Download the following Android SDKs:
- Core SDK (release)
- Onboarding SDK
- Configuration SDK
- Notification SDK
- Control Panel SDK
Extract all ZIP files to one directory.
Build Samples
Note, you may need to adjust the below paths based on the version you downloaded
Import projects from:
- alljoyn-android/core/alljoyn-14.06.00-rel/java/samples
- alljoyn-android/services
Add Support Library
To add "android-support-v4.jar", right-click on the project, select "Android Tools" > "Add Support Library"
Building the AllJoyn™ framework for an existing app:
- In your project, create a "libs/armeabi" dir if it doesn't already exist.
- Copy "alljoyn-android/core/alljoyn-14.06.00-rel/java/lib/" to the "libs/armeabi" dir.
- Copy "alljoyn-android/core/alljoyn-14.06.00-rel/java/jar/alljoyn.jar" to the "libs" dir.
- If using a Service Framework, copy the jars from the "alljoyn-android/services/<SERVICE FRAMEWORK>/java/libs/*.jar" to the "libs" dir.