【深入探索Rust:结构体、枚举与模式匹配】A Deep Dive into Rust: Structs, Enums, and Pattern Matching

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简介: 【深入探索Rust:结构体、枚举与模式匹配】A Deep Dive into Rust: Structs, Enums, and Pattern Matching

Chapter 1:Introduction to Rust: Structs, Enums, and Pattern Matching

Welcome to the world of Rust, a programming language known for its focus on performance and safety. In this first chapter, we will introduce the foundational concepts of Rust, specifically focusing on structs, enums, and pattern matching.

Welcome to the world of Rust, a programming language known for its focus on performance and safety.

解析:这句话是一个简单的欢迎语,用于引入Rust这个编程语言。“Welcome to the world of Rust”(欢迎来到Rust的世界)是一个常见的表达方式,用于欢迎读者进入某个特定领域。“known for its focus on”(以其对…的关注而闻名)是一个常用的表达方式,用于描述某个事物的特点。

Why Rust?

Rust is gaining popularity for its unique approach to memory safety (内存安全) without sacrificing performance (性能). It’s a language that aims to provide control over low-level (底层) details like C++, but with the benefits of a modern toolchain (现代工具链).

What Will We Cover?

In this chapter, we will delve into three essential features of Rust:

  1. Structs (结构体): These are similar to classes in other languages and serve as the blueprint (蓝图) for creating objects.
  2. Enums (枚举): Enums allow you to define a type that can be one of several possible variants (变体).
  3. Pattern Matching (模式匹配): This is a powerful feature for handling different possible types and values in a clean and readable way.

In this chapter, we will delve into three essential features of Rust.

解析:这句话用于介绍本章将要涵盖的主要内容。“delve into”(深入探讨)是一个常用的表达方式,用于描述将要深入研究或讨论某个主题或问题。

Why These Topics?

Understanding structs, enums, and pattern matching is crucial for mastering Rust. They are the building blocks (基础构建块) that you will use to create more complex programs. Moreover, they embody the philosophy (哲学) of Rust, which values type safety (类型安全), performance, and readability.

Moreover, they embody the philosophy of Rust, which values type safety, performance, and readability.

解析:这句话解释了为什么这些主题是重要的。“embody the philosophy”(体现了哲学)是一个高级表达,用于说明这些主题不仅是技术性的,还体现了Rust编程语言的核心价值观。

That’s it for the introduction! In the next sections, we will dive deeper into each of these topics to give you a solid understanding of how they work in Rust.

Stay tuned!

Stay tuned!


Chapter 2: Structs: The Building Blocks in Rust

2.1 Defining Structs (定义结构体)

In Rust, a struct is a composite data type that groups together variables under a single name. Here’s a simple example:

struct Student {
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    grade: String,

In this example, struct is a keyword that defines a new data structure. Student is the name of the struct, and name, age, and grade are the fields.


  • struct is a keyword in Rust used for defining a new structure. (在Rust中用于定义新结构的关键字)
  • String and u8 are types. String is for text, and u8 is an unsigned 8-bit integer. (类型,String用于文本,u8是无符号8位整数)

Grammar Analysis:

  • “In Rust, a struct is a composite data type that groups together variables under a single name.”
  • “In Rust” 是状语从句,表示在Rust语言中。
  • “a struct is a composite data type” 是主句,其中 “a struct” 是主语,“is” 是谓语,“a composite data type” 是表语。
  • “that groups together variables under a single name” 是定语从句,修饰 “a composite data type”。

2.2 Instantiating Structs (结构体实例化)

To create an instance of a struct, you use the following syntax:

let student1 = Student {
    name: String::from("Alice"),
    age: 16,
    grade: String::from("10th"),

Here, student1 is an instance of the Student struct.


