Ext Js简单面板及工具栏的创建使用


Ext Js简单面板及工具栏的创建使用


function testPanel1(divId) {
    var testPanel = new Ext.Panel({
        title: 'TestSimplePanel1', renderTo: divId,  //渲染区域,页面可定义不同区域,进行渲染
        html: '<h1 style="height:1000px">Panel Content</h1>',
        tbar: [{ text: 'Top Tool Bar', handler: function () { Ext.Msg.alert('Info','TT') } }],
        bbar: [{ text: 'Bottom Tool Bar'}],
        //fbar: [{ text: '按钮' }, { text: '按钮1'}]
         buttons: [{ text: 'Bottom Buttom'}]


function testPanel3(divId) {
    var testPanel = new Ext.Panel({
        title: 'TestSimplePanel3', width: 500, height: 200, renderTo: divId,
        html: '<h1>You Will Get More Info From The Open Source!</h1>',
        tools: [//其中只需指定id就会显示,还有一些其他的在文章最后说明一下
                    {id: 'save' },
                    { id: 'help', handler: function () { Ext.Msg.alert('help', 'This is Info!'); } },
                    { id: 'colse', handler: function () { Ext.Msg.alert('信息提示', '这是关闭操作!'); } }
        tbar: [{ text: "测试", handler: function () { alert('TT'); } }]


function testPanel4(divId) {
    var testPanle = new Ext.Panel({
        title: 'TestSimplePanel4', width: 500, height: 200, renderTo: divId,
        html: '<h1>You Will Get More Info From The Open Source!</h1>',
        tbar: [
                    new Ext.Toolbar.TextItem("工具栏:"),
                    { text: "添加" },
                    { xtype: "tbfill" },
                    { xtype: "tbseparator" },
                    { text: '保存' }


function testViewPort() {
    var viewPort = new Ext.Viewport({
        enableTabScroll: true, layout: "fit", //ViewPort无需指定渲染区,默认选择整个浏览器
                { title: "PanelOne", html: "<h1>This is Panel One!</h1>",
                    bbar: [
                    { id: "btnOne", text: "ButtonOne", handler: function () { alert(this.id) } },
                    { id: "btnTwo", text: "ButtonTwo", handler: function () { alert(this.text) } }


function testVPBorder() {
    var viewPort = new Ext.Viewport({
        enableTabScroll: true, layout: "border",
                    { title: "ViewPortTitleNorth", region: "north", height: 100, html: "<h1>This is Top Title!</h1>" },
                    { title: "Menu", region: "west", width: 150, collapsible: true, html: "<h1>This is The Menu!</h1>" }, //collapsible:自动折叠
                    { xtype: "tabpanel", region: "center",items: [{ title: "PanelOne" }, { title: "PanelTwo"}]}


function GSample() {
    var tb = new Ext.Toolbar({//创建工具栏
        renderTo: document.body,width: 600,height: 100,
        items: [
                    { text: '按钮' }, //按钮
                    {xtype: 'splitbutton', text: 'Split Button',
                    menu: new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: [{ text: 'TT' }, { text: 'PP'}] })},
                    '->',  // Ext.Toolbar.Fill(填充空白)
                    {xtype: 'textfield', name: 'field1', emptyText: '请输入查询内容' }, //文本框
                    '-', // {xtype: 'tbseparator'} (分隔符)
                    '文本1', //{xtype: 'tbtext', text: 'text1'} Ext.Toolbar.TextItem(文本)
                    {xtype: 'tbspacer' }, // ' '  Ext.Toolbar.Spacer(空格)
                    { xtype: 'tbspacer', width: 50 }, //(空格50px)

    var combo = new Ext.form.ComboBox({//创建ComboBox
        store: new Ext.data.ArrayStore({//数据ArrayStore
            autoDestroy: true, //是否随Store的销毁一起销毁
            fields: ['userID', 'Name'], //字段
            data: [['userID1', '李明'], ['userID2', '李白']]//数据
        displayField: 'Name',
        typeAhead: true, //输入内容延迟自动匹配
        mode: 'local',   //数据本地
        forceSelection: true, //单选
        triggerAction: 'all', //触发点击 查询all
        emptyText: '请选择一个名字......',
        selectOnFocus: true,
        width: 135,
        getListParent: function () {
            return this.el.up('.x-menu');
        iconCls: 'no-icon'

