
简介: 学习数据库要掌握的54条SQL查询语句


select emp_no,emp_name,dept,isnull(convert(char(10),birthday,120),'日期不详') birthday

from employee

order by dept


select emp_no,emp_name,dept,title

from employee

where emp_name<>'喻自强' and dept in

(select dept from employee

where emp_name='喻自强')


select dept,sum(salary)

from employee

group by dept


select a.prod_id,qty,unit_price,unit_price*qty totprice

from sale_item a,product b

where a.prod_id=b.prod_id and prod_name='14寸显示器'


select prod_id,sum(qty) totqty,sum(qty*unit_price) totprice

from sale_item

group by prod_id


select cust_id,sum(tot_amt) totprice

from sales

where convert(char(4),order_date,120)='1996'

group by cust_id


select a.cust_id,cust_name,sum(tot_amt) totprice

from customer a,sales b

where a.cust_id=b.cust_id

group by a.cust_id,cust_name


select a.cust_id,cust_name,sum(tot_amt) totprice

from customer a,sales b

where a.cust_id=b.cust_id and convert(char(4),order_date,120)='1997'

group by a.cust_id,cust_name


select order_no,cust_id,sale_id,tot_amt

from sales

where tot_amt=

(select max(tot_amt)

from sales)


select emp_name,order_date

from employee a,sales b

where emp_no=sale_id and a.emp_no in

(select sale_id

from sales

group by sale_id

having count(*)>=3)

order by emp_name


select cust_name

from customer a

where not exists

(select *

from sales b

where a.cust_id=b.cust_id)


select a.cust_id,cust_name,convert(char(10),order_date,120),tot_amt

from customer a left outer join sales b on a.cust_id=b.cust_id

order by a.cust_id,tot_amt desc

--13、查找16M DRAM的销售情况,要求显示相应的销售员的姓名、性别,销售日期、销售数量和金额,其中性别用男、女表示

select emp_name 姓名, 性别= case a.sex when 'm' then '男'

when 'f' then '女'

else '未'


销售日期= isnull(convert(char(10),c.order_date,120),'日期不详'),

qty 数量, qty*unit_price as 金额

from employee a, sales b, sale_item c,product d

where d.prod_name='16M DRAM' and d.prod_id=c.prod_id and

a.emp_no=b.sale_id and b.order_no=c.order_no


select emp_no 编号,emp_name 姓名, 性别= case a.sex when 'm' then '男'

when 'f' then '女'

else '未'


prod_name 产品名称,销售日期= isnull(convert(char(10),c.order_date,120),'日期不详'),

qty 数量, qty*unit_price as 金额

from employee a left outer join sales b on a.emp_no=b.sale_id , sale_item c,product d

where d.prod_id=c.prod_id and b.order_no=c.order_no


select cust_name,d.cust_sum

from customer a,

(select cust_id,cust_sum

from (select cust_id, sum(tot_amt) as cust_sum

from sales

group by cust_id ) b

where b.cust_sum =

( select max(cust_sum)

from (select cust_id, sum(tot_amt) as cust_sum

from sales

group by cust_id ) c )

) d

where a.cust_id=d.cust_id


select emp_no,emp_name,d.sale_sum

from employee a,

(select sale_id,sale_sum

from (select sale_id, sum(tot_amt) as sale_sum

from sales

group by sale_id ) b

where b.sale_sum <1000

) d

where a.emp_no=d.sale_id


select a.cust_id,cust_name,b.prod_id,prod_name,d.qty,d.qty*d.unit_price

from customer a, product b, sales c, sale_item d

where a.cust_id=c.cust_id and d.prod_id=b.prod_id and

c.order_no=d.order_no and a.cust_id in (

select cust_id

from (select cust_id,count(distinct prod_id) prodid

from (select cust_id,prod_id

from sales e,sale_item f

where e.order_no=f.order_no) g

group by cust_id

having count(distinct prod_id)>=3) h )


