SoapUI Pro Project Solution Collection –Easy develop Groovy Script to improve SoapUI ability


As you know the groovy script and java script language is the soapui supported .but unfortunately Soapui’s groovy editor had not provided a better editor to write the groovy script.

there are two approaches you can take to write your own groovy script quickly:

  1. approach 1

use the third tool to achieve it ,the most popular tool you can use is Itellij Idea,which had provided the most wonderful way to write your script more easily .

but unfortunately this tools is not a open source tool ,you need to pay money so you can take to use it totally .

another tool is you can take to use eclipse,install the groovy plug-in then you can take to use the soapui API to achieve the script .

  2. Approach 2

Write the java language script like groovy script (recommend) ,as you know groovy is a dynamical language for java .so for every groovy compile it also can compile java as well .so just be free to write your java language instead of writing the obscure groovy syntax .

download the SoapUI Pro package for the website:

all the version list:

as soapui developed by java language ,but you know java is not good for GUI application ,so here for the SWT interface ,maybe you will met some problems so here i recommend you take to use the standalone version ,like:

  • after downloading completed ,extract this file into a location
  • Open the SoapUI and import the web service URL or import the WSDL file into the project;
  • Change the project as “Composite Project” to “True”.this is very helpful ,because if you save the whole project as a soapui xml file ,it will be very large .and very hard to be maintained .Set this value to true  will turn all the project elements to a single xml file .

     like the project setting file ,the test suite as a single xml file ..etc.

  • image


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