    var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({//创建菜单
        id: 'mainMenu',
        items: [

        text: 'Button w/ Menu',
        menu: menu
    tb.doLayout(); //强制容器重新计算渲染


function TT() {
    var win = new Ext.Window({
        title: 'Window Title', height: 300, width: 450,
        items: [
                new Ext.TabPanel({
                    id: 'tabPanel', renderTo: Ext.getBody(), height: 260, activeTab: 0,
                    bodyStyle: { background: 'Green', color: 'Orange' },
                    tools: [//父面板tools显示
                    { id: 'save', handler: function () { alert('保存成功!'); } },
                    { id: 'help', handler: function () { alert('帮助信息!'); } },
                    { id: 'close', handler: function () { alert('销毁面板!'); Ext.getCmp('tabPanel').destroy(); } }
                    items: [
                    { title: '面板1', html: '<h1>我是面板1</h1>',
                        tbar: [//面板1:tbar显示
                    { text: 'tbarAdd' }, '->', { xtype: 'textfield', id: 'txtContent', width: 120, emptyText: '请输入查询内容' },
                    { text: 'tbarSearch', handler: function () { alert(Ext.getCmp('txtContent').getValue()) } }
                    { title: '面板2', html: '<h1>我是面板2</h1>',//面板2:bbar显示
                        bbar: [{ text: 'bbarAdd' }, { xtype: 'tbspacer', width: 50 }, { text: 'bbarUpdate'}]
                    { title: '面板3', html: '<h1>我是面板3</h1>',//面板3:buttons显示
                        buttonAlign: 'left', buttons: [{ text: 'buttonsLeft' }, '->', { text: 'buttonsRight'}]
                    { title: '面板4', html: '<h1>我是面板4</h1>',//面板4:fbar显示
                        buttonAlign: 'left', fbar: [{ text: 'fbarLeft' }, '->', { text: 'fbarRight'}]

8.对于Ext Js样式简单调整style\bodyStyle\defaults的使用

function extendPanel() {
    var testPanelStyle = new Ext.Panel({
        title: 'Panel Title', width: 500, height: 300, renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        style: "width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: Red",
        //style: { color: 'red', marginTop: '0px', marginLeft: '100px' }, //样式测试
        bodyStyle: { background: 'Orange' }, //body样式测试
        //bodyStyle: 'background-color:Purple;color:blue',
        items: [{ title: '探讨'}],
        html: '<h1>Panel Content</h1>',
        tbar: [
                { id: 'tbOne', text: 'Top Tool Bar One', handler: function () { alert('TopToolBarOne'); } },
                { id: 'tbTwo', text: 'Top Tool Bar Two', handler: function () { alert(this.text); } }
        bbar: [{ id: 'bbarOne', text: 'Bottom Tool Bar'}],
        buttons: [{ id: 'btnOne', text: 'Bottom Buttom'}]


function extendViewPort() {
    var viewPortBorder = new Ext.Viewport({
        layout: "border",
        items: [//对于north和south只需设定高度,对于west和east只需设定宽度,center自动填充
                { region: "north", title: "ViewPortTitle", height: 80, collapsible: true, html: "<h1>North Content</h1>" },
                { region: "west", title: "Menu", width: 150, collapsible: true, split: true, //宽度为5px
                    items: [
                    new Ext.Panel({ border: false,
                        items: [
                        { text: "Panle1", height: 100, html: "<h1>Mencollapsibleu West One</h1><div id='divUrl' style='margin-left:10px'></div>" },
                        { text: "Panel2", height: 100,
                            html: '<h1>Menu West Two</h1>'
                { xtype: "tabpanel", region: "center", activeTab: 1, border: false, collapsible: true,
                    items: [
                    { title: "Panel One", style: { color: "Purple" }, html: "<h1>This is The Panel Center One Content!</h1>" },
                    { title: "Panel Two", style: { color: "Blue" }, html: "<h1>This is the Panel Center Two Content!</h1>" }
                { title: "Border East", region: "east", width: 150, split: true, collapsible: true, layout: "fit",
                    style: { background: "Orange" }, html: "<h1>East Border!</h1>"
                { title: "Border South", region: "south", height: 80, split: true, collapsible: true, minSize: 75, maxSize: 150,
                    style: { color: "Blue" }, html: "<h1>South Border!</h1>"
    addUrl('divUrl'); //添加Url链接

