arcengine classic code

云数据库 RDS SQL Server,基础系列 2核4GB
RDS SQL Server Serverless,2-4RCU 50GB 3个月
1 shp->ifeatureclass->ilayer
                    string dbfFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(strSaveFile);
                    string strFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(strSaveFile);
                    IWorkspaceFactory pWorkspacefactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                    IFeatureWorkspace pFWS = pWorkspacefactory.OpenFromFile(dbfFilePath, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace;
                    IFeatureLayer pfeaturelayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
                    pfeaturelayer.FeatureClass = pFWS.OpenFeatureClass(strFileName);
                    pfeaturelayer.Name = strFileName;
                    pTempLayer = pfeaturelayer as ILayer;
2 IFeature->IDataset->IWorkspace->Path
                IFeatureLayer pl = (IFeatureLayer)layer;
                IFeatureClass pc = pl.FeatureClass;
                IDataset ds = pc as IDataset;
                IWorkspace iw = ds.Workspace;
3 最短分析

namespace GisEditor
 /// <summary>
 /// 最短路径分析
 /// </summary>
 public class ClsPathFinder
  private IGeometricNetwork m_ipGeometricNetwork;
  private IMap m_ipMap;
  private IPointCollection m_ipPoints;
  private IPointToEID m_ipPointToEID;
  private double m_dblPathCost =0;
  private IEnumNetEID m_ipEnumNetEID_Junctions;
  private IEnumNetEID m_ipEnumNetEID_Edges;
  private IPolyline   m_ipPolyline;

  #region Public Function
  public IMap SetOrGetMap 
   set{ m_ipMap = value;}
   get{return   m_ipMap;}
  public void OpenFeatureDatasetNetwork(IFeatureDataset FeatureDataset)
   if (!InitializeNetworkAndMap(FeatureDataset))
    Console.WriteLine( "打开network出错");
  public IPointCollection StopPoints
   set{m_ipPoints= value;}
   get{return   m_ipPoints;}
  public double PathCost
   get {return m_dblPathCost;}
  public IPolyline PathPolyLine()
   IEIDInfo ipEIDInfo;
   IGeometry ipGeometry;    
   if(m_ipPolyline!=null)return m_ipPolyline;
   m_ipPolyline = new PolylineClass();
   IGeometryCollection ipNewGeometryColl = m_ipPolyline as IGeometryCollection;
   ISpatialReference ipSpatialReference = m_ipMap.SpatialReference;
   IEIDHelper ipEIDHelper = new EIDHelperClass();
   ipEIDHelper.GeometricNetwork = m_ipGeometricNetwork;  
   ipEIDHelper.OutputSpatialReference = ipSpatialReference;
   ipEIDHelper.ReturnGeometries = true;

   IEnumEIDInfo ipEnumEIDInfo = ipEIDHelper.CreateEnumEIDInfo(m_ipEnumNetEID_Edges);
   int count = ipEnumEIDInfo.Count;
   for(int i =0;i<count;i++)
    ipEIDInfo = ipEnumEIDInfo.Next();
    ipGeometry = ipEIDInfo.Geometry;
    ipNewGeometryColl.AddGeometryCollection( ipGeometry as IGeometryCollection);
   return m_ipPolyline;
  public void SolvePath(string WeightName)
    int intEdgeUserClassID;
    int intEdgeUserID;
    int intEdgeUserSubID;
    int intEdgeID;
    IPoint ipFoundEdgePoint;
    double dblEdgePercent;     
     * 在VB等其他语言的代码中,只需传人该类型数组的第一个元素即
     * 可,但C#中的机制有所不同,需要作出如下修改:使用
     * ITraceFlowSolverGEN替代ITraceFlowSolver
    ITraceFlowSolverGEN  ipTraceFlowSolver = new TraceFlowSolverClass() as ITraceFlowSolverGEN;
    INetSolver ipNetSolver = ipTraceFlowSolver as INetSolver;
    INetwork ipNetwork = m_ipGeometricNetwork.Network;
    ipNetSolver.SourceNetwork = ipNetwork;
    INetElements ipNetElements = ipNetwork as INetElements;
    int intCount = m_ipPoints.PointCount;
    IEdgeFlag[] pEdgeFlagList = new EdgeFlagClass[intCount];
    for(int i = 0;i<intCount ;i++)
     INetFlag ipNetFlag = new EdgeFlagClass()as INetFlag;
     IPoint  ipEdgePoint = m_ipPoints.get_Point(i);
     m_ipPointToEID.GetNearestEdge(ipEdgePoint, out intEdgeID,out ipFoundEdgePoint, out dblEdgePercent);
     ipNetElements.QueryIDs( intEdgeID, esriElementType.esriETEdge, out intEdgeUserClassID, out intEdgeUserID,out intEdgeUserSubID);
     ipNetFlag.UserClassID = intEdgeUserClassID;
     ipNetFlag.UserID = intEdgeUserID;
     ipNetFlag.UserSubID = intEdgeUserSubID; 
     IEdgeFlag pTemp = (IEdgeFlag)(ipNetFlag as IEdgeFlag);
    ipTraceFlowSolver.PutEdgeOrigins(ref pEdgeFlagList);
    INetSchema ipNetSchema = ipNetwork as INetSchema;
    INetWeight ipNetWeight = ipNetSchema.get_WeightByName(WeightName);

