记忆网络(Memory network)
- Me: Can you find me some restaurants?
- Assistance: I find a few places within 0.25 mile. The first one is Caffé Opera on Lincoln Street. The second one is …
- Me: Can you make a reservation at the first restaurant?
- Assistance: Ok. Let’s make a reservation for the Sushi Tom restaurant on the First Street.
为什么虚拟助理不能按照我的指令预订Caffé Opera?那是因为虚拟助理并不能记住我们的对话,她只是简单地回答我们的问题而不考虑向前谈话的上下午。因此,她所能做的只是找到与词“First”相关的餐厅(一间位于First Street的餐厅)。记忆网络(Memory Networks)通过记住处理过的信息来解决该问题。
The description on the memory networks (MemNN) is based on Memory networks, Jason Weston etc.
考虑以下语句和问句“Where is the milk now?”:
- Joe went to the kitchen.
- Fred went to the kitchen.
- Joe picked up the milk.
- Joe traveled to the office.
- Joe left the milk.
Joe went to the bathroom.
Memory slot \(m_i\) | Sentence |
1 | Joe went to the kitchen. |
2 | Fred went to the kitchen. |
3 | Joe picked up the milk. |
4 | Joe traveled to the office. |
5 | Joe left the milk. |
6 | Joe went to the bathroom. |
回答问句(Answering a query)
回答一个问句\(q\),首先通过打分函数\(s_0\)计算出与\(q\)最相关的句子\(m_{01}\)。然后将句子\(m_{01}\)与\(q\)结合起来形成新的问句\([q, m_{01}]\),并且定位最高分的下一个句子\(m_{01}\)。最后形成另外一个问句\([q, m_{01}, m_{02}]\)。此时我们并不是用该问句去查询下一个句,而是通过另一个打分函数定位一个词\(w\)。以上述例子来说明该过程。
回答问句\(q\)“where is the milk now?”,我们基于以下式子计算第一个推断:
$$ o_1 = \mathop{\arg\min}_{i=1,...,N}s_0(q, m_i) $$
其中,\(s_0\)是计算输入\(x\)与\(m_i\)匹配分数的函数,\(o_1\)是记忆\(m\)中最佳匹配索引。这里\(m_{01}\)是第一个推断中最好的匹配句:“Joe left the milk.”。
然后,基于\([q: "where is the milk now", m_{01}: "Joe left the milk."]\)
$$ o_2 = \mathop{\arg\max}_{i=1,...,N}s_0([q, m_{01}], m_i) $$
其中\(m_{02}\)是“Joe traveled to the office.”。
$$ o = [q, m_{01}, m_{02}] = ["where is the milk now"," Joe left the milk."," Joe travelled to the office."] $$
$$ r = \mathop{\arg\max}_{w \in W}s_r([q, m_{01}, m_{02}], w) $$
其中\(W\)是字典中的所有词,\(s_r\)是另外一个计算\([q, m_{01}, m_{02}]\)和词\(w\)的匹配度。在我们的例子中,最后的回答\(r\)是“office”。
编码输入(Encoding the input)
我们利用词袋法(bags of words)表示输入文本。首先,我们以大小为\(left|Wright|\)开始。
用词袋法对问句“where is the milk now”编码:
Vocaulary | ... | is | Joe | left | milk | now | office | the | to | travelled | where | ... |
where is the milk now | ... | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ... |
"where is the milk now"=(...,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,...)
\(q\): Where is the milk now?
\(m_{01}\): Joe left the milk.
\(m_{02}\): Joe travelled to the office.
编码上述\(q, m_{01}, m_{02}\):
... | Joe_1 | milk_1 | ... | Joe_2 | milk_2 | ... | Joe_3 | milk_3 | ... |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
计算打分函数(Compute the scoring function)
$$ s_0(x, y)n = \Phi_x(x)^TU_0^TU_0\Phi_y(y) $$
$$ s_r(x, y)n = \Phi_x(x)^TU_r^TU_r\Phi_y(y) $$
边缘损失函数(Margin loss function)
$$ \sum\limits_{\overline{f}\not=m_{01}}\max(0, \gamma - s_0(x, m_{01}) + s_0(x, \overline{f})) + $$
$$ \sum\limits_{\overline{f}\not=m_{02}}\max(0, \gamma - s_0(\left[x, m_{01}\right], m_{02}) + s_0(\left[x, m_{01}\right], \overline{f^\prime})) + $$
$$ \sum\limits_{\overline{r}\not=r}\max(0, \gamma - s_0(\left[x, m_{01}, m_{02}\right], r) + s_0(\left[x, m_{01}, m_{02}\right], \overline{r})) $$
大记忆网络(Huge memory networks)
端到端记忆网络(End to End memory network, MemN2N)
The description, as well as the diagrams, on the end to end memory networks (MemN2N) are based on End-To-End Memory Networks, Sainbayar Sukhbaatar etc..
