NetCDF Overview

简介: 1. What Is netCDF?  NetCDF (network Common Data Form) 是一种跨平台的用于描述科学数据的格式。  目前可支持的语言版本有(Java, C/C++, Fortran) 2.

1. What Is netCDF?

  NetCDF (network Common Data Form) 是一种跨平台的用于描述科学数据的格式。

  目前可支持的语言版本有(Java, C/C++, Fortran)


2. How do I convert netCDF data to ASCII or text?



3. NetCDF的后缀名



     The recommended extension for netCDF files was changed from ".cdf" to ".nc" in 1994 in order to avoid a clash with the NASA CDF file extension,

     and now it also avoids confusion with "Channel Definition Format" files.



4 . NetCDF Data Model

    The classic netCDF data model consists of variables, dimensions, and attributes.

N-dimensional arrays of data. Variables in netCDF files can be one of six types (char, byte, short, int, float, double).


describe the axes(轴) of the data arrays. A dimension has a name and a length. An unlimited dimension has a length that can be expanded at any time, as more data are written to it. NetCDF files can contain at most one unlimited dimension.

annotate(注释) variables or files with small notes or supplementary metadata. Attributes are always scalar values or 1D arrays, which can be associated with either a variable or the file as a whole. Although there is no enforced limit, the user is expected to keep attributes small.


5. NetCDF存储哪些数据?

    坐标轴信息: 纬度, 经度, vertical level, 时间

    物理信息:    气压, 温度


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