    INetSolverWeights ipNetSolverWeights = ipTraceFlowSolver as INetSolverWeights;
    ipNetSolverWeights.FromToEdgeWeight = ipNetWeight;//开始边线的权重
    ipNetSolverWeights.ToFromEdgeWeight = ipNetWeight;//终止边线的权重
    object [] vaRes =new object[intCount-1];
     out m_ipEnumNetEID_Junctions,out m_ipEnumNetEID_Edges, intCount-1, ref vaRes); 
    m_dblPathCost = 0;
    for (int i =0;i<vaRes.Length;i++)
     double m_Va =(double) vaRes;
     m_dblPathCost = m_dblPathCost + m_Va;
    m_ipPolyline = null; 
   catch(Exception ex)

  #region Private Function
  private bool InitializeNetworkAndMap(IFeatureDataset FeatureDataset)
   IFeatureClassContainer ipFeatureClassContainer;
   IFeatureClass ipFeatureClass ;
   IGeoDataset ipGeoDataset;
   ILayer ipLayer ;
   IFeatureLayer ipFeatureLayer;
   IEnvelope ipEnvelope, ipMaxEnvelope ;
   double dblSearchTol;

   INetworkCollection ipNetworkCollection = FeatureDataset as INetworkCollection;
   int count = ipNetworkCollection.GeometricNetworkCount;
   m_ipGeometricNetwork = ipNetworkCollection.get_GeometricNetwork(0);
   INetwork ipNetwork = m_ipGeometricNetwork.Network;

    m_ipMap = new MapClass();
    ipFeatureClassContainer = m_ipGeometricNetwork as IFeatureClassContainer;
    count = ipFeatureClassContainer.ClassCount;
    for(int i =0;i<count;i++)
     ipFeatureClass = ipFeatureClassContainer.get_Class(i);      
     ipFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayerClass();
     ipFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = ipFeatureClass;     
     m_ipMap.AddLayer( ipFeatureLayer);
   count = m_ipMap.LayerCount;
   ipMaxEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
   for(int i =0;i<count;i++)
    ipLayer = m_ipMap.get_Layer(i);
    ipFeatureLayer = ipLayer as IFeatureLayer;    
    ipGeoDataset = ipFeatureLayer as IGeoDataset;
    ipEnvelope = ipGeoDataset.Extent;    
    ipMaxEnvelope.Union( ipEnvelope);

   m_ipPointToEID = new PointToEIDClass();
   m_ipPointToEID.SourceMap = m_ipMap;
   m_ipPointToEID.GeometricNetwork = m_ipGeometricNetwork;

   double dblWidth = ipMaxEnvelope.Width;
   double dblHeight = ipMaxEnvelope.Height;

   if( dblWidth > dblHeight)
    dblSearchTol = dblWidth / 100;
    dblSearchTol = dblHeight / 100;
   m_ipPointToEID.SnapTolerance = dblSearchTol;

   return true  ;

  private void CloseWorkspace()
   m_ipGeometricNetwork = null;
   m_ipPoints = null;
   m_ipPointToEID = null;
   m_ipEnumNetEID_Junctions = null;
   m_ipEnumNetEID_Edges = null;
   m_ipPolyline = null;



