[推荐]Google Chrome Developer Tools

The Google Chrome Developer Tools provide an integrated environment for debugging, optimizing, and understanding a web application, or website, running in Google Chrome. The developer tools are developed partly through the open source project,  WebKit, where the tools are called Web Inspector.

This document provides an introduction to the developer tools, and links to other resources that provide more in-depth information.

Getting Started with Developer Tools

To get started with the developer tools, open a web page, or web app, in Google Chrome then take one of the following actions:
  • Select the Page menu  at the top-right of your browser window, then select Developer -> Developer Tools.
  • Right-click on any page element and select Inspect element.
  • On Windows and Linux, select the Control-Shift-J keys.
  • On Mac, select the Command-Option-J, ⌥⌘J, keys.


For a full tutorial, see the  Chrome Developer Tools Tutorial.





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