  • let is a keyword for variable declaration. (用于变量声明的关键字)
  • String::from is a method to create a new String from a string slice. (用于从字符串切片创建新String的方法)

2.3 Methods and Associated Functions (结构体方法与关联函数)

In Rust, you can define methods within structs. Methods are similar to functions but are associated with an instance of the struct. Here’s an example:

impl Student {
    fn display(&self) {
        println!("Name: {}, Age: {}, Grade: {}", self.name, self.age, self.grade);


  • impl is a keyword for implementation. (用于实现的关键字)
  • &self refers to the instance of the struct the method is being called on. (指的是正在调用该方法的结构体实例)

2.4 Tuple Structs (元组结构体)

Rust also supports tuple structs, which are similar to structs but without named fields. For example:

struct Color(u8, u8, u8);

Here, Color is a tuple struct with three u8 fields.


  • u8 is an unsigned 8-bit integer. (无符号8位整数)

This concludes Chapter 2. In the next chapter, we will delve into Enums and their versatility in Rust. Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification!

Chapter 3: Enums: Versatility and Type Safety (枚举:多样性与类型安全)

3.1 Defining and Using Enums (定义与使用枚举)

Enums, short for enumerations, are a way to group related values together. In Rust, enums are extremely versatile. Here’s a basic example:

enum Direction {

In this example, enum is a keyword that defines a new enumeration. Direction is the name of the enum, and North, South, East, and West are the variants.


  • enum is a keyword in Rust used for defining a new enumeration. (用于定义新枚举的关键字)
  • North, South, East, West are called variants. (称为变体)

3.2 Option and Result Enums (Option与Result枚举)

Rust has built-in enums like Option and Result for better error handling and null safety. Here’s how you can use Option:

let x: Option<i32> = Some(5);
let y: Option<i32> = None;


  • Option is used for optional values. (用于可选值)
  • Some and None are variants of Option. (是Option的变体)
  • i32 is a 32-bit integer. (32位整数)

3.3 Methods in Enums (枚举中的方法)

Just like structs, you can define methods within enums. Here’s an example:

impl Direction {
    fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            Direction::North => "North",
            Direction::South => "South",
            Direction::East => "East",
            Direction::West => "West",


  • impl is a keyword for implementation. (用于实现的关键字)
  • match is used for pattern matching. (用于模式匹配)

3.4 Advanced Uses of Enums (枚举的高级用法)

Enums in Rust can also hold data and have different kinds of variants. For example:

enum Shape {
    Rectangle(f64, f64),

Here, Circle and Rectangle are variants that hold data.


  • f64 is a 64-bit floating-point number. (64位浮点数)

This concludes Chapter 3. In the next chapter, we will explore the concept of pattern matching in Rust. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

Chapter 4: Match: Rust’s Take on Conditional Logic (匹配:Rust对条件逻辑的处理)

4.1 Basic Match Syntax (基础匹配语法)

In Rust, the match keyword is used for pattern matching. It is similar to switch in other languages but more powerful. Here’s a simple example:

let number = 3;
match number {
    1 => println!("One"),
    2 => println!("Two"),
    3 => println!("Three"),
    _ => println!("Others"),

In this example, match checks the value of number and executes the corresponding code block.


  • match is a keyword for pattern matching. (用于模式匹配的关键字)
  • _ is a wildcard pattern that matches anything. (是一个通配符模式,匹配任何东西)

4.2 Destructuring Values (解构值)

You can also destructure values in a match expression. For example:

enum Point {
    Coordinate(i32, i32),
let point = Point::Coordinate(3, 5);
match point {
    Point::Coordinate(x, y) => println!("X: {}, Y: {}", x, y),

Here, x and y capture the values inside Point::Coordinate.


  • enum is a keyword for defining an enumeration. (用于定义枚举的关键字)
  • i32 is a 32-bit integer type. (32位整数类型)

4.3 Using if let and while let (使用 if let 和 while let)

Rust provides if let and while let for simpler pattern matching. For example:

if let Point::Coordinate(x, y) = point {
    println!("X: {}, Y: {}", x, y);

This is a more concise way to handle a single pattern match.


