[转] Download Images from Multiple Maps


转载自 李旭, Tool: Download Images from Multiple Maps


SAS Planet是一款俄罗斯绿色免费软件,一直持续不断更新。该软件最大的一个特点就是无水印地从多种网络地图上下载影像,比如Google EarthESRIYahoo!等等,缺点是至今该软件的英文帮助还不强大,寥寥数页,俄文帮助比较详细,这对于该软件的理解和掌握有困难。



试举一例说明下载高清影像之过程。打开SAS Planet,选择Satellite(Google maps)地图展开,选择Selection management,如Fig.1Rectangular是矩形,Polygonal是多边形,Polyline是折线,在这里选择Visible Area,表示选中当前视图范围。

Fig. 1

Download tab select the type of map and the number of zoom levels. If you want the highest resolution, choose a zoom level of 24, see Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

In the Stitch tab must choose the output format of the images, the options are: JPEG, PNG, BMP, JPEG2000, ECW. Then select the path and name of the output file. Also choose the projection default map projection appears.

These are the minimum required options, the rest is optional, but it is good to play with various options and settings. Now click Start.

Fig. 3

The georeferenced images can be used in ArcGIS, gvSIG, QGIS, Erdas, ENVI, etc, see Fig. 4 displayed under ArcGIS.

Fig. 4



[1] Download images from Google Earth.

[2] SAS.Wiki - home page.

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  本文转自wenglabs博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/arxive/p/5087201.html ,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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