ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database

简介: ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database 问题背景:        测试数据库执行shutdown immediate,日志里面报错,错误信息...

ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database

       测试数据库执行shutdown immediate,日志里面报错,错误信息为:ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of 4322230272 bytes is 99.77% used, and has 9814016 remaining bytes available.
       随即我执行startup force mount将数据库强制关闭并启动到mount状态,通过RMAN把历史备份和归档信息都删除后启动数据库报错ORA-38760.

SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 2872786944 bytes
Fixed Size                  2256712 bytes
Variable Size            2634023096 bytes
Database Buffers          218103808 bytes
Redo Buffers               18403328 bytes
Database mounted.
SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-38760: This database instance failed to turn on flashback database

    该错误通过查看Metalink 后得知是因为Flash back信息不完整导致。
[oracle@db01 ~]$ oerr or 38760
oerr: Unknown facility 'or'
[oracle@db01 ~]$ oerr ora 38760
38760, 00000, "This database instance failed to turn on flashback database"
// *Cause: Database flashback is on but this instance failed to
//         start generating flashback data. Look in alert log for more
//         specific errors.
// *Action: Correct the error or turn off database flashback.

#1、关闭flash backup再open database
SQL> alter database flashback off;
SQL> alter database open;

SQL> startup force mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 2872786944 bytes
Fixed Size                  2256712 bytes
Variable Size            2634023096 bytes
Database Buffers          218103808 bytes
Redo Buffers               18403328 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> alter database open;

Database altered.

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今天是DTCC第二天了,抽空去听了下,因为手头有一些活,听到一半只能赶回公司继续工作。 客户今天有一个需求,因为开发现在在生产环境中遇到了一些困难,需要在测试生产环境中复现问题,这样就需要从生产环境抽取出一些数据,可能数据量相对比较小,有个1G左右。
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