【Azure 应用服务】使用App Service for Linux/Container时,如果代码或Container启动耗时大于了230秒,默认会启动失败。

简介: 【Azure 应用服务】使用App Service for Linux/Container时,如果代码或Container启动耗时大于了230秒,默认会启动失败。


使用App Service for Linux/Container时,从Docker的日志中,我们可以看见有 warmup 行为,而此行为默认时间为230秒,如果超出了这个时间,就会导致Container启动失败。




有的。根据博文(Things You Should Know: Web Apps and Linux)中关于“If your container takes a long time to start, increase the start time limit.”描述:

If your container takes a long time to start, increase the start time limit.

When we start your container, we'll wait a while for it to start and initialize. We consider the startup to be successful once the container is running and once we get a response to a ping so that we know it's ready to respond to HTTP traffic. We'll wait 230 seconds for that to happen. If we don't have a successful start within 230 seconds, we'll assume there's a problem and we'll stop the container.

We realize that some containers might need more time than that to start, so we allow you to increase that 230 second wait time up to a limit of 1800 seconds. To configure that, add an app setting called WEBSITES_CONTAINER_START_TIME_LIMIT and set it to the number of seconds you would like for us to wait for your container to start (up to a maximum of 1800)

所以只要在App Service的配置页面,添加 WEBSITES_CONTAINER_START_TIME_LIMIT 参数,可以设置它的最大值达到30分钟(1800秒)。






If your container takes a long time to start, increase the start time limit.: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/apps-on-azure-blog/things-you-should-know-web-apps-and-linux/ba-p/392472#ContainerStart

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