前一段时间再次拜读《Inside the C++ Object Model》 深入探索C++对象模型,有了进一步的理解,因此我也写了四篇博文算是读书笔记:
Program Transformation Semantics (程序转换语义学)
The Semantics of Copy Constructors(拷贝构造函数之编译背后的行为)
The Semantics of Constructors: The Default Constructor (默认构造函数什么时候会被创建出来)
The Semantics of Data: Data语义学 深入探索C++对象模型
这些文章都获得了很大的浏览量,虽然类似的博文原来都有,可能不容易被现在仍活跃在CSDN Blog的各位同仁看到吧。因此萌生了接着将这这本书读完的同时,再接着谈一下我的理解,或者说读书笔记。
关于C++虚函数,很多博文从各个角度来探究虚函数是如何实现的,或者说编译器是如何实现虚函数的。比较经典的文章有陈皓先生的《C++虚函数表解析》和《C++对象内存布局》。本文通过GDB来从另外一个角度来理解C++ object的内存布局,一来熟悉语言背后编译器为了实现语言特性为我们做了什么;二来熟悉使用GDB来调试程序。
class Parent { public: Parent():numInParent(1111) {} virtual void Foo(){ }; virtual void Boo(){ }; private: int numInParent; }; class Child: public Parent { public: Child():numInChild(2222){} virtual void Foo(){ } int numInChild; };编译时不要忘记-g,使得gdb可以把各个地址映射成函数名。
(gdb) set p obj on (gdb) p *this $2 = (Child) {<Parent> = {_vptr.Parent = 0x400a30, numInParent = 1111}, numInChild = 2222} (gdb) set p pretty on (gdb) p *this $3 = (Child) { <Parent> = { _vptr.Parent = 0x400a30, numInParent = 1111 }, members of Child: numInChild = 2222 } (gdb) p /a (*(void ***)this)[0]@3 $4 = {0x4008ec <Child::Foo()>, 0x4008b4 <Parent::Boo()>, 0x6010b0 <_ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE@@CXXABI_1.3+16>}解释一下gdb的命令:
set p obj <on/off>: 在C++中,如果一个对象指针指向其派生类,如果打开这个选项,GDB会自动按照虚方法调用的规则显示输出,如果关闭这个选项的话,GDB就不管虚函数表了。这个选项默认是off。 使用show print object查看对象选项的设置。
set p pertty <on/off>: 按照层次打印结构体。可以从设置前后看到这个区别。on的确更容易阅读。
p /a (*(void ***)this)[0]@3就是打印虚函数表了。因为知道是两个,可以仅仅打印2个元素。为了知道下一个存储了什么信息,我们打印了3个值。实际上后几个元素存储了Parent 和Child的typeinfo name和typeinfo。
1. vptr存储到了object的开始。
2. 在vptr之后,从Parent开始的data member按照声明顺序依次存储。
3. 多重继承,包含有相同的父类
class Point2d{ public: virtual void Foo(){} virtual void Boo(){} virtual void non_overwrite(){} protected: float _x, _y; }; class Vertex: public Point2d{ public: virtual void Foo(){} virtual void BooVer(){} protected: Vertex *next; }; class Point3d: public Point2d{ public: virtual void Boo3d(){} protected: float _z; }; class Vertex3d: public Vertex, public Point3d{ public: void test(){} protected: float mumble; };使用GDB打印的对象内存布局:
<Vertex> = { <Point2d> = { _vptr.Point2d = 0x400ab0, _x = 5.88090213e-39, _y = 0 }, members of Vertex: next = 0x0 }, <Point3d> = { <Point2d> = { _vptr.Point2d = 0x400ae0, _x = -nan(0x7fe180), _y = 4.59163468e-41 }, members of Point3d: _z = 0 }, members of Vertex3d: mumble = 0 }可见v3d有两个vptr,指向不同的vtable。首先看一下第一个:
(gdb) p /a (*(void ***)this)[0]@5 $9 = {0x4008be <Vertex::Foo()>, 0x4008aa <Point2d::Boo()>, 0x4008b4 <Point2d::non_overwrite()>, 0x4008c8 <Vertex::BooVer()>, 0xffffffffffffffe8} (gdb) p /a (*(void ***)this)[0]@6 $10 = {0x4008be <Vertex::Foo()>, 0x4008aa <Point2d::Boo()>, 0x4008b4 <Point2d::non_overwrite()>, 0x4008c8 <Vertex::BooVer()>, 0xffffffffffffffe8, 0x400b00 <_ZTI8Vertex3d>} (gdb) info addr _ZTI8Vertex3d Symbol "typeinfo for Vertex3d" is at 0x400b00 in a file compiled without debugging.
