if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'icstockbill_jade01') drop trigger icstockbill_jade01

create  trigger icstockbill_jade01 on icstockbill
for insert,update,delete
declare @frob int,@finterid int,@ftrantype int,@fstatus int
select  @frob = frob,@finterid = finterid,@ftrantype = ftrantype,@fstatus = fstatus 
from inserted
--from icstockbill where finterid = 26864

declare @fstatus1 smallint,@fstatus2 smallint,@fbillno varchar(40)
select @fbillno = fbillno,@fstatus1 = fstatus from inserted
--from icstockbill where finterid = 26864
select @fstatus2 = fstatus from deleted
--select @fstatus2 = 0
--更新蓝字,未审核状态的 '销售出库单','领料单','委外出库单','其他出库单'的单价和金额
if @frob = 1 and @fstatus = 0 and (@ftrantype = 21 or @ftrantype = 24 or @ftrantype = 28 or @ftrantype = 29)
     update a set fprice = isnull(b.fprice,0),famount = isnull(b.fprice,0) * fqty,fauxprice = isnull(b.fprice,0)
     from icstockbillentry a ,(select fitemid,convert(decimal(18,2),avg(fprice)) as fprice from t_supplyentry where fcyid = 1 group by fitemid) b
 where a.fitemid = b.fitemid and a.finterid = @finterid
 if @ftrantype = 24
     update x set fprice = y.fprice,famount = y.fprice * fqty,fauxprice = y.fprice
     from icstockbillentry x,
     (select fstockid,fitemid,fyear * 100 + fperiod as fperiods,
     convert(decimal(18,2),avg(case when fendqty = 0 then case when fsend <> 0 then fcredit/fsend end else fendbal / fendqty end)) as fprice
     from icinvbal 
     where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0
     group by fstockid,fitemid,fyear * 100 + fperiod) y,
     (select fstockid,fitemid,max(fyear * 100 + fperiod) as fperiods from icinvbal
     where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0 
     group by fstockid,fitemid) z
     where y.fstockid = z.fstockid and y.fitemid = z.fitemid and y.fperiods = z.fperiods
     and x.fscstockid = y.fstockid and x.fitemid = y.fitemid and x.finterid = @finterid

     update x set fprice = y.fprice,famount = y.fprice * fqty,fauxprice = y.fprice
     from icstockbillentry x,
     (select fstockid,fitemid,fyear * 100 + fperiod as fperiods,
     convert(decimal(18,2),avg(case when fendqty = 0 then case when fsend <> 0 then fcredit/fsend end else fendbal / fendqty end)) as fprice
     from icinvbal 
     where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0
     group by fstockid,fitemid,fyear * 100 + fperiod) y,
     (select fstockid,fitemid,max(fyear * 100 + fperiod) as fperiods from icinvbal
     where fsend <> 0 or fendqty <> 0 
     group by fstockid,fitemid) z
     where y.fstockid = z.fstockid and y.fitemid = z.fitemid and y.fperiods = z.fperiods
     and x.fdcstockid = y.fstockid and x.fitemid = y.fitemid and x.finterid = @finterid

if @ftrantype  = 2 and ((isnull(@fstatus1,0) = 1 and isnull(@fstatus2,0) = 0) or (isnull(@fstatus1,0) = 0 and isnull(@fstatus2,0) = 1))
 declare @finterid_zp int
 declare @fitemid_mp int,@fstockid_mp as int,@fqty_mp decimal(18,2)
 select @finterid_zp = isnull(max(finterid),0) + 1 from zpstockbill
 select @fitemid_mp = c.fitemid from icstockbillentry a,t_icitem b,t_icitem c
 where a.fitemid = b.fitemid and finterid = @finterid
 and c.fnumber = case left(b.fnumber,3) when '11.' then '15.001' when '12.' then '15.001' when '13.' then '15.002' when '14.' then '15.003' when '20.' then '15.002' end
 and fentryid = 1
 if isnull(@fitemid_mp,0) = 0 goto ext
 select @fstockid_mp = c.fitemid from icstockbillentry a,t_icitem b,t_stock c
 where a.fitemid = b.fitemid and finterid = @finterid
 and c.fnumber = case left(b.fnumber,3) when '11.' then '22' when '12.' then '22' when '13.' then '23' when '14.' then '22' when '20.' then '23' end
 and fentryid = 1
 select @fqty_mp = sum(fqty) from icstockbillentry where finterid = @finterid
        if isnull(@fstatus1,0) = 1 and isnull(@fstatus2,0) = 0 
  insert into zpstockbill(fbrno,finterid,ftrantype,frob,fdate,fbillno,fcheckerid,ffmanagerid,fsmanagerid,fbillerid,fdeptid,fstatus,fcheckdate,fbilltypeid)
  select fbrno,@finterid_zp as finterid,26 as ftrantype,frob,fdate,fbillno,fcheckerid,ffmanagerid,fsmanagerid,fbillerid,fdeptid,fstatus,fcheckdate,12551 as fbilltypeid
  from icstockbill where finterid = @finterid
  insert into zpstockbillentry(fbrno,finterid,fentryid,fitemid,fqty,funitid,fauxqty,fdcstockid)
  select 0 as fbrno,@finterid_zp as finterid,1 as fentryid,
  @fitemid_mp as fitemid,
  @fqty_mp as fqty,@fqty_mp as fauxqty,
  (select funitid from t_icitem where fitemid = @fitemid_mp) as funitid,
  @fstockid_mp as fdcstockid
  select @fqty_mp = - @fqty_mp
        if isnull(@fstatus1,0) = 0 and isnull(@fstatus2,0) = 1
  update zpstockbill set fstatus = 0,fcheckerid = 0 where fbillno = @fbillno
  delete zpstockbill where fbillno = @fbillno
 if exists (select * from poinventory where fitemid = @fitemid_mp and fstockid = @fstockid_mp)
  update poinventory set fqty = fqty + @fqty_mp where fitemid = @fitemid_mp and fstockid = @fstockid_mp
  insert into poinventory(fbrno,fitemid,fstockid,fqty,fstocktypeid)
  select 0,@fitemid_mp,@fstockid_mp,@fqty_mp,(select ftypeid from t_stock where fitemid = @fstockid_mp)
update icmaxnum set fmaxnum  = (select max(finterid) from zpstockbill) where ftablename = 'zpstockbill'  

alter table icstockbill disable trigger icstockbill_jade01
alter table icstockbill enable trigger icstockbill_jade01