以一句问句“where is the milk now?”开始,并用大小为\(V\)的词袋表示(其中\(V\)为词典大小)。简单地,用词嵌入矩阵\(B(dtimes V)\)转换上述向量为\(d\)维词嵌入。
$$ u = embedding_B(q) $$
对于每个记忆项\(x_i\),用另一个词嵌入矩阵\(A(dtimes V)\)转换为d维向量\(m_i\)。
$$ m_i = embedding_A(x_i) $$
$$ p_i = softmax(u^Tm_i) $$
$$ c_i = emedding_C(x_i) $$
$$ o = \sum\limits_{i}p_ic_i $$
用矩阵\(W(Vtimes d)\)乘以\(o\)和\(u\)的和。结果传给softmax函数预测最终答案。
$$ \hat a = softmax(W(o + u)) $$
多层(Multiple layer)
与RNN类似,可以堆叠多层形成复杂网络。在每一层\(i\),有它自己的嵌入矩阵\(A_i\)和\(C_i\)。层\(k + 1\)的输入为:
$$ u^{k + 1} = u^k + o^k $$
语言模型(Language model)
可以用MemN2N作为语言模型。比如,解析“独立申明”:“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”,不是每一句为一个记忆项而是没一词为一项:
Memory slot \(m_i\) | word |
1 | We |
2 | hold |
3 | these |
4 | truths |
5 | to |
6 | be |
7 | ... |
- 没有问句,我们试着找下个词而不是问句的答案。因此,我们无需词嵌入矩阵B,只需以常量0.1填充\(u\)。
- 我们使用多层,但是每层词嵌入矩阵\(A\)相同,而词嵌入矩阵\(B\)不同。
- 词嵌入增加时间项来记录记忆中词的次序(Section 4.1)。
- 加上\(o\)前,使\(u\)乘以一个线性向量。
- 为了帮助训练,对每层的一半单元运用ReLU(Section 5)。
以下是构建嵌入\(A\),\(C\),\(m_i\),\(c_i\),\(p\),\(o\)和\(hat a\)的代码。
def build_memory(self):
self.A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.nwords, self.edim], stddev=self.init_std)) # Embedding A for sentences
self.C = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.nwords, self.edim], stddev=self.init_std)) # Embedding C for sentences
self.H = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.edim, self.edim], stddev=self.init_std)) # Multiple it with u before adding to o
# Sec 4.1: Temporal Encoding to capture the time order of the sentences.
self.T_A = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.mem_size, self.edim], stddev=self.init_std))
self.T_C = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.mem_size, self.edim], stddev=self.init_std))
# Sec 2: We are using layer-wise (RNN-like) which the embeddings for each layers are sharing the parameters.
# (N, 100, 150) m_i = sum A_ij * x_ij + T_A_i
m_a = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.A, self.sentences)
m_t = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.T_A, self.T)
m = tf.add(m_a, m_t)
# (N, 100, 150) c_i = sum C_ij * x_ij + T_C_i
c_a = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.C, self.sentences)
c_t = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.T_C, self.T)
c = tf.add(c_a, c_t)
# For each layer
for h in range(self.nhop):
u = tf.reshape(self.u_s[-1], [-1, 1, self.edim])
scores = tf.matmul(u, m, adjoint_b=True)
scores = tf.reshape(scores, [-1, self.mem_size])
P = tf.nn.softmax(scores) # (N, 100)
P = tf.reshape(P, [-1, 1, self.mem_size])
o = tf.matmul(P, c)
o = tf.reshape(o, [-1, self.edim])
# Section 2: We are using layer-wise (RNN-like), so we multiple u with H.
uh = tf.matmul(self.u_s[-1], self.H)
next_u = tf.add(uh, o)