var ulData = [
   { name: "百度", url: "http://www.baidu.com" },
   { name: "搜狐", url: "http://www.sohu.com" },
   { name: "新浪", url: "http://www.sina.com" }
function addUrl(eleID) {
    var divUrl = Ext.get(eleID);
    var html = '<ul>';
    for (var i = 0; i < ulData.length; i++) {//遍历Json添加数据
        //html += '<li><A href=' + ulData[i].url + ' >' + ulData[i].name + '</A></li>';//拼接语句
        html += String.format('<li><A href={0} onclick="{2}">{1}</A></li>', ulData[i].url, ulData[i].name, "alert('" + ulData[i].name + "')"); //格式化语句
    html += '</ul>';
    divUrl.dom.innerHTML = html;


function doPanel() {
    var viewPort = new Ext.Viewport({
        layout: 'border', style: { marginLeft: '3px', marginTop: '5px', marginRight: '3px' }, //border布局
                { region: 'north', title: '欢迎大家来到广联达大学堂', height: 100, bodyStyle: { color: 'purple' }, //北部区域
                    html: '<h3>本节课程主要讲解对于Panel面板的创建和使用以及对于工具栏控件的使用,祝大家学习愉快!</h3>'
                { region: 'west', title: '创建控制区', width: 150, collapsible: true, split: true, //西部区域
                    items: [//定义Panel面板
                    new Ext.Panel({ border: false, layout: 'accordion', layoutConfig: { titleCollapse: true, animate: true, activeOnTop: false, fill: true }, //accordion布局
                        defaults: { bodyStyle: { background: 'orange', padding: '5px'} }, height: 470, activeItem: 0, style: { background: 'green' },
                        items: [
                                { title: '控制区1', html: '我是面板1', //添加、修改空Panel
                                    items: [
                                    { xtype: 'button', id: 'btnNew', text: '新建Panel', //新建空Panel
                                        handler: function () { alert('新建Panel'); taskAction('noBar', 'new'); }
                                    { xtype: 'button', id: 'btnUpdate', text: '修改Panel', //修改空Panel
                                        handler: function () { alert('修改Panel'); taskAction('noBar', 'update'); }
                                { title: '控制区2', html: '我是面板2', //添加、修改有tbar的Panel
                                    items: [
                                    { xtype: 'button', id: 'btnNewTool', text: '新建PanelTool',  //新建ToolBarPanel
                                        handler: function () { alert('新建ToolBarPanel'); taskAction('toolBar', 'new') }
                                    { xtype: 'button', id: 'btnUpdateTool', text: '修改PanelTool', //修改ToolBarPanel
                                        handler: function () { alert('修改ToolBarPanel'); taskAction('toolbar', 'update') }
                                { title: '控制区3', html: '我是面板3'}//备用控制区
                { region: 'center', xtype: 'tabpanel', id: 'tabPanel', title: '面板的显示', //中部区域
                    items: [
                        { title: '默认面板1', html: '<h1>这是创建的默认面板1!</h1>' }, //默认显示面板, autoLoad: { url: 'Test.aspx'}
                        {title: '默认面板2', html: '<h1>这是创建的默认面板2!</h1>' }
                { region: 'east', width: 150, title: '内容显示区', html: '<h1>这是面板内容显示区域!</h1>' }, //东部区域
                {region: 'south', height: 100, title: '友情链接', autoScroll: true, //南部区域
                html: '<h1 style="color:orange">这是友情链接显示区域!</h1><div id="divComps"></div>'//南部区域添加公司信息
    compRegistered("divComps"); //底部友情链接添加