ClsPathFinder  m_ipPathFinder;

    m_ipPathFinder = new ClsPathFinder();
    ipMap = this.m_ActiveView.FocusMap;
    ipLayer = ipMap.get_Layer(0);
    ipFeatureLayer = ipLayer as IFeatureLayer;
    ipFDB = ipFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureDataset;
    m_ipPathFinder.SetOrGetMap = ipMap;

private void ViewMap_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.MapControl.IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseDownEvent e)//获取地图上鼠标输入的点
   IPoint ipNew ;  
   if( m_ipPoints==null)
    m_ipPoints = new MultipointClass();
    m_ipPathFinder.StopPoints = m_ipPoints;
   ipNew = ViewMap.ActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(e.x,e.y);
   object o = Type.Missing;
   m_ipPoints.AddPoint(ipNew,ref o,ref o);    


IPolyline ipPolyResult = m_ipPathFinder.PathPolyLine();//最后返回最短路径

4 上下左右键移动地图

static void FlashLine(AxMapControl mapControl,IScreenDisplay iScreenDisplay,IGeometry iGeometry)
    ISimpleLineSymbol iLineSymbol;
    ISymbol iSymbol;
    IRgbColor iRgbColor;

    iLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol();
    iLineSymbol.Width = 4;
    iRgbColor = new RgbColor();
    iRgbColor.Red = 255;
    iLineSymbol.Color = iRgbColor;
    iSymbol = (ISymbol)iLineSymbol;
    iSymbol.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;
    mapControl.FlashShape(iGeometry, 3, 200, iSymbol);

static void FlashPolygon(AxMapControl mapControl, IScreenDisplay iScreenDisplay, IGeometry iGeometry)
    ISimpleFillSymbol iFillSymbol;
    ISymbol iSymbol;
    IRgbColor iRgbColor;

    iFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol();
    iFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid;
    iFillSymbol.Outline.Width = 12;

    iRgbColor = new RgbColor();
    iRgbColor.RGB = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(100, 180, 180).ToArgb();
    iFillSymbol.Color = iRgbColor;

    iSymbol = (ISymbol)iFillSymbol;
    iSymbol.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;
    mapControl.FlashShape(iGeometry, 3, 200, iSymbol);

static void FlashPoint(AxMapControl mapControl, IScreenDisplay iScreenDisplay, IGeometry iGeometry)
    ISimpleMarkerSymbol iMarkerSymbol;
    ISymbol iSymbol;
    IRgbColor iRgbColor;

    iMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol();
    iMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
    iRgbColor = new RgbColor();
    iRgbColor.RGB = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0).ToArgb();
    iMarkerSymbol.Color = iRgbColor;
    iSymbol = (ISymbol)iMarkerSymbol;
    iSymbol.ROP2 = esriRasterOpCode.esriROPNotXOrPen;
    mapControl.FlashShape(iGeometry, 3, 200, iSymbol);

public static void FlashFeature(AxMapControl mapControl,IFeature iFeature, IMap iMap)
    IActiveView iActiveView = iMap as IActiveView;
    if (iActiveView != null)
iActiveView.ScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(0, (short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);
switch (iFeature.Shape.GeometryType)
    case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
FlashLine(mapControl, iActiveView.ScreenDisplay, iFeature.Shape);
    case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
FlashPolygon(mapControl, iActiveView.ScreenDisplay, iFeature.Shape);
    case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint:
FlashPoint(mapControl, iActiveView.ScreenDisplay, iFeature.Shape);


