Knowing the Who's Who in the Cloud

简介: To protect sensitive information and offer access to only those who have the right credentials, businesses need to monitor users carefully.



Everyone knows the plethora of benefits that the cloud brings to the table. Immediate scalability, flexible budgeting, and ready access to dedicated expertise are key reasons why many businesses are becoming cloud-first.

However, putting the control of your infrastructure in someone else’s hands is not easy for many groomed in an era where control and management of IT are all that matters. For many years, IT has been the pilot of IT infrastructure deployment and a business’s IT development. With the cloud, IT are now being asked to become the air traffic controllers, directing IT projects and apps as businesses see fit. But, then who is in control? To regain some of this control for better management, IT wants to better track who is accessing their data.

It has made cloud-based identity access management (IAM) an important debating point for many cloud proponents. The concern is rightly valid. The cloud offers a shared environment where your server may also host the Virtual Machines of other companies. After all, it is this economics of scale that gives public cloud the cost efficiency that on-premise data centers don’t.

Java 中间件 开发者
Spring Cloud Alibaba
【1月更文挑战第27天】【1月更文挑战第127篇】Spring Cloud Alibaba
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存储 SpringCloudAlibaba Java
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负载均衡 Java API
SpringCloud Alibaba详解
服务治理 服务治理就是进行服务的自动化管理,其核心是服务的自动注册与发现。 服务注册:服务实例将自身服务信息注册到注册中心。 服务发现:服务实例通过注册中心,获取到注册到其中的服务实例的信息,通过这些信息去请求它们提供的服务。 服务剔除:服务注册中心将出问题的服务自动剔除到可用列表之外,使其不会被调用到。
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负载均衡 Java 关系型数据库
Spring Cloud Alibaba 之Nacos
Nacos:替代Eureka做服务中心,替代Config做服务配置中心。下载地址 解压后运行(需要jdk8+maven环境),访问,默认账号密码均为为nacos。
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存储 Java Sentinel
浅谈 Spring Cloud Alibaba
Spring Cloud Alibaba是微服务开发的种解决方案。它包含开发分布式应用微服务的必需组件,方便开发者通过 Spring Cloud 编程模型轻松使用这些组件来开发分布式应用服务。
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Kubernetes Cloud Native 安全
Spring Cloud Alibaba 在 Proxyless Mesh 上的探索
站在 2023 年的今天,Service Mesh 早已不是一个新兴的概念, 回顾过去 6 年多的发展历程,Service Mesh 从一经推出就受到来自全世界的主流技术公司关注和追捧。
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Spring Cloud Alibaba 在 Proxyless Mesh 上的探索
消息中间件 负载均衡 监控
Spring Cloud Alibaba 介绍
Spring Cloud Alibaba 介绍
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Spring Cloud Alibaba之nacos
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