27.12. standard input/output


27.12.1. xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input

xargs命令是 给其他命令传递参数的一个过滤器,也是组合多个命令的一个工具 它擅长将标准输入数据转换成命令行参数,xargs能够处理管道或者stdin并将其转换成特定命令的命令参数. xargs也可以将单行或多行文本输入转换为其他格式,例如多行变单行,单行变多行. xargs的默认命令是echo,空格是默认定界符;这意味着通过管道传递给xargs的输入将会包含换行和空白,不过通过xargs的处理,换行和空白将被空格取代.

xargs命令用法 格式化



cat >> test.txt <<EOF

a b c d e f g
h i j k l m n
o p q
r s t
u v w x y z


# cat test.txt 

a b c d e f g
h i j k l m n
o p q
r s t
u v w x y z


# cat test.txt | xargs
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

# cat test.txt | tr "\n" " "
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z standard input

# xargs < test.txt 
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z		
# cat /etc/passwd | cut -d : -f1 > users
# xargs -n1 < users echo "Your name is"
Your name is root
Your name is bin
Your name is daemon
Your name is adm
Your name is lp
Your name is sync
Your name is shutdown
Your name is halt
Your name is mail
Your name is operator
Your name is games
Your name is ftp
Your name is nobody
Your name is dbus
Your name is polkitd
Your name is avahi
Your name is avahi-autoipd
Your name is postfix
Your name is sshd
Your name is neo
Your name is ntp
Your name is opendkim
Your name is netkiller
Your name is tcpdump		 -I 替换操作

-I R same as --replace=R

复制所有图片文件到 /data/images 目录下:

ls *.jpg | xargs -n1 -I cp {} /data/images

# echo "name=Neo|age=30|sex=T|birthday=1980" | xargs -d"|" -n1 | xargs -I {} echo "select * from tab where {} "
select * from tab where name=Neo 
select * from tab where age=30 
select * from tab where sex=T 
select * from tab where birthday=1980 

# xargs -I user echo "Hello user" <users 
Hello root
Hello bin
Hello daemon
Hello adm
Hello lp
Hello sync
Hello shutdown
Hello halt
Hello mail
Hello operator
Hello games
Hello ftp
Hello nobody
Hello dbus
Hello polkitd
Hello avahi
Hello avahi-autoipd
Hello postfix
Hello sshd
Hello netkiller
Hello neo
Hello tss
Hello ntp
Hello opendkim
Hello noreply
Hello tcpdump
-I 使用-I指定一个替换字符串,这个字符串在xargs扩展时会被替换掉,当-I与xargs结合使用,每一个参数命令都会被执行一次.
mysql -u root -predhat -s -e "show databases" | egrep "^mt4_user_equity_" | xargs -I "@@" mysql -u root -predhat -e "DROP DATABASE \`@@\`;"  -n, --max-args=MAX-ARGS use at most MAX-ARGS arguments per command line

-n 参数來指定每一次执行指令所使用的参数个数上限值.


# cat test.txt | xargs -n3
a b c
d e f
g h i
j k l
m n o
p q r
s t u
v w x
y z
# cat test.txt | xargs -n4
a b c d
e f g h
i j k l
m n o p
q r s t
u v w x
y z
# cat test.txt | xargs -n5
a b c d e
f g h i j
k l m n o
p q r s t
u v w x y

[neo@netkiller test]# echo 'a b c d e 1 2 3 4 5' | xargs -n 5
a b c d e
1 2 3 4 5 -t, --verbose print commands before executing them

-t 参数可以让 xargs 在执行指令之前先显示要执行的指令

[neo@netkiller test]# echo a b c d e f | xargs -t
/bin/echo a b c d e f
a b c d e f -d, --delimiter=CHARACTER items in input stream are separated by CHARACTER, not by whitespace; disables quote and backslash processing and logical EOF processing

-d 自定义一个定界符 默认是空格

[neo@netkiller test]# echo 'abc' | xargs -d b
a c


# echo "name|age|sex|birthday" | xargs -d"|"
name age sex birthday


# echo "name=Neo|age=30|sex=T|birthday=1980" | xargs -d"|" -n1
birthday=1980	 -0, --null items are separated by a null, not whitespace; disables quote and backslash processing and logical EOF processing

-0 是以null字符结尾的,而不是以白空格(whitespace)结尾的且引号和反斜杠,都不是特殊字符;


[neo@netkiller test]# touch "Mr liu"
[neo@netkiller test]# ls M*
Mr liu
[neo@netkiller test]# find -type f -name "Mr*" | xargs rm -f
[neo@netkiller test]# ls M*
Mr liu
[neo@netkiller test]# find -type f -name "Mr*" | xargs -t rm  -f
rm -f ./Mr liu
// 这个时候我们可以将 find 指令加上 -print0 参数,另外将 xargs 指令加上 -0 参数,改成这样:
[neo@netkiller test]# find -type f -name "Mr*"  -print0| xargs -t -0 rm  -f
rm -f ./Mr liu
[neo@netkiller test]# ls M*
ls: 无法访问M*: 没有那个文件或目录			 -r, --no-run-if-empty if there are no arguments, then do not run COMMAND; if this option is not given, COMMAND will be

-r 如果标准输入不包含任何非空格,请不要运行该命令.

[neo@netkiller test]# echo a b c d e f | xargs -p -n 3
/bin/echo a b c ?...n
/bin/echo d e f ?...n
/bin/echo ?...n
//当我们使用 -p 参数时,如果所有的指令都输入 n 跳过不执行时候,最后还会出现一个沒有任何参数的 echo 指令,
如果想要避免以這种空字串作为参数来执行指令,可以加上 -r 参数
[neo@netkiller test]# echo a b c d e f | xargs -p -n 3 -r
/bin/echo a b c ?...n
/bin/echo d e f ?...n -p, --interactive prompt before running commands

-p 确认操作选项,具有可交互性:

-P 修改最大的进程数, 默认是1.为 0 时候为 as many as it can.

原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

机器学习/深度学习 计算机视觉 Python
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