23.4. WLAN - 无线局域网配置

wlan service-template 1 crypto
 ssid http://netkiller.github.io
 cipher-suite ccmp
 security-ie rsn
 service-template enable
interface WLAN-BSS0
 port-security port-mode psk
 port-security tx-key-type 11key
 port-security preshared-key pass-phrase 13113668890
interface WLAN-Radio2/0
 service-template 1 interface wlan-bss 0


ssid http://netkiller.github.io 配置SSID

port-security preshared-key pass-phrase 13113668890 配置密码

23.4.1. 修改配置

[Netkiller]wlan service-template 1
[Netkiller-wlan-st-1]di this
wlan service-template 1 crypto
 ssid ChinaNet-73C0
 cipher-suite tkip
 cipher-suite ccmp
 security-ie rsn
 service-template enable

[Netkiller-wlan-st-1]service-template disable
[Netkiller-wlan-st-1]ssid http://netkiller.github.io
[Netkiller-wlan-st-1]service-template enable


23.4.2. WLAN 状态查看

[Netkiller]display wlan client
 Total Number of Clients           : 1
 Total Number of Clients Connected : 1
		              Client Information
 MAC Address        BSSID              AID    State           PS Mode  QoS Mode
 b809-8a69-27ab     000f-e2cd-73c0     1      Running         Sleep    WMM

[Netkiller]display wlan client
 Total Number of Clients           : 2
 Total Number of Clients Connected : 2
		              Client Information
 MAC Address        BSSID              AID    State           PS Mode  QoS Mode
 b809-8a69-27ab     000f-e2cd-73c0     1      Running         Sleep    WMM
 e0c9-7ab1-3d69     000f-e2cd-73c0     2      Running         Sleep    WMM

23.4.3. IDS(Intrusion detection system) 状态

[Netkiller]display wlan ids statistics
 Current attack tracking since: 2007-01-01/22:54:41
 Type                                            Current       Total
 Probe Request Frame Flood Attack                0             0
 Authentication Request Frame Flood Attack       0             0
 Deauthentication Frame Flood Attack             0             0
 Association Request Frame Flood Attack          0             0
 Disassociation Request Frame Flood Attack       0             0
 Reassociation Request Frame Flood Attack        0             0
 Action Frame Flood Attack                       0             0
 Null Data Frame Flood Attack                    0             0
 Weak IVs Detected                               0             0
 Spoofed Deauthentication Frame Attack           0             0
 Spoofed Disassociation Frame Attack             0             0


23.4.4. Radio resource management

[Netkiller]display wlan rrm
                                 RRM Configuration
 11b Configured Rates (Mbps)
   Mandatory                   : 1, 2
   Supported                   : 5.5, 11
   Disabled                    : -NA-
 11g Configured Rates (Mbps)
   Mandatory                   : 1, 2, 5.5, 11
   Supported                   : 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54
   Disabled                    : -NA-
   11g Protection              : Disabled
 11h Configuration
   Spectrum Management         : Disabled
   Power Constraint (dBm)      : 0
   Channel Set                 : All

23.4.5. Service Template Parameters

[Netkiller]display wlan service-template
			  Service Template Parameters
 Service Template Number      : 1
 SSID                         : http://netkiller.github.io
 Service Template Type        : Crypto
 Security IE                  : RSN
 Authentication Method        : Open System
 SSID-hide                    : Disabled
 Cipher Suite                 : TKIP
 TKIP Countermeasure Time(s)  : 60
 PTK Life Time(s)             : 43200
 GTK Rekey                    : Enabled
 GTK Rekey Method             : Time-based
 GTK Rekey Time(s)            : 86400
 Service Template Status      : Enabled
 Maximum clients per BSS      : 32

			  Service Template Parameters
 Service Template Number      : 2
 SSID                         : http://netkiller.sf.net
 Service Template Type        : Crypto
 Security IE                  : RSN
 Authentication Method        : Open System
 SSID-hide                    : Disabled
 Cipher Suite                 : CCMP
 TKIP Countermeasure Time(s)  : 60
 PTK Life Time(s)             : 43200
 GTK Rekey                    : Enabled
 GTK Rekey Method             : Time-based
 GTK Rekey Time(s)            : 86400
 Service Template Status      : Enabled
 Maximum clients per BSS      : 32


23.4.6. Client Statistics

[Netkiller]display wlan statistics client all
		               Client Statistics
 AP Name                           : Netkiller
 Radio Id                          : 1
 SSID                              : http://netkiller.github.io
 BSSID                             : 000f-e2cd-73c0
 MAC Address                       : b809-8a69-27ab
 RSSI                              : 50
 Transmitted Frames:
 Back Ground (Frames/Bytes)        : 0/0
 Best Effort (Frames/Bytes)        : 7156/2257549
 Video (Frames/Bytes)              : 4/700
 Voice (Frames/Bytes)              : 4/204
 Received Frames:
 Back Ground (Frames/Bytes)        : 396/77443
 Best Effort (Frames/Bytes)        : 15714/1103448
 Video (Frames/Bytes)              : 21/3937
 Voice (Frames/Bytes)              : 737/76615
 Discarded Frames:
 Back Ground (Frames/Bytes)        : 0/0
 Best Effort (Frames/Bytes)        : 0/0
 Video (Frames/Bytes)              : 0/0
 Voice (Frames/Bytes)              : 0/0

