Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit 更新


The Silverlight Toolkit team has just published the new release of the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. The update includes the following goodings:

  • AutoCompleteBox (fully themed for Metro)
  • ListPicker (Works as a ListPicker for <5 items and as PickerBox for more)
  • LongListSelector (Real jewel - a custom listbox control that allows to have groupings, headers and Quick Jump Grid functionality)
  • Page Transitions (The real page transition animations that should behave exactly as the native ones)


Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit Overview

Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit offers developers additional controls for Windows Phone application development, designed to match the rich user experience of the Windows Phone 7.

Components in the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit

  • New Components
    • AutoCompleteBox
    • ListPicker
    • LongListSelector
    • Page Transitions
  • Existing Components
    • GestureService/GestureListener
    • ContextMenu
    • DatePicker
    • TimePicker
    • ToggleSwitch
    • WrapPanel

What's included in the source code?

The sources package includes:
  • Complete C# source code
  • Sample application
    • AutoCompleteBox
    • ContextMenu
    • DatePicker and TimePicker
    • Gestures
    • ListPicker
    • LongListSelector
    • ToggleSwitch
    • Page Transitions
    • WrapPanel
  • 本文转自施炯博客园博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者
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