The WinSock (Windows Sockets) API is a socket programming library for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems. It was originally based on Berkeley sockets. But several Microsoft specific changes were employed. In this article I shall attempt to introduce you to socket programming using WinSock, assuming that you have never done any kind of network programming on any Operating System.
If you only have a single machine, then don't worry. You can still program WinSock. You can use the local loop-back address called localhost with the IP address Thus if you have a TCP server running on your machine, a client program running on the same machine can connect to the server using this loop-back address.
Simple TCP Server
In this article I introduce you to WinSock through a simple TCP server, which we shall create step by step. But before we begin, there are a few things that you must do, so that we are truly ready for starting our WinSock program
- Initially use the VC++ 6.0 App Wizard to create a Win32 console application.
- Remember to set the option to add support for MFC
- Open the file stdafx.h and add the following line :-
#include <winsock2.h>
- Also
conio.h and iostream just after winsock2.h - Take Project-Settings-Link and add ws2_32.lib to the library modules list.
The main function
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) { int nRetCode = 0; cout << "Press ESCAPE to terminate program\r\n"; AfxBeginThread(ServerThread,0); while(_getch()!=27); return nRetCode; }
What we do in our main()
is to start a thread and then loop a call to _getch()
. _getch()
simply waits till a key is pressed and returns the ASCII value of the character read. We loop till a value of 27 is returned, since 27 is the ASCII code for the ESCAPE key. You might be wondering that even if we press ESCAPE, the thread we started would still be active. Don't worry about that at all. When main()
returns the process will terminate and the threads started by our main thread will also be abruptly terminated.
The ServerThread function
What I will do now is to list our ServerThread
function and use code comments to explain what each relevant line of code does. Basically what our TCP server does is this. It listens on port 20248, which also happens to be my Code Project membership ID. Talk about coincidences. When a client connects, the server will send back a message to the client giving it's IP address and then close the connection and go back to accepting connections on port 20248. It will also print a line on the console where it's running that there was a connection from this particular IP address. All in all, an absolutely useless program, you might be thinking. In fact some of you might even think this is as useless as SNDREC32.EXE which comes with Windows. Cruel of those people I say.
UINT ServerThread(LPVOID pParam) { cout << "Starting up TCP server\r\n"; //A SOCKET is simply a typedef for an unsigned int.//In Unix, socket handles were just about same as file //handles which were again unsigned ints.//Since this cannot be entirely true under Windows//a new data type called SOCKET was defined. SOCKET server; //WSADATA is a struct that is filled up by the call //to WSAStartup WSADATA wsaData; //The sockaddr_in specifies the address of the socket//for TCP/IP sockets. Other protocols use similar structures. sockaddr_in local; //WSAStartup initializes the program for calling WinSock.//The first parameter specifies the highest version of the //WinSock specification, the program is allowed to wsaret=WSAStartup(0x101,&wsaData); //WSAStartup returns zero on success.//If it fails we exit.if(wsaret!=0) { return0; } //Now we populate the sockaddr_in structure local.sin_family=AF_INET; //Address family local.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; //Wild card IP address local.sin_port=htons((u_short)20248); //port to use//the socket function creates our SOCKET server=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); //If the socket() function fails we exitif(server==INVALID_SOCKET) { return0; } //bind links the socket we just created with the sockaddr_in //structure. Basically it connects the socket with //the local address and a specified port.//If it returns non-zero quit, as this indicates errorif(bind(server,(sockaddr*)&local,sizeof(local))!=0) { return0; } //listen instructs the socket to listen for incoming //connections from clients. The second arg is the backlogif(listen(server,10)!=0) { return0; } //we will need variables to hold the client socket.//thus we declare them here. SOCKET client; sockaddr_in from; int fromlen=sizeof(from); while(true)//we are looping endlessly { char temp[512]; //accept() will accept an incoming//client connection client=accept(server, (struct sockaddr*)&from,&fromlen); sprintf(temp,"Your IP is %s\r\n",inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr)); //we simply send this string to the client send(client,temp,strlen(temp),0); cout << "Connection from " << inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr) <<"\r\n"; //close the client socket closesocket(client); } //closesocket() closes the socket and releases the socket descriptor closesocket(server); //originally this function probably had some use//currently this is just for backward compatibility//but it is safer to call it as I still believe some//implementations use this to terminate use of WS2_32.DLL WSACleanup(); return0; }
Testing it out
Run the server and use telnet to connect to port 20248 of the machine where the server is running. If you have it on the same machine connect to localhost.
Sample Output
We see this output on the server
Press ESCAPE to terminate program
Starting up TCP server
Connection from
Connection from
And this is what the client gets
nish@sumida:~$ telnet 20248
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Your IP is
Connection closed by foreign host.
Well, in this article you learned how to create a simple TCP server. In further articles I'll show you more stuff you can do with WinSock including creating a proper TCP client among other things. If anyone has problems with compiling the code, mail me and I shall send you a zipped project. Thank you.
About Nishant Sivakumar
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Nish is a real nice guy living in Toronto who has been coding since 1990, when he was 13 years old. Originally from sunny Trivandrum in India, he has moved to Toronto so he can enjoy the cold winter and get to play in some snow. He works for The Code Project and is in charge of the MFC libraries Ultimate Toolbox, Ultimate Grid and Ultimate TCP/IP that are sold exclusively through The Code Project Storefront. He frequents the CP discussion forums when he is not coding, reading or writing. Nish hopes to visit at least three dozen countries before his human biological mechanism stops working (euphemism used to avoid the use of the d-word here). Oh btw, it must be mentioned that normally Nish is not inclined to speak about himself in the 3rd person. Nish has been a Microsoft Visual C++ MVP since October, 2002 - awfully nice of Microsoft, he thinks. He maintains an MVP tips and tricks web site - www.voidnish.comwhere you can find a consolidated list of his articles, writings and ideas on VC++, MFC, .NET and C++/CLI. Oh, and you might want to check out his blog on C++/CLI, MFC, .NET and a lot of other stuff - Nish loves reading Science Fiction, P G Wodehouse and Agatha Christie, and also fancies himself to be a decent writer of sorts. He has authored a romantic comedy Summer Love and Some more Cricket as well as a programming book – Extending MFC applications with the .NET Framework. |