		               Client Statistics
 AP Name                           : Netkiller
 Radio Id                          : 1
 SSID                              : http://netkiller.github.io
 BSSID                             : 000f-e2cd-73c0
 MAC Address                       : e0c9-7ab1-3d69
 RSSI                              : 50
 Transmitted Frames:
 Back Ground (Frames/Bytes)        : 0/0
 Best Effort (Frames/Bytes)        : 113/47039
 Video (Frames/Bytes)              : 2/350
 Voice (Frames/Bytes)              : 2/102
 Received Frames:
 Back Ground (Frames/Bytes)        : 0/0
 Best Effort (Frames/Bytes)        : 355/41601
 Video (Frames/Bytes)              : 0/0
 Voice (Frames/Bytes)              : 27/2733
 Discarded Frames:
 Back Ground (Frames/Bytes)        : 0/0
 Best Effort (Frames/Bytes)        : 0/0
 Video (Frames/Bytes)              : 0/0
 Voice (Frames/Bytes)              : 0/0

23.4.7. Wi-Fi multimedia

Wireless client

[Netkiller]display wlan wmm client all
 MAC address : b809-8a69-27ab       SSID : http://netkiller.github.io
 QoS Mode        : WMM
 APSD information :
  Max SP Length : all
  L: Legacy	T: Trigger	D: Delivery
  State		L	L	L	L
  Assoc State	L	L	L	L
 CAC information :
  Uplink CAC packets   : 0           Downlink CAC packets   : 7171
  Uplink CAC bytes     : 0           Downlink CAC bytes     : 2203734
  Downgrade packets    : 0           Discard packets        : 0
  Downgrade bytes      : 0           Discard bytes          : 0

 MAC address : e0c9-7ab1-3d69       SSID : http://netkiller.github.io
 QoS Mode        : WMM
 APSD information :
  Max SP Length : all
  L: Legacy	T: Trigger	D: Delivery
  State         L	L	L	L
  Assoc State	L	L	L	L
 CAC information :
  Uplink CAC packets   : 0           Downlink CAC packets   : 138
  Uplink CAC bytes     : 0           Downlink CAC bytes     : 51663
  Downgrade packets    : 0           Discard packets        : 0
  Downgrade bytes      : 0           Discard bytes          : 0


WLAN radio

[Netkiller]display wlan wmm radio
 Radio interface : WLAN-Radio1/0/1
 Client EDCA update count : 65481828
 QoS Mode                 : WMM        Radio chip QoS mode      : WMM
 Radio chip max AIFSN     : 255        Radio chip max ECWmin    : 10
 Radio chip max TXOPLimit : 32767      Radio chip max ECWmax    : 10
 CAC Information
  Client accepted                : 0
   Voice                         : 0
   Video                         : 0
  Total request mediumtime(us)   : 0
   Voice(us)                     : 0
   Video(us)                     : 0
  Calls rejected due to insufficient resource   : 0
  Calls rejected due to invalid parameters      : 0
  Calls rejected due to invalid mediumtime      : 0
  Calls rejected due to invalid delaybound      : 0
 QoS Mode                        : WMM
 Admission Control Policy        : Users
 Threshold users count           : 20
 CAC-Free's AC Request Policy    : Response Success
 CAC Unauthed Frame Policy       : Downgrade
 CAC Medium Time Limitation(us)  : 100000
 CAC AC-VO's Max Delay(us)       : 50000
 CAC AC-VI's Max Delay(us)       : 300000
 SVP packet mapped AC number     : Disabled
 Radio's WMM Parameters:
                          AC-BK    AC-BE    AC-VI    AC-VO
       ECWmin                 4        4        3        2
       ECWmax                10        6        4        3
       AIFSN                  7        3        1        1
       TXOPLimit              0        0       94       47
       AckPolicy         Normal   Normal   Normal   Normal
 Client's WMM Parameters:
                          AC-BK    AC-BE    AC-VI    AC-VO
       ECWmin                 4        4        3        2
       ECWmax                10       10        4        3
       AIFSN                  7        3        2        2
       TXOPLimit              0        0       94       47
       CAC              Disable  Disable  Disable  Disable


原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network)指应用无线通信技术与网络技术,将计算机设备互联起来,构成可以互相通信、实现资源共享的网络体系。WLAN利用射频技术,使用电磁波,通过无线的方式连接,从而使网络的搭建和终端的接入更加灵活。
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WLAN无线局域网技术 基础(一)WLAN与WIFI的关系,基本的WLAN组网方式,胖AP和瘦AP各自的特点和适用场景
WLAN即Wireless LAN(无线局域网),是指通过无线技术构建的无线局域网络。WLAN广义上是指以无线电波、激光、红外线等无线信号来代替优先局域网中的部分或全部传输介质所构成的网络。通过WLAN技术,用户可以方便地接入到无线网络,并在无线网络覆盖区域内自由移动,彻底摆脱有线网络的束缚。几台设备连接到同一台AP上,是可以实现设备的互访的。无线相对于有线来说更不安全,所以无安全不无线,做无线是一般会对数据进行加密处理,对接入的设备进行验证。
WLAN无线局域网技术 基础(一)WLAN与WIFI的关系,基本的WLAN组网方式,胖AP和瘦AP各自的特点和适用场景
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