




第一个当然就是MapGuide的演示站点。http://enterprise.mapguide.com。该站点由Autodesk公司维护,运行MapGuide Enterprise。在这台服务器上,同时运行着多个MapGuide应用,包括在电力、交通、环保、土地利用、基础设施等行业的应用,还包括MapGuide 和Google Maps/Yahoo Maps/Bing Maps(Virtual Earth)的集成等示例应用。

Open Layers with Google Maps & Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise

This demo showcases the use of a Open Layers with the Google Maps API and Autodesk MapGuide Enteprise.

For best results use IE7 or Firefox 2.0

Topobase Web

Topobase Web is the web client to Autodesk Topobase and is built on Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise

Login with the following credentials

Username: WEB
Leave the password field empty. 
When accessing the site for the first time, you will need to enter the tbmain user settings
username: tbmain (case sensitive)
password: autodesk (case sensitive)

Flexible Web Layouts using Google Maps API

This demo showcases the use of the flexible web layouts/fusion of Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise with Google Maps API, tied together using Open Layers. 
On Firefox if prompted for a password enter Anonymous with no password

Tiled Map

Check out Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise's built in Tiling Capability that results in fast access and smooth user interaction

  • Tiles are created upon first access
  • Optionally tiles can be pre-created using open source tools

Storm Facilities Management

Get an integrated view into the Storm facilities database (RDBMS) using Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise (graphical mapping interface) with a database query engine.

  • Built in customizable properties dialog

Generic Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise Demo

Try out the cool features of Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise

  • AJAX Viewer (no plugin required)
  • Enhanced map rendering
  • True Color Support
  • Layer Transparency
  • Tooltips
  • Built in customizable properties dialog

Utility Map

Interact with a web-based utility mapping application using 
MySQL with the option to

  • Search for asset
  • Create custom persistent markups
  • Generate work order by inserting ticket graphically
  • Dynamically Plot map to DWF file for offline use

Flexible Web Layouts with Generic Task Widgets

This demo showcases the use of the flexible web layouts/fusion of Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise and exposes the Generic Task Widgets
1. Persistent Markups
2. Ad-Hoc Queries
3. Dynamic Theming
4. Feature Editing - Uses Open Layers
On Firefox if prompted for a password enter Anonymous with no password

Land Records Online

Interact with a web-based land records search utility with the following features.

  • Select Land Parcels to see information
  • Query Land Records database and view results on map
  • View Land Records using Google Earth

Custom Symbology using Flexible Web Layouts

This demo showcases the custom symbology and cartographic capabilities of Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise. It uses the new flexible web layout technology to create a simplified web surround that uses CSS and XML widget containers.
On Firefox if prompted for a password enter Anonymous with no password

ERDAS Image Web Server Integration Demo

This demo showcases ERDAS IWS serving imagery using WMS to Autodesk MapGuide Enteprise. 
On Firefox if prompted for a password enter Anonymous with no password

Publish to Google Earth

This demo showcases a Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise application interacting with Google Earth.

  • Perform a query using Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise
  • Preview the results
  • View the results using Google Earth 
    (requires Google Earth to be installed)

Electric Map

A simple web based interface into electric facilities created using AutoCAD Map 3D


还有,新加坡公共交通系统 www.PublicTransport.sg, 你可以登录到该站点,点击左边的“Getting Around”进入到webgis系统。该系统后台使用Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise 2009 和 Autodesk MapGuide Studio 2009, 前端表现层使用了Open Layers技术。




又一个Google Maps和MapGuide结合的站点 http://mapguide.ca/guelph/



virtual earth和mapguide 结合: http://mapguide.ca/sydney/




另外一个 http://gis.edsi.com/mecklenburgmain.php 基于MapGuide OpenSource





好了,这只是我找到的一小部分在线应用,肯定还有很多,另外当然更多的还有企业内部网的应用案例。你现在是不是有信心了呢?加油,发布你的MapGuide应用吧! :-)

作者: 峻祁连
出处: http://junqilian.cnblogs.com 

本文转自峻祁连. Moving to Cloud/Mobile博客园博客,原文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/junqilian/archive/2009/10/30/1593046.html ,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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