var urlInfos = [
        { compID: '1', compName: '百度', compUrl: 'http://www.baidu.com', compAddress: { city: '北京', postalCode: '100000', descript: '百度主要做搜索引擎的!'} },
          { compID: '2', compName: '搜狐', compUrl: 'http://www.sohu.com', compAddress: { city: '北京', postalCode: '110000', descript: '搜狐CEO:张朝阳!'} },
          { compID: '3', compName: '新浪', compUrl: 'http://www.sina.com', compAddress: { city: '北京', postalCode: '120000', descript: '新浪有微博,即新浪微博!'} },
          { compId: '4', compName: '阿里巴巴', compUrl: 'http://www.alibaba.com/', compAddress: { city: '杭州', postalCode: '130000', descript: '阿里巴巴与四十大盗'} }
function compRegistered(comps) {//添加注册公司信息
    var compRegisters = Ext.get(comps);
    var html = '<ul>';
    for (var i = 0; i < urlInfos.length; i++) {//遍历Json数据,拼接对应的数据
        html += String.format('<li>公司:<A href={0}>{1}</A>,公司详情:城市:{2};邮编:{3};描述:{4}</li>', //格式化数据
            urlInfos[i].compUrl, urlInfos[i].compName, urlInfos[i].compAddress.city, urlInfos[i].compAddress.postalCode, urlInfos[i].compAddress.descript);
    html += '</ul>';
    compRegisters.dom.innerHTML = html; //将html数据赋值

function addPanel(type, tabPanel, tabTitle, tabUrl) {//参数:是否tbar,操作tabPanel对象,tabPanel标题,tabPanelUrl
    if (type == "noBar") {//NoBar
        tabPanel.add({ title: tabTitle, iconCls: 'tabs', closeable: true, closable: true, autoLoad: { url: tabUrl} }).show();
    } else {//toolBar
        tabPanel.add({ id: tabTitle, title: tabTitle, html: '测试新Tab:' + tabTitle, bodyStyle: { background: 'green' }, closable: true, //是否允许关闭
            tbar: [//添加工具栏
                new Ext.Toolbar.TextItem('工具栏:'),
                { xtype: 'tbfill' }, //填充所有空白
                {id: 'tbarAdd', text: '添加', handler: function () { alert('添加操作'); tabAddBtn(tabTitle) } }, //将当前Id传入创建按钮
                {id: 'tbarUpdate', text: '修改', handler: function () { alert('修改操作') } },
                { id: 'tbarDel', text: '删除', handler: function () { alert('删除操作') } }

function updatePanel(tabPanel, tabTitle, tabUrl) {//tabPanel容器对象,要修改的标题,tabPanel的url
    var tabItem = tabPanel.getActiveTab(); //获取当前活动的tab
    if (tabItem) {
        tabItem.getUpdater().update(tabUrl); //更新数据,refresh
        tabItem.setTitle(tabTitle); //修改tabTitle
    } else {
        tabItem = addPanel(panelId, tabTitle, tabUrl);
    tabPanel.setActiveItem(tabItem); //设置当前tab活动

var addCount = 0; //添加计数器
var updateCount = 0; //更新计数器
var taskAction = function (toolType, actionType) {//操作分配函数,参数:是否tbar,操作类型(new\update)
    var tabPanel = Ext.getCmp('tabPanel');
    if (actionType == 'new') {//新建操作
        if (toolType == "noBar") {//nobar:没有工具栏tabr
            addPanel("noBar", tabPanel, 'New Tab' + (addCount++), 'Test.aspx');
        else {//toolbar:有工具栏tbar
            addPanel("toolBar", tabPanel, 'New Tab' + (addCount++), 'Test.aspx');
    else {//update:修改操作
        updatePanel(tabPanel, 'Update Tab' + (updateCount++), 'Test.aspx');
function tabAddBtn(tabId) {//根据当前Id,获取对象动态添加按钮
    //var tabItem = tabPanel.getActiveTab();//或根据当前活动tab
    var tabPanel = Ext.getCmp(tabId);
        xtype: 'button', text: 'AddNewButton', width: 150, handler: function () { alert('点我干什么!') }
    tabPanel.doLayout(); //重新渲染


View Code

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