免费Ebook 分享《Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit in Depth》

刚下了一本由Boryana Miloshevska 编写的《Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit in Depth》,提到Windows Phone Toolkit 大家应该不陌生,其中包含了很多Windows Phone 开发需要的组件。在这本书中全面细致的对Windows Phone Toolkit 进行了介绍,而且是全彩色图文并茂。

     书中包括了Windows Phone Toolkit 中所有控件,不论你是Windows Phone 开发的菜鸟还是老鸟,这本书的确不容错过!最新的Windows Phone Toolkit 全面支持Windows Phone 7.1 SDK("Mango")的开发。

o AutoCompleteBox 
o ContextMenu 
o DatePicker 
o DateTimeConverters 
o ExpanderView 
o Gestures 
o HeaderedItemsControl 
o HubTile 
o ListPicker 
o LocalizedResources 
o LockablePivot 
o LoopingSelector 
o LongListSelector 
o MultiselectList 
o Page Transitions 
o PerformanceProgressbar 
o PhoneTextBox 
o WrapPanel 
o TiltEffect 
o TimePicker 
o ToggleSwitch



Point1. First of all, because “Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit” is a FREE library with great controls, provided by Microsoft. 
Point2. There is a lot of paid content on the web regarding Windows Phone development and quite a few FREE one. 
This was the reason why I founded www.windowsphonegeek.com about a year ago: to create a FREE community with high quality and up to date windows phone 
development content. So having in mind that there is no documentation for the toolkit or any books available, I decided to write and share a FREE one.

