第 8 章 OpenSIPS

云数据库 RDS MySQL,集群系列 2核4GB
RDS MySQL Serverless 基础系列,0.5-2RCU 50GB
RDS MySQL Serverless 高可用系列,价值2615元额度,1个月

OpenSER SIP Server 已经更名为 OpenSIPS


8.1. 安装 OpenSIPS
8.1.1. centos 6.5 默认安装
8.1.2. 使用 yum.opensips.org 源安装
8.1.3. 编译安装
8.2. 数据库部署
8.2.1. DBTEXT
8.2.2. MySQL
8.2.3. PGSQL
8.2.4. Berkeley DB
8.3. 测试 opensips

OpenSER SIP Server 已经更名为 OpenSIPS

http://www.openser.org/ 域名将跳转至 http://www.opensips.org/

8.1. 安装 OpenSIPS

8.1.1. centos 6.5 默认安装

centos 6.5 环境默认 opensips 包含如下软件包版本为1.7

# yum search opensips

opensips-jabber.x86_64 : Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server
opensips-mysql.x86_64 : MySQL Storage Support for the OpenSIPS
opensips-perl.x86_64 : Helps implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Perl
opensips-postgresql.x86_64 : PostgreSQL Storage Support for the OpenSIPS
opensips-snmpstats.x86_64 : SNMP management interface for the OpenSIPS
opensips-tlsops.x86_64 : TLS-relating functions for the OpenSIPS
opensips-unixodbc.x86_64 : OpenSIPS unixODBC Storage support
opensips-xmpp.x86_64 : Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server
opensips.x86_64 : Open Source SIP Server
opensips-aaa_radius.x86_64 : RADIUS backend for AAA api
opensips-acc.x86_64 : Accounts transactions information to different backends
opensips-auth_aaa.x86_64 : Performs authentication using an AAA server
opensips-auth_diameter.x86_64 : Performs authentication using a Diameter server
opensips-b2bua.x86_64 : Back-2-Back User Agent
opensips-carrierroute.x86_64 : Routing extension suitable for carriers
opensips-cpl-c.x86_64 : Call Processing Language interpreter
opensips-db_berkeley.x86_64 : Berkley DB backend support
opensips-db_http.x86_64 : HTTP DB backend support
opensips-event_datagram.x86_64 : Event datagram module
opensips-h350.x86_64 : H350 implementation
opensips-ldap.x86_64 : LDAP connector
opensips-mmgeoip.x86_64 : Wrapper for the MaxMind GeoIP API
opensips-peering.x86_64 : Radius peering
opensips-perlvdb.x86_64 : Perl virtual database engine
opensips-presence.x86_64 : Presence server
opensips-presence_callinfo.x86_64 : SIMPLE Presence extension
opensips-presence_dialoginfo.x86_64 : Extension to Presence server for Dialog-Info
opensips-presence_mwi.x86_64 : Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication
opensips-presence_xcapdiff.x86_64 : Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event
opensips-presence_xml.x86_64 : SIMPLE Presence extension
opensips-pua.x86_64 : Offer the functionality of a presence user agent client
opensips-pua_bla.x86_64 : BLA extension for PUA
opensips-pua_dialoginfo.x86_64 : Dialog-Info extension for PUA
opensips-pua_mi.x86_64 : Connector between usrloc and MI interface
opensips-pua_usrloc.x86_64 : Connector between usrloc and pua modules
opensips-pua_xmpp.x86_64 : SIMPLE-XMPP Presence gateway
opensips-python.x86_64 : Python scripting support
opensips-regex.x86_64 : RegExp via PCRE library
opensips-rls.x86_64 : Resource List Server
opensips-seas.x86_64 : Transfers the execution logic control to a given external entity
opensips-sms.x86_64 : Gateway between SIP and GSM networks via sms
opensips-xcap_client.x86_64 : XCAP client

Version : 1.7.2

# yum info opensips
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.hust.edu.cn
 * epel: mirrors.vinahost.vn
 * extras: mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn
 * updates: mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn
Installed Packages
Name        : opensips
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 1.7.2
Release     : 2.el6
Size        : 5.1 M
Repo        : installed
From repo   : epel
Summary     : Open Source SIP Server
URL         : http://opensips.org
License     : GPLv2+
Description : OpenSIPS or Open SIP Server is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261)
            : proxy server. Written entirely in C, opensips can handle thousands calls
            : per second even on low-budget hardware. A C Shell like scripting language
            : provides full control over the server's behaviour. It's modular
            : architecture allows only required functionality to be loaded.
            : Currently the following modules are available: digest authentication,
            : CPL scripts, instant messaging, MySQL and UNIXODBC support, a presence agent,
            : radius authentication, record routing, an SMS gateway, a jabber gateway, a
            : transaction and dialog module, OSP module, statistics support,
            : registrar and user location.