从Google Map上弄来的根据经纬度求地球表面两点间距离的实现,稍微改编了一下,对于我国境内空间距离计算,该实现已经够用,以米为单位。.Net2.0,C#实现。 
       public static double DistanceOfTwoPoints(double lng1,double lat1,  double lng2, double lat2, GaussSphere gs)
            double radLat1 = Rad(lat1);
            double radLat2 = Rad(lat2);
            double a = radLat1 - radLat2;
            double b = Rad(lng1) - Rad(lng2);
            double s = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Math.Sin(a / 2), 2) +
             Math.Cos(radLat1) * Math.Cos(radLat2) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(b / 2), 2)));
            s = s * (gs == GaussSphere.WGS84 ? 6378137.0 : (gs == GaussSphere.Xian80 ? 6378140.0 : 6378245.0));
            s = Math.Round(s * 10000) / 10000;
            return s;
        private static double Rad(double d)
            return d * Math.PI / 180.0;

    GaussSphere 为自定义枚举类型
    /// <summary>
    /// 高斯投影中所选用的参考椭球
    /// </summary>
    public enum GaussSphere

6. 三维查询
Public Type m_pObjArray
      iFeature As iFeature
      iLayerName As String
End Type
Public M_pFeatureArray() As m_pObjArray

Private Sub ArcSceneControl_OnMouseDown(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
              ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.IsNavigating = False
              Call Identify3DMap(X, Y)
end sub

'程序:tjh 2005.1.29
Private Sub Identify3DMap(X As Long, Y As Long)
        'QI for IBasicMap from IScene
      Dim pBasicMap As IBasicMap
      Set pBasicMap = ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.Scene
      'QI for IScreenDisplay from ISceneGraph
      Dim pScreenDisplay As IScreenDisplay
      Set pScreenDisplay = ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph
      'Translate screen coordinates into mulitple 3D objects
      Dim pHit3DSet As IHit3DSet
      ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.LocateMultiple ArcSceneControl.SceneGraph.ActiveViewer, X, Y, esriScenePickGeography, False, pHit3DSet
      'Reduce the hit set to the top
      'most hits and one hit per layer
      pHit3DSet.Topmost 1.5
      pHit3DSet.Topmost 1.1
      'Get an array of hits
      Dim pArray As IArray
      Set pArray = pHit3DSet.Hits
      If pArray.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
      'Loop through each hit
      Dim i As Integer
      ReDim M_pFeatureArray(0)
      For i = 0 To pArray.Count - 1
        'Get the hit
        Dim pHit3D As IHit3D
        Set pHit3D = pArray.Element(i)
        'Get the hit location
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Set pPoint = pHit3D.Point
        If pPoint Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        'Get the layer that was hit
        If Not TypeOf pHit3D.Owner Is ILayer Then Exit Sub
        Dim pLayer As ILayer
        Set pLayer = pHit3D.Owner
        'Get the feature that was hit
        Dim pObject As IUnknown
        Set pObject = pHit3D.object
        'Add to identify dialog
        ReDim Preserve M_pFeatureArray(UBound(M_pFeatureArray) + 1)
        Dim pFeature As iFeature
        Set pFeature = pHit3D.object
        Set M_pFeatureArray(UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1).iFeature = pFeature
        M_pFeatureArray(UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1).iLayerName = CStr(pLayer.Name)
      Next i
     If frmIdentify.Visible = False Then
        frmIdentify.Show 0
     End If
     Call frmIdentify.InitTreeView
End Sub
Private m_hwndTV As Long
'程序:tjh 2005.1.29
Public Sub InitTreeView()
     Dim i As Long, j As Long
     Dim blCheck As Boolean
     On Error Resume Next
     For i = 0 To UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1
         blCheck = False
         For j = 0 To ComboLayer.ListCount
             If M_pFeatureArray(i).iLayerName = ComboLayer.List(j) Then
               blCheck = True
               Exit For
             End If
         Next j
         If blCheck = False Then
             ComboLayer.AddItem M_pFeatureArray(i).iLayerName
         End If
     Next i
    MSFlexGrid.cols = 2
    MSFlexGrid.ColAlignment(1) = flexAlignLeftCenter
    MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "字段"
    MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(0) = 1600
    MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(1) = 2500
    MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "值"
    If UBound(M_pFeatureArray) = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Dim Node1 As Node
    Dim Node2 As Node
    ComboLayer.Text = ComboLayer.List(0)
    For i = 0 To ComboLayer.ListCount - 1
      Set Node1 = TreeView.Nodes.Add(, , , ComboLayer.List(i))
      For j = 0 To UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1
        If M_pFeatureArray(j).iLayerName = ComboLayer.List(i) Then
            Set Node2 = TreeView.Nodes.Add(Node1.Index, tvwChild, , CStr(M_pFeatureArray(j).iFeature.Value(0)))
        End If
      If i = 0 Then
         Node1.Expanded = True
      End If
    Next i
    MSFlexGrid.Rows = M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount + 10
    For i = 0 To M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount - 1
       MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i + 1, 0) = M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.Field(i).AliasName
       If M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Fields.Field(i).Type = 7 Then
          MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i + 1, 1) = ReturnGeometryName(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Shape.GeometryType)
          MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(i + 1, 1) = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Value(i)) + ""
       End If
    Next i
     Dim strXY As String
      strXY = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Extent.xMin) + " " + CStr(M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Extent.yMin)
      TextCor.Text = "位置: (" + strXY + ")"
    Dim pobjGeometry As IGeometry
    Set pobjGeometry = M_pFeatureArray(0).iFeature.Shape
    Dim pDisplay3D As IDisplay3D
    If m_CheckOperate = isQuery Then
       ' Call FlashFeature(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature, frmMapControl.arcMapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap)
        frmMapControl.arcMapControl.FlashShape pobjGeometry
    ElseIf m_CheckOperate = iscls3dQuery Then
        Set pDisplay3D = FrmMap3D.ArcSceneControl.Scene.SceneGraph
        pDisplay3D.AddFlashFeature pobjGeometry
    End If
    ' Show the nodes that are blChecked.
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
   ' Me.Move (frmMain.Width - Me.Width), frmMain.Top