select a.cust_id,cust_name,d.prod_id,prod_name,qty,qty*unit_price

from customer a, product b, sales c, sale_item d

where a.cust_id=c.cust_id and d.prod_id=b.prod_id and

c.order_no=d.order_no and not exists

(select f.*

from customer x ,sales e, sale_item f

where cust_name='世界技术开发公司' and x.cust_id=e.cust_id and

e.order_no=f.order_no and not exists

( select g.*

from sale_item g, sales h

where g.prod_id = f.prod_id and g.order_no=h.order_no and




select emp_no,emp_name,dept,salary

from employee

where emp_name like '刘%'


select cust_id

from sales

where tot_amt>2000


select count(*)as 人数

from employee

where salary between 4000 and 6000


select avg(salary) avg_sal,dept

from employee

where addr like '上海市%'

group by dept


update employee

set addr like '北京市'

where addr like '上海市'


select emp_no,emp_name,dept

from employee

where sex='F'and dept in ('业务','会计')


select prod_id ,sum(qty*unit_price)

from sale_item

group by prod_id

order by sum(qty*unit_price) desc


select CUST_ID,cust_name,addr

from customer

where cust_id between 'C0001' AND 'C0004'


select count(distinct prod_id) as '共销售产品数'

from sale_item


update employee

set salary=salary*1.03

where dept='业务'


select *

from employee

where salary=

(select min(salary )

from employee )


select a.cust_id,b.tot_amt,b.order_date,a.tel_no

from customer a join sales b

on a.cust_id=b.cust_id and cust_name like '客户丙'


select *

from sales

where tot_amt>all

(select tot_amt

from sales

where sale_id='E0013'and order_date='1996/10/15')

order by tot_amt


select avg(unit_price)

from sale_item

where prod_id='P0001'


select sale_id,tot_amt

from sales

where sale_id in

(select sale_id from employee

where sex='F')


select a.emp_no,a.emp_name,a.date_hired

from employee a

join employee b

on (a.emp_no!=b.emp_no and a.date_hired=b.date_hired)

order by a.date_hired


select emp_no,emp_name

from employee

where emp_no in

(select sale_id

from sales

group by sale_id

having sum(tot_amt)<232000)


select avg(salary)

from employee

where sex like 'f'


select avg(salary)

from employee

where sex like 'f' and addr like '上海市%'


Select *

from employee

where salary>( select avg(salary)

from employee)

38、 找出目前销售业绩超过10000元的业务员编号及销售业绩,并按销售业绩从大到小排序。

Select sale_id ,sum(tot_amt)

from sales

group by sale_id

having sum(tot_amt)>10000

order by sum(tot_amt) desc

39、 找出公司男业务员所接且订单金额超过2000元的订单号及订单金额。

Select order_no,tot_amt

From sales ,employee

Where sale_id=emp_no and sex='M' and tot_amt>2000

40、 查询sales表中订单金额最高的订单号及订单金额。

Select order_no,tot_amt from sales

where tot_amt=(select max(tot_amt) from sales)

41、 查询在每张订单中订购金额超过4000元的客户名及其地址。

Select cust_name,addr from customer a,sales b

where a.cust_id=b.cust_id and tot_amt>4000

42、 求出每位客户的总订购金额,显示出客户号及总订购金额,并按总订购金额降序排列。

Select cust_id,sum(tot_amt) from sales

Group by cust_id

Order by sum(tot_amt) desc

43、 求每位客户订购的每种产品的总数量及平均单价,并按客户号,产品号从小到大排列。

Select cust_id,prod_id,sum(qty),sum(qty*unit_price)/sum(qty)

From sales a, sale_item b

Where a.order_no=b.order_no

Group by cust_id,prod_id

Order by cust_id,prod_id

44、 查询订购了三种以上产品的订单号。

Select order_no

from sale_item

Group by order_no

Having count(*)>3

45、 查询订购的产品至少包含了订单3号中所订购产品的订单。

Select distinct order_no

From sale_item a

Where order_no<>'3'and not exists (

Select * from sale_item b where order_no ='3' and not exists

(select * from sale_item c where c.order_no=a.order_no and c.prod_id=b.prod_id))

