Jython 2.7b3
Bugs Fixed - [ 2108 ] Cannot set attribute to instances of AST/PythonTree (blocks pyflakes) - [ 1497 ] ast classes do not have appropiate base classes - [ 1980 ] ast.Eq, ast.Gt, ast.GtE, ast.In, ast.Is, ast.IsNot, ast.Lt, ast.LtE, ast.NotEq and ast.NotIn should be subclasses of ast.cmpop - [ 1981 ] ast.And and ast.Or should be subclasses of ast.boolop New Features - [ 1896215 ] findResource(s) for SyspathJavaLoader - [ 1591 ] Interactive interpreter stuck on '...' loop Jython 2.7b2 Bugs Fixed - [ 1753 ] zlib doesn't call end() on compress and decompress - [ 1860 ] test failures in test_array.py - [ 1862 ] cStringIO does not support arrays as arguments - [ 1876 ] PYTHONIOENCODING unsupported, used (among others) by PyDev - [ 1926 ] Adjust MutableSet.pop test so we do not need to skip it - [ 1964 ] time.strptime() does not support %f in format - [ 2005 ] threading.Event object's wait([timeout]) function returns null instead of True/False. - [ 2013 ] %x hex formatting takes O(N^2) time. - [ 2020 ] str.translate should delete characters in the second arg when table is None - [ 2027 ] Discrepancy in bin(-num) output - [ 2033 ] test_strptime fails: test_mar1_comes_after_feb29_even_when_omitting_the_year - [ 2046 ] sys.stdin.readline() hangs when used interactively (