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(cancel As Integer)
    ReDim M_pFeatureArray(0)
End Sub

'程序:tjh 2005.1.29
Private Sub TreeView_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim iLayerName As String
    Dim ObjName As String
    Dim pDisplay3D As IDisplay3D

    On Error Resume Next
    If Not Node.Parent Is Nothing Then
        iLayerName = Node.Parent.Text
        ObjName = Node.Text
        For i = 0 To UBound(M_pFeatureArray) - 1
            If iLayerName = M_pFeatureArray(i).iLayerName And ObjName = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Value(0)) Then
                MSFlexGrid.cols = 2
                MSFlexGrid.ColAlignment(1) = flexAlignLeftCenter
                MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "字段"
                MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(0) = 1600
                MSFlexGrid.ColWidth(1) = 2500
                MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "值"
                MSFlexGrid.Rows = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount + 10
                For j = 0 To M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.FieldCount - 1
                   MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(j + 1, 0) = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.Field(j).AliasName
                   If M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Fields.Field(j).Type = 7 Then
                      MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(j + 1, 1) = ReturnGeometryName(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Shape.GeometryType)
                      MSFlexGrid.TextMatrix(j + 1, 1) = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Value(j)
                   End If
                Next j
                Dim pobjGeometry As IGeometry
                Set pobjGeometry = M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Shape
                If m_CheckOperate = isQuery Then
                    Call FlashFeature(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature, frmMapControl.arcMapControl.ActiveView.FocusMap)
                ElseIf m_CheckOperate = iscls3dQuery Then
                    Set pDisplay3D = FrmMap3D.ArcSceneControl.Scene.SceneGraph
                    pDisplay3D.AddFlashFeature M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Shape
                End If
                MSFlexGrid.TopRow = 1
                Dim strXY As String
                strXY = CStr(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Extent.xMin) + " " + CStr(M_pFeatureArray(i).iFeature.Extent.yMin)
                TextCor.Text = "位置: (" + strXY + ")"
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End If
End Sub
7. 数据加载

1、 数据加载问题:





















IPropertySet  Propset = new PropertySetClass();  




         Propset.SetProperty("DATABASE",@"D:\test\Ao\data\sh\MapData.mdb" );








IWorkspaceFactory Fact = new AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass ();







         IFeatureWorkspace Workspace = Fact.Open(Propset,0) as IFeatureWorkspace;







        IFeatureClass Fcls = Workspace.OpenFeatureClass("District");




