CAPTCHA---验证码 ---Security code

简介: BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Generator   3. Add BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Dependency Here is how to add BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library dependency...


BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Generator


3. Add BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library Dependency

Here is how to add BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Library dependency in various dependency management scenarios:

The free version of BotDetect Java Captcha is available as a maven artifact:

1) Add BotDetect public maven repository (NetBeans 8):

Windows -> Services -> Maven Repositories -> Add Repository:

2) In pom.xml file, dependency should be added:



  <name>BotDetect Captcha Repository</name>


In case your application uses JSF 1.2 you will need to add botdetect-jsf12 instead of botdetect-jsf20.

4. Register BotDetect Captcha Servlet

Update your application configuration (web.xml) file.

  <servlet-name>BotDetect Captcha</servlet-name>
  <servlet-name>BotDetect Captcha</servlet-name>

BotDetect Java CAPTCHA Free version

You can download BotDetect Java CAPTCHA library for free and use it immediately! Your forms can be protected from spam (and bots in general) in minutes.

Keep in mind that we offer basic email support for free to all BotDetect users. So if you need any assistance integrating BotDetect or have any questions or feedback, our Support department is at your disposal.

Once the BotDetect Captcha generator library has been integrated into your Java web application and you're satisfied with how it works, it's easy to upgrade your license if you need the extra features and options offered by commercial BotDetect versions.

BotDetect Java Captcha Free Download


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