版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/inforstack/article/details/54237726
getClass : Function A function which returns the CSS class to apply to the icon image. Parameters v : Object The value of the column's configured field (if any). metadata : Object An object in which you may set the following attributes: css : String A CSS class name to add to the cell's TD element. attr : String An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the data container element within the table cell (e.g. 'style="color:red;"'). r : Ext.data.Model The Record providing the data. rowIndex : Number The row index. colIndex : Number The column index. store : Ext.data.Store The Store which is providing the data Model.
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getTip : Function A function which returns the tooltip string for any row. Parameters v : Object The value of the column's configured field (if any). metadata : Object An object in which you may set the following attributes: css : String A CSS class name to add to the cell's TD element. attr : String An HTML attribute definition string to apply to the data container element within the table cell (e.g. 'style="color:red;"'). r : Ext.data.Model The Record providing the data. rowIndex : Number The row index. colIndex : Number The column index. store : Ext.data.Store The Store which is providing the data Model.
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text : "操作",
sortable : false,
width : 190,
items : [{
handler : "projectFavorite",
name : 'projectFavorite',
getClass : function (v, metadata, r, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
if (me.userType == '20') {
if (r.data.partaked){
return "x-item-disabled x-fa fa-heart";
} else {
return r.data.favorite == true ? "x-fa fa-heart" : "x-fa fa-heart-o";
getTip : function (v, metadata, r, rowIndex, colIndex, store) {
if (me.userType == '20') {
return r.data.favorite == true ? "取消关注" : "关注";
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