# Section 5: To aid training, we apply ReLU operations to half of the units in each layer.
F = tf.slice(next_u, [0, 0], [self.batch_size, self.lindim])
G = tf.slice(next_u, [0, self.lindim], [self.batch_size, self.edim-self.lindim])
K = tf.nn.relu(G)
self.u_s.append(tf.concat(axis=1, values=[F, K]))
self.W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.edim, self.nwords], stddev=self.init_std))
z = tf.matmul(self.u_s[-1], self.W)
self.loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=z, labels=self.target)
self.lr = tf.Variable(self.current_lr)
self.opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.lr)
params = [self.A, self.C, self.H, self.T_A, self.T_C, self.W]
grads_and_vars = self.opt.compute_gradients(self.loss, params)
clipped_grads_and_vars = [(tf.clip_by_norm(gv[0], self.max_grad_norm), gv[1]) \
for gv in grads_and_vars]
inc = self.global_step.assign_add(1)
with tf.control_dependencies([inc]):
self.optim = self.opt.apply_gradients(clipped_grads_and_vars)
def train(self, data):
n_batch = int(math.ceil(len(data) / self.batch_size))
cost = 0
u = np.ndarray([self.batch_size, self.edim], dtype=np.float32) # (N, 150) Will fill with 0.1
T = np.ndarray([self.batch_size, self.mem_size], dtype=np.int32) # (N, 100) Will fill with 0..99
target = np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.nwords]) # one-hot-encoded
sentences = np.ndarray([self.batch_size, self.mem_size])
u.fill(self.init_u) # (N, 150) Fill with 0.1 since we do not need query in the language model.
for t in range(self.mem_size): # (N, 100) 100 memory cell with 0 to 99 time sequence.
for idx in range(n_batch):
target.fill(0) # (128, 10,000)
for b in range(self.batch_size):
# We random pick a word in our data and use that as the word we need to predict using the language model.
m = random.randrange(self.mem_size, len(data))
target[b][data[m]] = 1 # Set the one hot vector for the target word to 1
# (N, 100). Say we pick word 1000, we then fill the memory using words 1000-150 ... 999
# We fill Xi (sentence) with 1 single word according to the word order in data.
sentences[b] = data[m - self.mem_size:m]
_, loss, self.step = self.sess.run([self.optim,
self.u: u,
self.T: T,
self.target: target,
self.sentences: sentences})
cost += np.sum(loss)
return cost/n_batch/self.batch_size
class MemN2N(object):
def __init__(self, config, sess):
self.nwords = config.nwords # 10,000
self.init_u = config.init_u # 0.1 (We don't need a query in language model. So set u to be 0.1
self.init_std = config.init_std # 0.05
self.batch_size = config.batch_size # 128
self.nepoch = config.nepoch # 100
self.nhop = config.nhop # 6
self.edim = config.edim # 150
self.mem_size = config.mem_size # 100
self.lindim = config.lindim # 75
self.max_grad_norm = config.max_grad_norm # 50
self.show = config.show
self.is_test = config.is_test
self.checkpoint_dir = config.checkpoint_dir
if not os.path.isdir(self.checkpoint_dir):
raise Exception(" [!] Directory %s not found" % self.checkpoint_dir)
# (?, 150) Unlike Q&A, the language model do not need a query (or care what is its value).
# So we bypass q and fill u directly with 0.1 later.
self.u = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.edim], name="u")
# (?, 100) Sec. 4.1, we add temporal encoding to capture the time sequence of the memory Xi.
self.T = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, self.mem_size], name="T")
# (N, 10000) The answer word we want. (Next word for the language model)
self.target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.batch_size, self.nwords], name="target")
# (N, 100) The memory Xi. For each sentence here, it contains 1 single word only.
self.sentences = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [self.batch_size, self.mem_size], name="sentences")
# Store the value of u at each layer
self.u_s = []
动态记忆网络(Dynamic memory network)
Question module
$$ q_t = GRU(v_t, q_{t-1}) $$
Episodic memory module
$$ h_i^t = g_i^tGRU(s_i, h_{i-1}^t) + (1 - g_i^t)h_{i-1}^t $$