  • if let and while let are used for simpler pattern matching. (用于更简单的模式匹配)

Grammar Analysis:

  • “Rust providesif letandwhile letfor simpler pattern matching.”
  • “Rust provides” 是主句的主语和谓语。
  • if let and while let” 是宾语。
  • “for simpler pattern matching” 是状语从句,说明为什么提供 if letwhile let

This concludes Chapter 4. In the next chapter, we will explore more advanced uses of pattern matching. Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification!

Chapter 5: Pattern Matching: Simplifying and Optimizing Code (模式匹配:代码简化与优化)

5.1 Types of Patterns (模式的种类)

In Rust, pattern matching is a powerful feature that allows you to destructure and match values. The most common types of patterns are:

  • Literal patterns
  • Variable patterns
  • Wildcard patterns
  • Struct patterns
  • Tuple patterns
  • Enum patterns
match value {
    1 => println!("It's one"),
    x if x > 1 => println!("Greater than one"),
    _ => println!("Anything else"),


  • match is a keyword for pattern matching. (用于模式匹配的关键字)
  • => is used to separate the pattern and the code to execute. (用于分隔模式和要执行的代码)

5.2 Pattern Guards (模式守卫)

Pattern guards provide extra conditions in a match arm. For example:

match number {
    x if x % 2 == 0 => println!("Even"),
    x if x % 2 != 0 => println!("Odd"),
    _ => println!("Unknown"),


  • if is a keyword for conditional checks. (用于条件检查的关键字)
  • % is the modulo operator. (模运算符)

5.3 Advanced Uses of Patterns (模式的高级用法)

You can also nest patterns for more complex matching. For example, matching against enums and their variants:

enum Event {
    Pause { duration: u32 },
match event {
    Event::Start => println!("Event started"),
    Event::Stop => println!("Event stopped"),
    Event::Pause { duration } => println!("Event paused for {} seconds", duration),


  • enum is a keyword for defining enumerations. (用于定义枚举的关键字)
  • :: is used to specify a particular variant of an enum. (用于指定枚举的特定变种)

Grammar Analysis:

  • “You can also nest patterns for more complex matching.”
  • “You can also” 是状语从句,表示你也可以。
  • “nest patterns” 是主语,表示嵌套模式。
  • “for more complex matching” 是目的状语从句,表示为了更复杂的匹配。

This concludes Chapter 5. In the next chapters, we will explore how to integrate these features for more advanced use-cases. Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification!

Chapter 6: Integrated Application of Structs, Enums, and Pattern Matching (结构体、枚举与模式匹配的综合应用)

6.1 Case Study: State Machines (实例分析:状态机)

State machines are a perfect example to demonstrate the integrated use of structs, enums, and pattern matching. Let’s consider a simple traffic light system:

enum TrafficLight {
struct TrafficSystem {
    current_light: TrafficLight,
impl TrafficSystem {
    fn transition(&mut self) {
        self.current_light = match self.current_light {
            TrafficLight::Red => TrafficLight::Green,
            TrafficLight::Yellow => TrafficLight::Red,
            TrafficLight::Green => TrafficLight::Yellow,


  • enum is used to define the TrafficLight states. (用于定义TrafficLight状态的关键字)
  • match is used for pattern matching to transition between states. (用于模式匹配以在状态之间转换的关键字)

6.2 Case Study: Error Handling (实例分析:错误处理)

Rust’s Result and Option enums are frequently used for error handling. Consider a function that reads an integer from a string:

fn read_integer(input: &str) -> Result<i32, &'static str> {
    match input.parse::<i32>() {
        Ok(val) => Ok(val),
        Err(_) => Err("Not a valid integer"),


  • Result is an enum for error handling. (用于错误处理的枚举)
  • Ok and Err are variants of the Result enum. (是Result枚举的变体)

6.3 Philosophical Reflections on Rust Programming (Rust编程的哲学思考)

The way Rust handles memory safety and type systems reflects a deep understanding of responsibility and diversity, akin to human traits.


  • “Akin” means similar to. (类似于)

This concludes Chapter 6. In the next chapter, we will look at code examples and practices to solidify your understanding of these concepts. Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification!

