[ACM_搜索] ZOJ 1103 || POJ 2415 Hike on a Graph (带条件移动3盘子到同一位置的最少步数 广搜)



"Hike on a Graph" is a game that is played on a board on which an undirected graph is drawn. The graph is complete and has all loops, i.e. for any two locations there is exactly one arrow between them. The arrows are coloured. There are three players, and each of them has a piece. At the beginning of the game, the three pieces are in fixed locations on the graph. In turn, the players may do a move. A move consists of moving one's own piece along an arrow to a new location on the board. The following constraint is imposed on this: the piece may only be moved along arrows of the same colour as the arrow between the two opponents' pieces. 

In the sixties ("make love not war") a one-person variant of the game emerged. In this variant one person moves all the three pieces, not necessarily one after the other, but of course only one at a time. Goal of this game is to get all pieces onto the same location, using as few moves as possible. Find out the smallest number of moves that is necessary to get all three pieces onto the same location, for a given board layout and starting positions.


The input contains several test cases. Each test case starts with the number n. Input is terminated by n=0. Otherwise, 1<=n<=50. Then follow three integers p1, p2, p3 with 1<=pi<=n denoting the starting locations of the game pieces. The colours of the arrows are given next as a m×m matrix of whitespace-separated lower-case letters. The element mij denotes the colour of the arrow between the locations i and j. Since the graph is undirected, you can assume the matrix to be symmetrical.


For each test case output on a single line the minimum number of moves required to get all three pieces onto the same location, or the word "impossible" if that is not possible for the given board and starting locations.

Sample Input

3 1 2 3
r b r
b b b
r b r
2 1 2 2
y g
g y

Sample Output



相关链接:过程详解 http://www.cnblogs.com/pcoda/archive/2012/09/02/2667987.html

 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<queue>
 3 #include<string>
 4 #include<string.h>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 int n,p1,p2,p3;
 7 char  map[55][55];//存储图
 8 int ans[55][55][55];//保存a[i][j][k]表示3个盘子在i,j,k位置时的最小步数
 9 int ok;//记录最终3个盘子的位置,如果为0则imposible
10 struct state{
11     int a,b,c;
12 }temp;//3个盘子的位置
13 void read(){
14     cin>>p1>>p2>>p3;
15     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
16         map[i][0]='#';//在这填充个字符,不然就报错
17         for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)
18             cin>>map[i][j];
19         map[i][n+1]='\0';//在行尾加一个结束符,便于后面操作
20     }
21 }
22 void bfs(){
23     ok=0;
24     fill(&ans[0][0][0],&ans[0][0][0]+55*55*55,255);//将ans初始化很大
25     ans[p1][p2][p3]=0;//令刚开始位置为0(不要少了)
26     queue<state> Q;
27     temp.a=p1;temp.b=p2;temp.c=p3;
28     Q.push(temp);
29     while(!Q.empty()){
30         state top=Q.front();Q.pop();
31         int x=top.a,y=top.b,z=top.c;
32         if(x==y && y==z){//如果3盘到一点就跳出
33             ok=x;
34             break;
35         }else{
36             int cur_ans=ans[x][y][z];
37             cur_ans++;
39             char bc_color=map[y][z];
40             string str_a=map[x];//(与a连的所有路径)
41             for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
42                 //遍历所有路径,如果不是自己,且满足移动条件,且ans[i][y][z]>cur_ans就移动
43                 if(i!=x && str_a[i]==bc_color && ans[i][y][z]>cur_ans){
44                     ans[i][y][z] = cur_ans;
45                     temp.a=i;temp.b=y;temp.c=z;
46                     Q.push(temp);
47                 }
48             }//a盘的移动
50             char ac_color=map[x][z];
51             string str_b=map[y];
52             for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
53                 if(i!=y && str_b[i]==ac_color && ans[x][i][z]>cur_ans){
54                     ans[x][i][z]=cur_ans;
55                     temp.a=x;temp.b=i;temp.c=z;
56                     Q.push(temp);
57                 }
58             }//b盘的移动
60             char ab_color=map[x][y];
61             string str_c=map[z];
62             for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
63                 if(i!=z && str_c[i]==ab_color && ans[x][y][i]>cur_ans){
64                     ans[x][y][i]=cur_ans;
65                     temp.a=x;temp.b=y;temp.c=i;
66                     Q.push(temp);
67                 }
68             }//c盘的移动
69         }
70     }
71 }
72 int main(){
73     while(cin>>n && n){
74         read();
75         bfs();
76         if(ok)cout<<ans[ok][ok][ok]<<'\n';
77         else cout<<"impossible\n";
78     }return 0;
79 }



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