your computer can not connect the internet,please try to fix it!)"<<endl; 20 } 21 else{ 22 //头文件 winInet 的 API 函数,访问一个链接 23 if(InternetOpenUrl(InternetOpen(x,INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT,NULL,NULL,NULL),url_for_lgh_connect_database,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)==NULL){ 24 sendMessage(Information); 25 } 26 else{ 27 //cout<<"result="<<Information<<endl; 28 //cout<<url_for_lgh_connect_database<<endl; 29 cout<<"信息已经传送给Lgh的数据库了。(The information has been sent to Lgh's database.)"<<endl; 30 } 31 } 32 //free(Information); 33 //Information=NULL; 34 }