安装 opensips

# yum install opensips

启动 opensips

# /etc/init.d/opensips start

8.1.2. 使用 yum.opensips.org 源安装

安装 yum.opensips.org 源

# rpm -ivh http://yum.opensips.org/1.10/releases/el/6/x86_64/opensips-yum-releases-1.10-1.el6.noarch.rpm
Retrieving http://yum.opensips.org/1.10/releases/el/6/x86_64/opensips-yum-releases-1.10-1.el6.noarch.rpm
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.M3Govv: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 5f2fbb7c: NOKEY
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:opensips-yum-releases  ########################################### [100%]

查看版本,正确应该是Version : 1.10.0

# yum info opensips
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.hust.edu.cn
 * epel: mirrors.vinahost.vn
 * extras: mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn
 * updates: mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn
Available Packages
Name        : opensips
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 1.10.0
Release     : 1.el6
Size        : 5.5 M
Repo        : opensips
Summary     : Open Source SIP Server
URL         : http://opensips.org
License     : GPLv2+
Description : OpenSIPS or Open SIP Server is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261)
            : proxy server. Written entirely in C, opensips can handle thousands calls
            : per second even on low-budget hardware. A C Shell like scripting language
            : provides full control over the server's behaviour. It's modular
            : architecture allows only required functionality to be loaded.
            : Currently the following modules are available: digest authentication,
            : CPL scripts, instant messaging, MySQL and UNIXODBC support, a presence agent,
            : radius authentication, record routing, an SMS gateway, a jabber gateway, a
            : transaction and dialog module, OSP module, statistics support,
            : registrar and user location.


opensips-jabber.x86_64 : Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server
opensips-mysql.x86_64 : MySQL Storage Support for the OpenSIPS
opensips-perl.x86_64 : Helps implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Perl
opensips-postgresql.x86_64 : PostgreSQL Storage Support for the OpenSIPS
opensips-snmpstats.x86_64 : SNMP management interface for the OpenSIPS
opensips-tlsops.x86_64 : TLS-relating functions for the OpenSIPS
opensips-unixodbc.x86_64 : OpenSIPS unixODBC Storage support
opensips-xmpp.x86_64 : Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server
opensips-yum-releases.noarch : OpenSIPS 1.10 RPMs for el6 - Yum Repository Configuration
opensips.x86_64 : Open Source SIP Server
opensips-aaa_radius.x86_64 : RADIUS backend for AAA api
opensips-acc.x86_64 : Accounts transactions information to different backends
opensips-auth_aaa.x86_64 : Performs authentication using an AAA server
opensips-auth_diameter.x86_64 : Performs authentication using a Diameter server
opensips-b2bua.x86_64 : Back-2-Back User Agent
opensips-carrierroute.x86_64 : Routing extension suitable for carriers
opensips-cpl-c.x86_64 : Call Processing Language interpreter
opensips-db_berkeley.x86_64 : Berkley DB backend support
opensips-db_http.x86_64 : HTTP DB backend support
opensips-db_perlvdb.x86_64 : Perl virtual database engine
opensips-event_datagram.x86_64 : Event datagram module
opensips-event_rabbitmq.x86_64 : Event RabbitMQ module
opensips-event_route.x86_64 : Route triggering based on events
opensips-event_xmlrpc.x86_64 : Event XMLRPC client module
opensips-h350.x86_64 : H350 implementation
opensips-httpd.x86_64 : HTTP transport layer implementation
opensips-json.x86_64 : A JSON variables within the script
opensips-ldap.x86_64 : LDAP connector
opensips-memcached.x86_64 : Memcached connector
opensips-mmgeoip.x86_64 : Wrapper for the MaxMind GeoIP API
opensips-peering.x86_64 : Radius peering
opensips-perlvdb.x86_64 : Perl virtual database engine
opensips-pi_http.x86_64 : Provisioning Interface module
opensips-presence.x86_64 : Presence server
opensips-presence_callinfo.x86_64 : SIMPLE Presence extension
opensips-presence_dialoginfo.x86_64 : Extension to Presence server for Dialog-Info
opensips-presence_mwi.x86_64 : Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication
opensips-presence_xcapdiff.x86_64 : Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event
opensips-presence_xml.x86_64 : SIMPLE Presence extension
opensips-pua.x86_64 : Offer the functionality of a presence user agent client
opensips-pua_bla.x86_64 : BLA extension for PUA
opensips-pua_dialoginfo.x86_64 : Dialog-Info extension for PUA
opensips-pua_mi.x86_64 : Connector between usrloc and MI interface
opensips-pua_usrloc.x86_64 : Connector between usrloc and pua modules
opensips-pua_xmpp.x86_64 : SIMPLE-XMPP Presence gateway
opensips-python.x86_64 : Python scripting support
opensips-redis.x86_64 : Redis connector
opensips-regex.x86_64 : RegExp via PCRE library
opensips-rest_client.x86_64 : Implementation of an HTTP client
opensips-rls.x86_64 : Resource List Server
opensips-seas.x86_64 : Transfers the execution logic control to a given external entity
opensips-sms.x86_64 : Gateway between SIP and GSM networks via sms
opensips-xcap.x86_64 : XCAP API provider
opensips-xcap_client.x86_64 : XCAP client
opensips-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A xmlrpc server

安装 opensips

yum install opensips


yum install opensips-mysql
yum install opensips-postgresql
yum install opensips-db_berkeley


# vim opensips.cfg
#listen=udp:   # CUSTOMIZE ME
listen=udp:   # 注释上面一行,新增一行


service opensips start


# netstat -lnu | grep 5060
udp        0      0  *

8.1.3. 编译安装

centos 环境

# cd /usr/local/src
# wget http://opensips.org/pub/opensips/1.10.0/src/opensips-1.10_src.tar.gz
# tar zxf opensips-1.10_src.tar.gz

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原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

如何快速连接云数据库RDS MySQL
本场景介绍如何通过阿里云数据管理服务DMS快速连接云数据库RDS MySQL,然后进行数据表的CRUD操作。
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SQL 关系型数据库 数据库