Chapter 7: Philosophical Reflections on Rust Programming (Rust编程的哲学思考)

7.1 Memory Safety and Human Sense of Responsibility (内存安全与人的责任感)

Rust’s focus on memory safety is not just a technical feature; it mirrors the human sense of responsibility. Just as we are cautious in our actions to avoid harm, Rust encourages developers to write safe code to prevent errors.


  • “Memory safety” refers to the mechanisms that prevent programs from accessing unauthorized memory areas. (内存安全是指防止程序访问未授权内存区域的机制)
  • “Human sense of responsibility” means the moral or ethical quality that makes a person accountable for their actions. (人的责任感是指使人对其行为负责的道德或伦理品质)

Grammar Analysis:

  • “Rust’s focus on memory safety is not just a technical feature; it mirrors the human sense of responsibility.”
  • “Rust’s focus on memory safety” is the subject, “is” is the verb, and “not just a technical feature” is the complement.
  • “it mirrors the human sense of responsibility” is an independent clause explaining the preceding statement.

7.2 Type System and Human Diversity (类型系统与人的多样性)

The type system in Rust ensures that data behaves in a predictable manner. This is akin to how society values diverse skill sets in humans, recognizing that each individual has unique strengths and weaknesses.


  • “Type system” is a feature in programming languages that specifies the data types. (类型系统是编程语言中指定数据类型的功能)
  • “Human diversity” refers to the understanding and acceptance of individual differences. (人的多样性是指对个体差异的理解和接受)

7.3 The Balance of Freedom and Constraints (自由与约束的平衡)

Rust provides a balance between freedom and constraints, allowing developers to explore while ensuring safety. This reflects the human condition, where freedom is cherished but also bounded by societal norms.


  • “Freedom” means the power to act without hindrance. (自由是指无阻碍地行动的能力)
  • “Constraints” refer to limitations or restrictions. (约束是指限制或限制)

This concludes Chapter 7. In the next chapter, we will look at practical code examples to further understand these concepts. Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification!

Chapter 8: Code Examples and Practices (代码示例与实践)

8.1 Code Examples Related to Structs (结构体相关代码示例)

Let’s start by revisiting the Student struct and adding some methods to it.

struct Student {
    name: String,
    age: u8,
    grade: String,
impl Student {
    fn display(&self) {
        println!("Name: {}, Age: {}, Grade: {}", self.name, self.age, self.grade);


  • impl stands for implementation. (实现)
  • &self refers to the instance itself. (指的是实例本身)

8.2 Code Examples Related to Enums (枚举相关代码示例)

Here’s an example of using the Option enum to handle the possibility of a None value.

enum Option<T> {
fn find_student(name: &str) -> Option<Student> {
    // Some logic here


  • Option is a generic enum. (泛型枚举)
  • Some(T) and None are the variants. (变体)

8.3 Code Examples Related to Pattern Matching (模式匹配相关代码示例)

Let’s see how to use match to handle different Option values.

let student = find_student("Alice");
match student {
    Some(s) => println!("Found: {}", s.name),
    None => println!("Student not found"),


  • match is used for pattern matching. (用于模式匹配)
  • Some(s) and None are the patterns we are matching against. (我们要匹配的模式)

Grammar Analysis:

  • “Let’s see how to usematchto handle differentOptionvalues.”
  • “Let’s see” 是祈使句,表示让我们看看。
  • “how to use match” 是宾语从句,作为 “see” 的宾语。
  • “to handle different Option values” 是不定式短语,用于解释 “how”。

This concludes Chapter 8. Feel free to ask if you have any questions or need further clarification!





存储 Rust 网络协议
在这一章我们学习 枚举(enumerations),也被称作 enums。枚举允许你通过列举可能的 成员(variants) 来定义一个类型。首先,我们会定义并使用一个枚举来展示它是如何连同数据一起编码信息的。接下来,我们会探索一个特别有用的枚举,叫做 Option,它代表一个值要么是某个值要么什么都不是。然后会讲到在 match 表达式中用模式匹配,针对不同的枚举值编写相应要执行的代码。最后,我们将学习 if let 结构,另一个简洁方便处理代码中枚举的结构。
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