You can do follow scenarios using Windows Azure IP of Orchestrator:
•Automatically deploy and upgrade an Azure service
All these operations you can find them in
Cloud Services
List Cloud Services
Create Cloud Service
Update Cloud Service
Delete Cloud Service
Get Cloud Service Properties
Check Cloud Service Name Availability
Create Affinity Group
Create Deployment
Get Deployment
Swap Deployment
Delete Deployment
Change Deployment Configuration
Update Deployment Status
Upgrade Deployment
Walk Upgrade Domain
Reboot Role Instance
Reimage Role Instance
Rollback Update Or Upgrade
Storage Accounts
List Storage Accounts
Get Storage Account Properties
Get Storage Account Keys
Regenerate Storage Account Keys
Create Storage Account
Delete Storage Account
Update Storage Account
Create Container
Delete Container
Put Blob
Get Blob
Delete Blob
Snapshot Blob
List Blobs
Copy Blob
Virtual Machines
Add VM Instance
Capture VM Instance
Delete VM Instance
Get VM Instance
Restart VM Instance
Shutdown VM Instance
Start VM Instance
Update VM Instance
Create Virtual Machine Deployment
Get VM RDP File
VM Disks
Add Data Disk
Delete Data Disk
Get Data Disk
Add Disk
Delete Disk
List Disks
VM Images
Add OS Image
Delete OS Image
List OS Images
Update OS Image
Cert Management
List Service Certificates
Add Service Certificate
Delete Service Certificate
Add Management Certificate
List Management Certificates
Delete Management Certificate
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