46、 在sales表中查找出订单金额大于"E0013业务员在1996/11/10这天所接每一张订单的金额"的所有订单,并显示承接这些订单的业务员和该订单的金额。

Select sale_id,tot_amt from sales

where tot_amt>all(select tot_amt

from sales

where sale_id='E0013' and order_date='1996-11-10')

47、 查询末承接业务的员工的信息。

Select *

From employee a

Where not exists

(select * from sales b where a.emp_no=b.sale_id)

48、 查询来自上海市的客户的姓名,电话、订单号及订单金额。

Select cust_name,tel_no,order_no,tot_amt

From customer a ,sales b

Where a.cust_id=b.cust_id and addr='上海市'

49、 查询每位业务员各个月的业绩,并按业务员编号、月份降序排序。

Select sale_id,month(order_date), sum(tot_amt)

from sales

group by sale_id,month(order_date)

order by sale_id,month(order_date) desc

50、 求每种产品的总销售数量及总销售金额,要求显示出产品编号、产品名称,总数量及总金额,并按产品号从小到大排列。

Select a.prod_id,prod_name,sum(qty),sum(qty*unit_price)

From sale_item a,product b

Where a.prod_id=b.prod_id

Group by a.prod_id,prod_name

Order by a.prod_id

51、 查询总订购金额超过'C0002'客户的总订购金额的客户号,客户名及其住址。

Select cust_id, cust_name,addr

From customer

Where cust_id in (select cust_id from sales

Group by cust_id

Having sum(tot_amt)>

(Select sum(tot_amt) from sales where cust_id='C0002'))

52、 查询业绩最好的的业务员号、业务员名及其总销售金额。

select emp_no,emp_name,sum(tot_amt)

from employee a,sales b

where a.emp_no=b.sale_id

group by emp_no,emp_name

having sum(tot_amt)=

(select max(totamt)

from (select sale_id,sum(tot_amt) totamt

from sales

group by sale_id) c)

53、 查询每位客户所订购的每种产品的详细清单,要求显示出客户号,客户名,产品号,产品名,数量及单价。

select a.cust_id, cust_name,c.prod_id,prod_name,qty, unit_price

from customer a,sales b, sale_item c ,product d

where a.cust_id=b.cust_id and b.order_no=c.order_no and c.prod_id=d.prod_id

54、 求各部门的平均薪水,要求按平均薪水从小到大排序。

select dept,avg(salary)

from employee

group by dept

order by avg(salary)

SQL 缓存 监控
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MyBatis-Plus 提供了一套强大的条件构造器(Wrapper),用于构建复杂的数据库查询条件。Wrapper 类允许开发者以链式调用的方式构造查询条件,无需编写繁琐的 SQL 语句,从而提高开发效率并减少 SQL 注入的风险。
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从配置源到数据库初始化一步步教你在CentOS 7.9上安装SQL Server 2019
【11月更文挑战第8天】本文介绍了在 CentOS 7.9 上安装 SQL Server 2019 的详细步骤,包括系统准备、配置安装源、安装 SQL Server 软件包、运行安装程序、初始化数据库以及配置远程连接。通过这些步骤,您可以顺利地在 CentOS 系统上部署和使用 SQL Server 2019。
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【11月更文挑战第7天】本文介绍了在 CentOS 7.9 上安装 SQL Server 2019 的详细步骤,包括系统要求检查与准备、配置安装源、安装 SQL Server 2019、配置 SQL Server 以及数据库初始化(可选)。通过这些步骤,你可以成功安装并初步配置 SQL Server 2019,进行简单的数据库操作。
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【10月更文挑战第25天】本文介绍了几种有效提升 PostgreSQL 数据库查询效率的方法,包括索引优化、查询优化、配置优化和硬件优化。通过合理设计索引、编写高效 SQL 查询、调整配置参数和选择合适硬件,可以显著提高数据库性能。
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