       IFeatureLayer Fly = new FeatureLayerClass();




       Fly.FeatureClass = Fcls;




       MapCtr.Map.AddLayer (Fly);














public void AddAccessDBByPro()








IPropertySet  Propset = new PropertySetClass();  




       Propset.SetProperty("DATABASE",@"D:\test\Ao\data\sh\MapData.mdb" );







IWorkspaceFactory Fact = new AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass ();




       IFeatureWorkspace Workspace = Fact.Open(Propset,0) as IFeatureWorkspace;








IFeatureClass Fcls = Workspace.OpenFeatureClass ("District");




       IFeatureLayer Fly = new FeatureLayerClass();




       Fly.FeatureClass = Fcls;


























public void AddAccessDBByName()








  IWorkspaceName  pWorkspaceName = new WorkspaceNameClass() ;




pWorkspaceName.WorkspaceFactoryProgID = "esriDataSourcesGDB.AccessWorkspaceFactory";




  pWorkspaceName.PathName = @"D:\test\Ao\data\sh\MapData.mdb";







  IName n = pWorkspaceName as IName ;




  IFeatureWorkspace Workspace = n.Open() as IFeatureWorkspace;








  IFeatureClass Fcls = Workspace.OpenFeatureClass ("District");




  IFeatureLayer Fly = new FeatureLayerClass();




  Fly.FeatureClass = Fcls;







  MapCtr.Map.AddLayer (Fly);















IWorkspaceName  pWorkspaceName = new WorkspaceNameClass() ;




pWorkspaceName.WorkspaceFactoryProgID = "esriDataSourcesGDB.AccessWorkspaceFactory";




pWorkspaceName.PathName = @"D:\test\Ao\data\sh\MapData.mdb";








IName n = pWorkspaceName as IName ;




IFeatureWorkspace Workspace = n.Open () as IFeatureWorkspace;












什么是SDE数据库?这个问题要详细地讲解将花费大量的时间,但我可以告诉你SDE数据数据库可以是任何关系数据库。ESRI公司为了使空间数据能保存在关系数据库中,并且能很好的查询相关的空间属性而开发的一个中间件,使用SDE能很好的将空间数据保存在关系数据库中。如Orcale SQL Server 等。SDE具体细节的了解请查找相关的资料,这里只介绍怎么连接SDE数据库。SDE数据库的联机分为直接连接和通过SDE连接。当服务器的性能比较好的时候可以采用SDE连接,否则采用直接连接,这样可以减轻服务器的任务。建议采用直接连接,其实,SDE连接方式和直接连接的方式只是一个属性参数设置的问题。跟个人数据库采用属性连接的方式一样,先定义一个属性对象,然后设置属性参数,接着定义一个工作空间并用SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass()实例化它,接着加在加载图层,至于加载图层的代码,与加载个人数据库中图层的方法一样,其实不只加载这两种数据类型,加载其他类型的数据时也是采用相同的方法加载图层,只是工作空间采用不同的实例而已,下边为完整的对吗”//”后的为注析:



public void AddSDELayer(bool ChkSdeLinkModle)












IPropertySet  Propset = new PropertySetClass();  




         if (ChkSdeLinkModle==true) // 采用SDE连接












           Propset.SetProperty ("SERVER", "zhpzh");








           Propset.SetProperty ("INSTANCE", "port:5151");








           Propset.SetProperty ("USER", "sa");








           Propset.SetProperty ("PASSWORD", "sa");




//设置数据库的名字,只有SQL Server  Informix 数据库才需要设置




           Propset.SetProperty ("DATABASE", "sde");








           Propset.SetProperty ("VERSION", "SDE.DEFAULT");








         else // 直接连接












           Propset.SetProperty ("INSTANCE", "sde:sqlserver:zhpzh");








           Propset.SetProperty ("USER", "sa");








           Propset.SetProperty ("PASSWORD", "sa");




//设置数据库的名字,只有SQL Server  Informix 数据库才需要设置             Propset.SetProperty ("DATABASE", "sde");








           Propset.SetProperty ("VERSION", "SDE.DEFAULT");












