3.6.7 Encrypted Sensitive Credential Data in the Data Dictionary

简介: You can encrypt sensitive credential data in the SYS.LINKandSYS.SCHEDULER_CREDENTIAL system tables.By default, the credential data in the SYS.LINKandSYS.SCHEDULER_CREDENTIAL system tables is obfuscated. However, because of the availability of many types of de-obfuscation algorithms, Oracle

You can encrypt sensitive credential data in the SYS.LINKandSYS.SCHEDULER_CREDENTIAL system tables.

By default, the credential data in the SYS.LINKandSYS.SCHEDULER_CREDENTIAL system tables is obfuscated. However, because of the availability of many types of de-obfuscation algorithms, Oracle recommends that you encrypt this sensitive credential data. To check the status the data dictionary credentials, you can query the DICTIONARY_CREDENTIALS_ENCRYPT data dictionary view.

The encryption of sensitive credential data in these two system tables uses Transparent Data Encryption. Encryption of credential data uses the AES256 algorithm. To encrypt credential data, you do not need an Oracle Advanced Security Option license, but you must be granted the SYSKM administrative privilege and the database must have an open keystore.

MySQL 报错 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Table flags are 0 in the data dictionary but the flags in file
MySQL 报错 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Table flags are 0 in the data dictionary but the flags in file
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Transparent Data Encryption Data Dynamic and Data Dictionary Views You can query a set of dynamic and data dictionary views to find more information about Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) data.
Transparent Data Encryption Data Dynamic and Data Dictionary Views You can query a set of dynamic and data dictionary views to find more information about Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) data.
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MySQL 深潜 - 一文详解 MySQL Data Dictionary
在 MySQL 8.0 之前,Server 层和存储引擎(比如 InnoDB)会各自保留一份元数据(schema name, table definition 等),不仅在信息存储上有着重复冗余,而且可能存在两者之间存储的元数据不同步的现象。不同存储引擎之间(比如 InnoDB 和 MyISAM)有着不同的元数据存储形式和位置(.FRM, .PAR, .OPT, .TRN and .TRG files),造成了元数据无法统一管理。此外,将元数据存放在不支持事务的表和文件中,使得 DDL 变更不会是原子的,crash recovery 也会成为一个问题。
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MySQL 深潜 - 一文详解 MySQL Data Dictionary
MySQL 深潜 - 一文详解 MySQL Data Dictionary
在 MySQL 8.0 之前,Server 层和存储引擎(比如 InnoDB)会各自保留一份元数据(schema name, table definition 等),不仅在信息存储上有着重复冗余,而且可能存在两者之间存储的元数据不同步的现象。不同存储引擎之间(比如 InnoDB 和 MyISAM)有着不同的元数据存储形式和位置(.FRM, .PAR, .OPT, .TRN and .TRG files),造成了元数据无法统一管理。此外,将元数据存放在不支持事务的表和文件中,使得 DDL 变更不会是原子的,crash recovery 也会成为一个问题。
MySQL 深潜 - 一文详解 MySQL Data Dictionary
MySQL 深潜 - 一文详解 MySQL Data Dictionary
# 背景 在 MySQL 8.0 之前,Server 层和存储引擎(比如 InnoDB)会各自保留一份元数据(schema name, table definition 等),不仅在信息存储上有着重复冗余,而且可能存在两者之间存储的元数据不同步的现象。不同存储引擎之间(比如 InnoDB 和 MyISAM)有着不同的元数据存储形式和位置(.FRM, .PAR, .OPT, .TRN and .TR
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艾伟:[原创]谈谈WCF中的Data Contract(3):WCF Data Contract对Collection & Dictionary的支持
在本篇文章上一部分Order Processing的例子中,我们看到原本已Collection形式定义的DetailList属性(public IList DetailList),在Data Contract中却以Array的方式体现(public OrderDetail[] DetailList)。
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