你可以注意到了,vtable打印分行了,可以使用 set p array on将打印的数组分行,以逗号结尾。
(gdb) p /a (*(void ***)this)[1]@5 $11 = {0x4008b2 <Point2d::Boo()>, 0x4008bc <Point2d::non_overwrite()>, 0x4008d0 <Vertex::BooVer()>, 0xffffffffffffffe8, 0x400b00 <_ZTI8Vertex3d>} (gdb) info addr _ZTI8Vertex3d Symbol "typeinfo for Vertex3d" is at 0x400b00 in a file compiled without debugging.
v3d.Boo();error: request for member Boo is ambiguous
multiInheritance.cpp:8: error: candidates are: virtual void Point2d::Boo()
4. 虚拟继承
C++ codes:
class Point2d{ public: virtual void Foo(){} virtual void Boo(){} virtual void non_overwrite(){} protected: float _x, _y; }; class Vertex: public virtual Point2d{ public: virtual void Foo(){} virtual void BooVer(){} protected: Vertex *next; }; class Point3d: public virtual Point2d{ public: virtual void Boo3d(){} protected: float _z; }; class Vertex3d: public Vertex, public Point3d{ public: void test(){} protected: float mumble; };继承关系图:
(gdb) p *this $10 = (Vertex3d) { <Vertex> = { <Point2d> = { _vptr.Point2d = 0x400b70, _x = 0, _y = 0 }, members of Vertex: _vptr.Vertex = 0x400b18, next = 0x4009c0 }, <Point3d> = { members of Point3d: _vptr.Point3d = 0x400b40, _z = 5.87993804e-39 }, members of Vertex3d: mumble = 0 }
(gdb) p /a (*(void ***)this)[0]@60 $25 = {0x400870 <Vertex::Foo()>, 0x40087a <Vertex::BooVer()>, 0x10, 0xfffffffffffffff0, 0x400c80 <_ZTI8Vertex3d>, #"typeinfo for Vertex3d" 0x400884 <Point3d::Boo3d()>, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffe0, 0xffffffffffffffe0, 0x400c80 <_ZTI8Vertex3d>, #"typeinfo for Vertex3d" 0x400866 <_ZTv0_n24_N6Vertex3FooEv>, #"virtual thunk to Vertex::Foo()" 0x400852 <Point2d::Boo()>, 0x40085c <Point2d::non_overwrite()>, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x20, 0x0, 0x400cc0 <_ZTI6Vertex>, #"typeinfo for Vertex" 0x400870 <Vertex::Foo()>, 0x40087a <Vertex::BooVer()>, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffffffffffffffe0, 0xffffffffffffffe0, 0x400cc0 <_ZTI6Vertex>, #"typeinfo for Vertex" 0x400866 <_ZTv0_n24_N6Vertex3FooEv>, #"virtual thunk to Vertex::Foo()" 0x400852 <Point2d::Boo()>, 0x40085c <Point2d::non_overwrite()>, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x10, 0x0, 0x400d00 <_ZTI7Point3d>, #"typeinfo for Point3d" 0x400884 <Point3d::Boo3d()>, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfffffffffffffff0, 0x400d00 <_ZTI7Point3d>, #"typeinfo for Point3d" 0x400848 <Point2d::Foo()>, 0x400852 <Point2d::Boo()>, 0x40085c <Point2d::non_overwrite()>, 0x6020b0 <_ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE@@CXXABI_1.3+16>, 0x400d28 <_ZTS8Vertex3d>, 0x200000002, 0x400cc0 <_ZTI6Vertex>, #"typeinfo for Vertex" 0x2, 0x400d00 <_ZTI7Point3d>, #"typeinfo for Point3d" 0x1002, 0x0, 0x6020b0 <_ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE@@CXXABI_1.3+16>, 0x400d32 <_ZTS6Vertex>, 0x100000000, 0x400d40 <_ZTI7Point2d>, 0xffffffffffffe803, 0x0, 0x0}
1. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6191678/print-c-vtables-using-gdb
2. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18363899/how-to-display-a-vtable-by-name-using-gdb
尊重原创,转载请注明出处: anzhsoft http://blog.csdn.net/anzhsoft/article/details/18600163