笔记:Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems

简介: 笔记:Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems 前两天自从看到一张图后: 就一直想读一下相关论文,这两天终于有时间把论文看了一下,就是这篇Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems 首先简介,主要.
笔记:Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems

就一直想读一下相关论文,这两天终于有时间把论文看了一下,就是这篇Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems

Wide就是:wide是指高维特征+特征组合的LR, 原文Generalized linear models with nonlinear feature transformations are widely used for large-scale regression and classification problems with sparse inputs. Memorization of feature interactions through a wide set of cross-product feature transformations are effective and interpretable, while generalization requires more feature engineering effort. 
Deep就是:深度神经网络,原文:With less feature engineering, deep neural networks can generalize better to unseen feature combinations through low-dimensional dense embeddings learned for the sparse features. However, deep neural networks with embeddings can over-generalize and recommend less relevant items when the user-item interactions are sparse and high-rank. 

Memorization can be loosely defined as learning the frequent co-occurrence of items or features and exploiting the correlation available in the historical data.
Generalization, on the other hand, is based on transitivity of correlation and explores new feature combinations that have never or rarely occurred in the past.


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