13.7.1. Adding Devices to a Pool
# zpool add scoop mirror c0t1d0 c1t1d0
13.7.2. Onlining and Offlining Devices Taking a Device Offline
# zpool offline tank c0t0d0
bringing device 'c0t0d0' offline Bringing a Device Online
# zpool online tank c0t0d0
bringing device 'c0t0d0' online
13.7.3. Replacing Devices
You can replace a device in a storage pool by using the zpool replace command.
# zpool replace tank c0t0d0 c0t0d1
In the above example, the previous device, c0t0d0, is replaced by c0t0d1.
原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札