1.Overview of Windows PowerShell

简介: PS C:/Documents and Settings/somebody> cd c:/ PS C:/> dirPS C:/> md c:/testPS C:/> cd c:/testPS C:/test> fsutil file createNew c:/test/myNewFile.

PS C:/Documents and Settings/somebody> cd c:/
PS C:/> dir
PS C:/> md c:/test
PS C:/> cd c:/test
PS C:/test> fsutil file createNew c:/test/myNewFile.txt 1000
File c:/test/myNewFile.txt is created
PS C:/test> dir
PS C:/test> del *.txt
PS C:/test> cd c:/
PS C:/> rd c:/test

PS C:/> ipconfig /all >ipconfig.txt
PS C:/> notepad ipconfig.txt

PS C:/> ipconfig /all >tshoot.txt; route print >>tshoot.txt; netdiag /q >>tshoot.txt; net statistics workstation >>tshoot.txt;

cmdlets arguments :-whatif,-confirm

PS C:/> get-process note*

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------
     65       7     1648       6724    79     0.37   5124 notepad

PS C:/> notepad
PS C:/> get-process note*

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName
-------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------
     65       7     1648       6724    79     0.37   5124 notepad
     66       7     1656       6128    91     0.06   5428 notepad

PS C:/> stop-process -id 5428 -whatif
What if: Performing operation "Stop-Process" on Target "notepad (5428)".

PS C:/> stop-process -id 5428 -confirm

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Performing operation "Stop-Process" on Target "notepad (5428)".
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y

PS C:/> exit

PS C:/> Export-Console myconsole

PS C:/> PowerShell -version 1
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:/> PowerShell -version 2
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:/> PowerShell -version 3
Cannot start Windows PowerShell version 3 because it is not correctly installed.

PS C:/> PowerShell -nologo
PS C:/> PowerShell -psconsolefile myConsole.psc1
Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

 Tells the cmdlet to not execute but to tell you what would happen if the cmdlet were to run
 Tells the cmdlet to prompt before executing the command
 Instructs the cmdlet to provide a higher level of detail than a cmdlet not using the verbose parameter
 Instructs the cmdlet to provide debugging information
 Instructs the cmdlet to perform a certain action when an error occurs. Allowed actions are: continue, stop, silentlyContinue, and inquire.
 Instructs the cmdlet to use a specific variable to hold error information. This is in addition to the standard $error variable.
 Instructs the cmdlet to use a specific variable to hold the output information
 Instructs the cmdlet to hold a certain number of objects before calling the next cmdlet in the pipeline
 Note  To get help on any cmdlet, use the Get-Help cmdletname cmdlet.
get-help get-help

PS C:/> get-help get*

PS C:/> get-help getdrive -example

1.Retrieve an alphabetic listing of all currently defined aliases, and inspect the list for one assigned to either the Get-Help cmdlet or the key stroke combination gh. The command to do this is as follows:
get-alias |sort
2.After you have determined that there is no alias for the Get-Help cmdlet, and that none is assigned to the gh key stroke combination, review the syntax for the Set-Alias cmdlet. Use the -full argument to the Get-Help cmdlet. This is shown here:
get-help set-alias -full
3.Use the Set-Alias cmdlet to assign the gh key stroke combination to the Get-Help cmdlet. To do this, use the following command:
set-alias gh get-help

1.Change to the C:/ root directory by typing cd C:/ inside the PowerShell prompt:

Cd c:/
2.Obtain a listing of all the files in the C:/ root directory by using the dir command:

3.Create a directory off the C:/ root directory by using the md command:

Md mytest
4.Obtain a listing of all files and folders off the root that begin with the letter m:

Dir m*
5.Change the working directory to the PowerShell working directory. You can do this by using the Set-Location command as follows:

Set-location $pshome
6.Obtain a listing of memory counters related to the available bytes by using the typeperf command. This command is shown here:

typeperf "/memory/available bytes"
7.After a few counters have been displayed in the PowerShell window, use the ctrl-c command to break the listing.

8.Display the current boot configuration by using the bootcfg command:

9.Change the working directory back to the C:/Mytest directory you created earlier:

set-location c:/mytest
10.Create a file named Mytestfile.txt in the C:/Mytest directory. Use the fsutil utility, and make the file 1,000 bytes in size. To do this, use the following command:

fsutil file createnew mytestfile.txt 1000
11.Obtain a “directory listing” of all the files in the C:/Mytest directory by using the Get-ChildItem cmdlet. This is shown here:

12.Print out the current date by using the Get-Date cmdlet. This is shown here:

13.Clear the screen by using the cls command. This is shown here:

14.Print out a listing of all the cmdlets built into Windows PowerShell. To do this, use the Get-Command cmdlet. This is shown here:

15.Use the Get-Command cmdlet to get the Get-Alias cmdlet. To do this, use the -name argument while supplying Get-Alias as the value for the argument. This is shown here:

get-command -name get-alias
16.This concludes the step-by-step exercise. Exit the Windows PowerShell by typing exit and pressing Enter.

get-help get-help -detailed
get-help get-help -full
get-help get-help -examples

Powershell 重新排列去重 Windows环境变量
【9月更文挑战第13天】本文介绍如何使用PowerShell对Windows环境变量进行重新排列和去重。首先通过`$env:`访问环境变量,接着使用`-split`命令分割路径,再利用`Select-Object -Unique`去除重复项。之后可根据需要对路径进行排序,最后将处理后的路径组合并更新环境变量。注意修改环境变量前应备份重要数据并了解潜在影响。
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PowerShell 脚本编写 :自动化Windows 开发工作流程
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【vscode】 VsCode终端崩溃C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe已终止,退出代码:2
【vscode】 VsCode终端崩溃C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe已终止,退出代码:2
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之前在 Git 批量删除本地分支,有用到 Linux 或 MacOS 下的批处理命令,这个命令中的 grep、xargs 本身是 Shell script,在 windows 中的 cmd 和 PowerShell 中是不能用的
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