       IWorkspaceFactory Fact = new SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass();








IFeatureWorkspace Workspace = (IFeatureWorkspace )Fact.Open(Propset,0);




/*定义一个地物类,并打开SDE中的管点地物类,写的时候一定要写全.如SDE中有一个管点层,你不能写成IFeatureClass Fcls = Workspace.OpenFeatureClass ("管点");这样,一定要写成下边的样子.*/




       IFeatureClass Fcls = Workspace.OpenFeatureClass ("sde.dbo.管点");








       IFeatureLayer Fly = new FeatureLayerClass ();




       Fly.FeatureClass = Fcls;




       MapCtr.Map.AddLayer (Fly);




       MapCtr.ActiveView.Refresh ();













A、 分图层加载






   public void AddCADByLayer()








   IWorkspaceFactory Fact = new CadWorkspaceFactoryClass();












IFeatureWorkspace Workspace = Fact.OpenFromFile(@"I:\test\",0) as IFeatureWorkspace;












   IFeatureClass Fcls = Workspace.OpenFeatureClass ("modle.dwg:point");




由此可见modle.dwg为CAD图的名字,后边加上要打开的要素类的类型,中间用冒号  隔开,大家可以想想多边形和标注是怎么打开的。 */




    IFeatureClass Fcls = Workspace.OpenFeatureClass ("modle.dwg:polyline");








      IFeatureLayer Fly = new FeatureLayerClass ();




      Fly.FeatureClass = Fcls;




MapCtr.Map.AddLayer (Fly);




      MapCtr.ActiveView.Refresh ();








B、 整幅CAD图的加载








public void AddWholeCAD()












IWorkspaceFactory Fact = new CadWorkspaceFactoryClass();




       IWorkspace Workspace = Fact.OpenFromFile(@"I:\test\",0);












       ICadDrawingWorkspace dw =  Workspace as ICadDrawingWorkspace;












       ICadDrawingDataset ds = dw.OpenCadDrawingDataset ("modle.DWG");












       ICadLayer CadLayer = new  CadLayerClass();




       CadLayer.CadDrawingDataset = ds;








       MapCtr.Map.AddLayer (CadLayer);




   MapCtr.ActiveView.Refresh ();








通过上边的代码和相关的解析,大家可能对整幅CAD图的加载有一个了解,但要具体搞清楚它的含义,也不那么容易。这留给大家去慢慢体会,在这我谈谈我自己的体会,但不一定正确。要打开数据集,首先要打开它的工作空间,至于什么是工作空间,我也说不太明白,但我的理解是,如果数据是保存在文件中的,工作空间大概就是它对应的文件夹,如果是数据库中的数据,我想大概就是对应的数据库。打开数据空间后,在这因为是整幅CAD图加载,所以跟以前的有点不同,这也就是相当整个CAD图就是一个数据集,所以要转到CAD画图的工作空间,然后把CAD图作为CAD数据集打开。为了在MapControl中加载CAD层,必须使用ICadLayer控件的对象,因为MapCtr.Map.AddLayer ()方法中只能是ICadLayer的对象。













8. 连接 关系数据库
Private Sub txtCollectID_AfterUpdate_thru_SQL_Server()
'This method uses a more direct connection to the SQL Server Collection table through OLE DB
'It checks to see whether a record exists in the Collections db already based on the Collection field
On Error GoTo MyError
dblCollID = Val(txtCollectID.Value)
'++ Create and populate a new property set
Dim pPropset As IPropertySet
Set pPropset = New PropertySet
pPropset.SetProperty "CONNECTSTRING", "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data source=CARL;Initial Catalog=VAFWIS;User ID=sa;Password=gis"
'++ Create a new workspacefactory/workspace
Dim pFeatureWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pWorkspaceFact As IWorkspaceFactory
Set pWorkspaceFact = New OLEDBWorkspaceFactory
Set pFeatureWorkspace = pWorkspaceFact.Open(pPropset, 0)
'Open the table
Dim pTable As Itable
Set pTable = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable("Collections")
'Set up the query

    本文转自wenglabs博客园博客,原文链接:     本文转自wenglabs博客园博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者 ,如需转载请自行联系原作者

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